Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Know World War II, Avoid World War III. US Provocation and Propaganda directed against China
Region: Asia
So shockingly similar is American propaganda regarding Japan during World War II to the propaganda being leveled against Beijing today that it seems almost intentional. Or perhaps those on Wall Street and Washington think so little of the general public’s ability to discern fact from fiction, they see no reason to revise the script and are going ahead with a remake faithful to the original with only a few minor casting twists.
This US government production is titled “Why We Fight: A Series of Seven Information Films” with this particular part titled, “The Battle of China” released in 1944.
It describes Japan almost verbatim as how the US today describes China.
China is depicted as a righteous victim – but as the film elaborates – it is clear that any affinity shown toward the Chinese people is only due to the fact that the US held significant economic and geopolitical interests there. Admittedly, the US military was already occupying China after extorting through “gunboat diplomacy” concessions from China’s subjugated, servile government – not unlike US troops occupying Japan today, hosted by a capitulating government in Tokyo.
Japan in the film is depicted as a “blood crazed” race of barbarians, while the Chinese are depicted as noble resistors. Of course, this narrative shifted immediately as soon as US interests were ousted from China and US troops began occupying and shaping the destiny of conquered Japan after the war.
The Warning Then are Warnings Now
US Marine Corps General Smedley Butler in his book “War is a Racket” would specifically warn about a military build up aimed at Japan for the jealous preservation of American conquests in Asia Pacific. Speaking specifically about these conquests, General Butler would say:
What does the “open door” policy to China mean to us? Our trade with China is about $90,000,000 a year. Or the Philippine Islands? We have spent about $600,000,000 in the Philippines in thirty-five years and we (our bankers and industrialists and speculators) have private investments there of less than $200,000,000.Of provoking Japan, he would state specifically that:
Then, to save that China trade of about $90,000,000, or to protect these private investments of less than $200,000,000 in the Philippines, we would be all stirred up to hate Japan and go to war — a war that might well cost us tens of billions of dollars, hundreds of thousands of lives of Americans, and many more hundreds of thousands of physically maimed and mentally unbalanced men.
Of course, for this loss, there would be a compensating profit — fortunes would be made. Millions and billions of dollars would be piled up. By a few. Munitions makers. Bankers. Ship builders. Manufacturers. Meat packers. Speculators. They would fare well.
Yes, they are getting ready for another war. Why shouldn’t they? It pays high dividends.
At each session of Congress the question of further naval appropriations comes up. The swivel-chair admirals of Washington (and there are always a lot of them) are very adroit lobbyists. And they are smart. They don’t shout that “We need a lot of battleships to war on this nation or that nation.” Oh no. First of all, they let it be known that America is menaced by a great naval power. Almost any day, these admirals will tell you, the great fleet of this supposed enemy will strike suddenly and annihilate 125,000,000 people. Just like that. Then they begin to cry for a larger navy. For what? To fight the enemy? Oh my, no. Oh, no. For defense purposes only.
Then, incidentally, they announce maneuvers in the Pacific. For defense. Uh, huh.
The Pacific is a great big ocean. We have a tremendous coastline on the Pacific. Will the maneuvers be off the coast, two or three hundred miles? Oh, no. The maneuvers will be two thousand, yes, perhaps even thirty-five hundred miles, off the coast.
The Japanese, a proud people, of course will be pleased beyond expression to see the United States fleet so close to Nippon’s shores. Even as pleased as would be the residents of California were they to dimly discern through the morning mist, the Japanese fleet playing at war games off Los Angeles.
Incidentally, General Butler’s warning of provoking war to fulfill
the ambitions of lobbyists in Washington and to protect America’s
ill-gotten holding in Asia Pacific, would come to full and devastating
Today, a similar scenario plays out verbatim. The US seeks to expand its military in Asia Pacific to preserve what US policy makers call “US primacy over Asia,” and has been intentionally provoking China, by flying, sailing, and otherwise maneuvering just at the edge of Chinese territory.
In addition they have attempted to encircle China with military bases from South Korea and Japan to as far south as Darwin, Australia, and as far west as Afghanistan, all while attempting to carve off Chinese territory in the Xinjiang and Tibet regions, destabilize Hong Kong, and stitching together Southeast Asia into an supranational bloc with which to isolate and threaten China with economically and militarily. Political subversion underwritten by the US State Department is ongoing in Xinjiang through the use of Uyghur terrorists, Tibet via the Dali Lama, Myanmar via Aung San Suu Kyi and her “Saffron monks,”Thailand through the Shinawatra family and their ultra-violent “red shirt” mobs, Malaysia via Anwar Ibrahim and his Bersih street movement, and Hong Kong via the so-called “Umbrella revolution.”
Despite this effort, American designs are failing, and China has likely learned many lessons before, during, and after World War II. Asian nations who seek regional peace and stability as well as cooperation with Beijing, have also learned much about the inner-working of US hegemony and how to confound it.
Beijing is unlikely to exhibit the hubris and impatience of the Japanese in World War II, or allow themselves to be provoked into an unwinnable war. Beijing is also well aware that as impressive as America’s grand strategy of geopolitically and militarily encircling China may be, it is failing on all fronts.
China has learned these lessons of history, and by examining history ourselves, we can see how the US provoked, then framed the war with Japan during World War II, and how it is using precisely the same tricks today against China.
Today, a similar scenario plays out verbatim. The US seeks to expand its military in Asia Pacific to preserve what US policy makers call “US primacy over Asia,” and has been intentionally provoking China, by flying, sailing, and otherwise maneuvering just at the edge of Chinese territory.
In addition they have attempted to encircle China with military bases from South Korea and Japan to as far south as Darwin, Australia, and as far west as Afghanistan, all while attempting to carve off Chinese territory in the Xinjiang and Tibet regions, destabilize Hong Kong, and stitching together Southeast Asia into an supranational bloc with which to isolate and threaten China with economically and militarily. Political subversion underwritten by the US State Department is ongoing in Xinjiang through the use of Uyghur terrorists, Tibet via the Dali Lama, Myanmar via Aung San Suu Kyi and her “Saffron monks,”Thailand through the Shinawatra family and their ultra-violent “red shirt” mobs, Malaysia via Anwar Ibrahim and his Bersih street movement, and Hong Kong via the so-called “Umbrella revolution.”
Despite this effort, American designs are failing, and China has likely learned many lessons before, during, and after World War II. Asian nations who seek regional peace and stability as well as cooperation with Beijing, have also learned much about the inner-working of US hegemony and how to confound it.
Beijing is unlikely to exhibit the hubris and impatience of the Japanese in World War II, or allow themselves to be provoked into an unwinnable war. Beijing is also well aware that as impressive as America’s grand strategy of geopolitically and militarily encircling China may be, it is failing on all fronts.
China has learned these lessons of history, and by examining history ourselves, we can see how the US provoked, then framed the war with Japan during World War II, and how it is using precisely the same tricks today against China.
Copyright © Tony Cartalucci, Land Destroyer, 2015
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Oriental Review (dot) org ~ Urgent Need for Superpower Summit
Urgent Need for Superpower Summit
Thu, Sep 5, 2013
Chaosistan, Iran, Middle East, Russia, Strategic Deterrence, Syria, United States
Now that Russia and China have warned the United States against
militarily intervening on behalf of the Syrian rebels, the need for a
separate superpower summit between Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin is
more urgent than ever.
The dangers of a super-collision over a Middle East crisis are greater than they have been in exactly 40 years since U.S. President Richard Nixon ordered all global U.S. military forces moved to an alert status of DefCon One to deter Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev from sending Soviet forces to intervene in the 1973 Yom Kippur War, or War of Ramadan, between Israel and Egypt and Syria.
Today, it is the United States, not the Soviet Union or Russia, which is gearing up to potentially plunge directly into a bloody Middle East conflict. On August 26, Russian presidential spokesman Alexander Lukashevich issued a statement warning, “Attempts to bypass the Security Council, once again to create artificial groundless excuses for a military intervention in the region are fraught with new suffering in Syria and catastrophic consequences for other countries of the Middle East and North Africa.”
Yet, also on August 26, it was the United States, not Russia that announced it was putting off a scheduled August 28 meeting at The Hague on Syria with Russian diplomats. And it was Russia that responded by expressing regret about that decision. The two sides had been due to meet in the Hague on Wednesday to discuss setting up an international conference on finding a political solution to the crisis.
Yet instead, we see Obama administration policymakers obsessively sticking to their simplistic, meaningless and extremely dangerous idee fixe of a “pause” in U.S.-Russia relations. They have forgotten Winston Churchill’s dictum that “jaw, jaw” is always better than “war, war.”
The idea that there is nothing constructive to discuss between Obama and Putin has become another obsessive fantasy of Washington policymakers and pundits. It is now almost impossible to find any quotable talking head who does not support it.
Yet the number of subjects where the United States needs to constructively engage Russia is long and urgent: Syria obviously heads it.
The emergence of the new, more moderate Iranian president offers a major opportunity to craft a new joint U.S-Russian initiative. Cooperation between the United States and Russia against Islamist terrorism, especially in Chechnya and Central Asia, could and should be rapidly expanded.
The two nations also need to work out a joint strategy to protect Christian communities in Egypt and Syria threatened by the upsurges in populist Islamist violence in both countries. Russia as an Orthodox Christian nation feels especial concern and there is much that the United States could do with it.
Since U.S. and NATO military forces within Europe are at such low levels, it also makes enormous sense in the U.S. and European interest to seek to defuse sources of tension and negotiate new informal understandings at least about security coordination and force levels on both sides in Europe.
The hard truth remains, as President Obama has previous acknowledged, that no serious international security problem can be solved without Russia. Now more than ever, with U.S. warships positioning to strike at Syria without UN Security Council resolution, it is more urgent than ever that the two nuclear superpower leaders need to urgently sit down and talk.
Moscow is definitely ready to do that and both Putin’s foreign affairs adviser Yury Ushakov and foreign minister Sergei Lavrov have been rightly making exceptional efforts to send conciliatory signals to Washington. Both of them have repeatedly stressed that U.S. – Russia relations are too important and it would be impossible topush them intoa dead end.
Yet Washington clearly is not interested in talking to Moscow, and, moreover, in view of the grave escalation of the Syria conflict, Obama might actually skip the St. Petersburg G-20 summit completely, which would be another grave humiliation for Russia.
1,950 years ago, the Emperor Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Now, intoxicated their own ignorance and self-righteousness, a new generation of US policymakers and pundits are recklessly provoking the most dangerous East-West confrontation in the Middle East in 40 years. And they have no idea they are doing it.
Sieff is a senior fellow at the American University in Moscow and Chief
Global Analyst at The Globalist. His most recent book is “That Should
Still Be Us: How Thomas Friedman’s Flat World Myths are Keeping Us Flat
on Our Backs”.
Source: Life Army
US-Russian relations: nothing to talk about
The dangers of a super-collision over a Middle East crisis are greater than they have been in exactly 40 years since U.S. President Richard Nixon ordered all global U.S. military forces moved to an alert status of DefCon One to deter Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev from sending Soviet forces to intervene in the 1973 Yom Kippur War, or War of Ramadan, between Israel and Egypt and Syria.
Today, it is the United States, not the Soviet Union or Russia, which is gearing up to potentially plunge directly into a bloody Middle East conflict. On August 26, Russian presidential spokesman Alexander Lukashevich issued a statement warning, “Attempts to bypass the Security Council, once again to create artificial groundless excuses for a military intervention in the region are fraught with new suffering in Syria and catastrophic consequences for other countries of the Middle East and North Africa.”
Yet, also on August 26, it was the United States, not Russia that announced it was putting off a scheduled August 28 meeting at The Hague on Syria with Russian diplomats. And it was Russia that responded by expressing regret about that decision. The two sides had been due to meet in the Hague on Wednesday to discuss setting up an international conference on finding a political solution to the crisis.
Yet instead, we see Obama administration policymakers obsessively sticking to their simplistic, meaningless and extremely dangerous idee fixe of a “pause” in U.S.-Russia relations. They have forgotten Winston Churchill’s dictum that “jaw, jaw” is always better than “war, war.”
The idea that there is nothing constructive to discuss between Obama and Putin has become another obsessive fantasy of Washington policymakers and pundits. It is now almost impossible to find any quotable talking head who does not support it.
Yet the number of subjects where the United States needs to constructively engage Russia is long and urgent: Syria obviously heads it.
The emergence of the new, more moderate Iranian president offers a major opportunity to craft a new joint U.S-Russian initiative. Cooperation between the United States and Russia against Islamist terrorism, especially in Chechnya and Central Asia, could and should be rapidly expanded.
The two nations also need to work out a joint strategy to protect Christian communities in Egypt and Syria threatened by the upsurges in populist Islamist violence in both countries. Russia as an Orthodox Christian nation feels especial concern and there is much that the United States could do with it.
Since U.S. and NATO military forces within Europe are at such low levels, it also makes enormous sense in the U.S. and European interest to seek to defuse sources of tension and negotiate new informal understandings at least about security coordination and force levels on both sides in Europe.
The hard truth remains, as President Obama has previous acknowledged, that no serious international security problem can be solved without Russia. Now more than ever, with U.S. warships positioning to strike at Syria without UN Security Council resolution, it is more urgent than ever that the two nuclear superpower leaders need to urgently sit down and talk.
Moscow is definitely ready to do that and both Putin’s foreign affairs adviser Yury Ushakov and foreign minister Sergei Lavrov have been rightly making exceptional efforts to send conciliatory signals to Washington. Both of them have repeatedly stressed that U.S. – Russia relations are too important and it would be impossible topush them intoa dead end.
Yet Washington clearly is not interested in talking to Moscow, and, moreover, in view of the grave escalation of the Syria conflict, Obama might actually skip the St. Petersburg G-20 summit completely, which would be another grave humiliation for Russia.
1,950 years ago, the Emperor Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Now, intoxicated their own ignorance and self-righteousness, a new generation of US policymakers and pundits are recklessly provoking the most dangerous East-West confrontation in the Middle East in 40 years. And they have no idea they are doing it.

Source: Life Army
US-Russian relations: nothing to talk about
Male Circumcision: Pain, Trauma and Psychosexual Sequelae : THE CIRCUMCISION REFERENCE LIBRARY Journal of Health Psychology
Journal of Health Psychology
An Interdisciplinary, International Journal
Volume 07 Issue 03 - Publication Date: 1 May
Male Circumcision:
Bond University, Australia
Circumcision Resource Center, Boston, USA
Attorneys for the Rights of the Child, Berkeley, USA
Southern Methodist University, Dallas, USA
Among the structural changes circumcised men may have to live with are surgical complications such as skin tags, penile curvature due to uneven foreskin removal, pitted glans, partial glans ablation, prominent/jagged scarring, amputation neuromas, fistulas, severely damaged frenulum, meatal stenosis, and excessive keratinisation. In addition, Immerman and Mackey (1998) and Prescott (1989) postulated that severing of erogenous sensory nerve endings in the foreskin during infancy leads to atrophy of non-stimulated neurons in the brain's pleasure centre during the critical developmental period.
There are also serious functional consequences of circumcision. Impaired sexual functioning was reported by 84% of respondents in a survey of circumcised men (Hammond, 1997). Taylor, Lockwood, and Taylor (1996) provided anatomical and histological support for these self-reports of circumcised men by documenting the irreplaceable loss of specialised erogenous mucosa through circumcision. Further difficulties attributed to circumcision included intimacy problems (45%) and addiction/dependency problems (26%). Specific physical problems reported included glans insensitivity (55%), need for excess stimulation to enable ejaculation (38%), prominent scarring (29%), and insufficient residual shaft skin to accommodate full, untethered erections (27%).
Apart from reducing sexual sensation and pleasure (Bensley & Boyle, 2001; Gemmell & Boyle, 2001; Immerman & Mackey, 1998; Milos & Macris, 1994; Money & Davison, 1983; O'Hara & O'Hara, 1999), circumcision also leads to changes in sexual practices. For example, Laumann, Masi, and Zuckerman (1997) reported that circumcision is associated with more elaborate sexual behaviours. It is possible that reduced sexual sensation may impel some circumcised men to engage in more elaborate sexual practices in order to attain sexual gratification. In regard to unsafe sex practices, Bensley and Boyle (2001) found that circumcised men were significantly less likely to use condoms than were genitally intact men. Presumably, use of a condom reduces sexual sensation, which may be of somewhat greater concern to circumcised men (cf. Gemmell & Boyle, 2001; Van Howe, 1999).
Circumcised men have often provided anecdotal reports pertaining to their negative feelings about involuntary circumcision. For example, one man who contacted one of the authors (RG) at the Circumcision Resource Center in Boston told of an indelible scene when he was four. He was talking with a genitally intact boy who showed him his penis and explained circumcision to him. He was shocked and ashamed at what had been done to him and thought, "Why would somebody want to do that to me? They just chopped it off. It didn't make any sense to me." As an adult he thinks about it "every time I take a shower or urinate" (personal communication, December, 1993).
One limitation of some of the foregoing research is that random sampling was not always enforced in subject recruitment (e.g., Rhinehart, 1999; Hammond, 1997, 1999). This may be understandable because of the difficulties in boosting sample sizes and the fact that participants were sometimes confined to certain "captive groups." In any case, the result is that there may be a self-selection bias as widely noted in survey research. Arguably, this could have led to inflation of some statistical effects of circumcision-related sequelae.
Conversely, it is possible that problems related to circumcision may be greater than reported. The following speculations may explain why we don't hear more from many circumcised men about how they may truly feel (see Goldman, 1998, pp. 43-44):
Cognitive dissonance
Although in recent years cognitive dissonance theory has fallen somewhat into disrepute (Walker, Burnham, & Borland, 1994, p. 535), the theory may still be useful in explaining certain entrenched attitudes surrounding circumcision. Thus, the common resistance of some parents and doctors to information associating circumcision with harm invites speculation to explain it. Generally, people have a desire for coherence and consistency in their beliefs and experiences and it is possible that this factor may contribute to some extent to the perpetuation of cognitions supportive of circumcision. When inconsistency occurs, thereby creating cognitive dissonance, people may align their beliefs to fit their experience (Festinger & Carlsmith, 1959). Choosing to seek or to provide parental consent and then to circumcise or to allow one's child to be circumcised is a serious and irreversible choice. In accordance with cognitive dissonance theory, it would be expected that once the decision has been made and the circumcision carried out, most people would tend to appreciate the chosen alternative (circumcision) and depreciate the rejected alternative (leaving the child genitally intact)--(cf. Brehm, 1956).
If involuntary circumcision can bring about psychological consequences through the aftermath of trauma, then it is possible that "uncircumcision" (Schultheiss, Truss, Stief, & Jonas, 1998) may go some way towards attenuating those effects. In recent years, there has been an increasing awareness among circumcised men about the possibility of restoring a foreskin (albeit devoid of the amputated erogenous nerve endings), through a process of stretching and skin expansion over some years (Bigelow, 1995). Some men who have undergone foreskin restoration have reported discernible recovery of sexual sensation and function previously lost to circumcision, and sometimes a lessening of associated negative emotions (Goodwin, 1990; Greer, Mohl, & Sheley, 1982; Griffiths, 2001; O'Hara & O'Hara, 2001).
Even though research suggests harmful effects of circumcision (e.g., Denniston & Milos, 1977; Denniston, Hodges, & Milos, 1999; Cold & Taylor, 1999; Hammond, 1999; Van Howe et al., 1999), psychological factors may make it difficult for circumcision advocates to stop promoting the practice (Goldman, 1997, 1998, 1999). Presumably, grief for the lost sexual body part and its functions, and the resultant denial of loss is important because it may explain the circumcised "adamant father" (who unreasonably insists on the circumcision of a son in the face of contrary evidence) as well as other manifestations of the circumcised male such as the "I'm circumcised and I'm fine" syndrome (Bigelow, 1995; Ritter & Denniston, 1996). Grief and denial in relation to involuntary circumcision may well play a role in the psychology of the circumcised male (Parkes, 1998). Such factors may figure even more prominently among those doctors who devote their entire medical practice or a substantial portion thereof to circumcising normal healthy boys when there is no medical reason to do so (cf. Bigelow, pp. 94-99). Some trauma victims experience a compulsion to re-enact the trauma (van der Kolk, 1989). Circumcising infants may to some extent involve re-enacting the trauma of one's own circumcision. A survey of randomly selected physicians showed that circumcision was more often supported by male doctors who themselves happened to be circumcised (Stein, Marx, Taggert, & Bass, 1982).
Men's Health
Male Circumcision:
Pain, Trauma and
Psychosexual Sequelae
Bond University, Australia
Circumcision Resource Center, Boston, USA
Attorneys for the Rights of the Child, Berkeley, USA
Southern Methodist University, Dallas, USA
PhD (Melbourne & Delaware), is Professor of Psychology at
Bond University. His research covers psychological, ethical
and medico-legal issues pertaining to men's health issues.
RONALD GOLDMAN, PhD Psychologist, is Executive Director, Circumcision Resource Center, PO Box 232, Boston, Massachusetts 02133 USA. His research concerns the psychological aspect of circumcision. URL:
J. STEVEN SVOBODA, MA, JD, is Executive Director, Attorneys for the Rights of the Child. His research encompasses the legal, ethical, and human rights implications of harmful procedures performed on children for non-medical reasons. URL:
EPHREM FERNANDEZ, PhD, is Associate Professor of Psychology at Southern Methodist University and special faculty in clinical psychology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. His research focuses on cognitive-behavioral approaches to the management of chronic pain with special emphasis on emotional aspects of pain. URL:
RONALD GOLDMAN, PhD Psychologist, is Executive Director, Circumcision Resource Center, PO Box 232, Boston, Massachusetts 02133 USA. His research concerns the psychological aspect of circumcision. URL:
J. STEVEN SVOBODA, MA, JD, is Executive Director, Attorneys for the Rights of the Child. His research encompasses the legal, ethical, and human rights implications of harmful procedures performed on children for non-medical reasons. URL:
EPHREM FERNANDEZ, PhD, is Associate Professor of Psychology at Southern Methodist University and special faculty in clinical psychology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. His research focuses on cognitive-behavioral approaches to the management of chronic pain with special emphasis on emotional aspects of pain. URL:
The authors acknowledge the contribution of George Hill,
Executive Honorary Secretary, Doctors Opposing Circumcision,
and librarian, Circumcision Information Resource Pages URL:
None declared.
Correspondence should be directed to:
G. J. BOYLE, PhD, Department of Psychology, Bond University, Gold Coast, Queensland, 4229, Australia.
G. J. BOYLE, PhD, Department of Psychology, Bond University, Gold Coast, Queensland, 4229, Australia.
Infant male circumcision continues despite growing questions about its medical justification. As usually performed without analgesia or anaesthetic, circumcision is observably painful. It is likely that genital cutting has physical, sexual and psychological consequences too. Some studies link involuntary male circumcision with a range of negative emotions and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Some circumcised men have described their current feelings in the language of violation, torture, mutilation and sexual assault. In view of the acute as well as long-term risks from circumcision and the legal liabilities that might arise, it is timely for health professionals and scientists to re-examine the evidence on this issue and participate in the debate about the advisability of this surgical procedure on unconsenting minors.Keywords
child abuse, male circumcision, pain, sexual dysfunction, traumaBackground to circumcision
"To circumcise (from the Latin, "to cut around") means to cut off part or all of the foreskin of a penis, permanently exposing the normally covered glans..." (Boyd, 1998, p. 13). Circumcision involves the amputation of both layers of the foreskin, and is often performed on baby boys a few days after birth (Ritter & Denniston, 1996). The inner layer of the foreskin comprises thousands of erogenous nerve endings (Taylor, Lockwood, & Taylor, 1996; Cold & Taylor, 1999; Cold & McGrath, 1999).
Moses Maimónides (1135-1204), known as
the "Rambam," was a medieval Jewish rabbi, physician and
philosopher who stated unequivocally that the real purpose of
circumcision was to reduce sexual gratification. According to
Maimónides (see 1963 translation, p. 609),
Similarly with regard to circumcision, one of
the reasons for it is, in my opinion, the wish to bring about
a decrease in sexual intercourse and a weakening of the organ
in question, so that this activity be diminished and the
organ be in as quiet a state as possible... In fact this
commandment has not been prescribed with a view to perfecting
what is defective congenitally, but to perfecting what is
defective morally. The bodily pain caused to that member is
the real purpose of circumcision. None of the activities
necessary for the preservation of the individual is harmed
thereby, nor is procreation rendered impossible, but violent
concupiscence and lust that goes beyond what is needed are
diminished. The fact that circumcision weakens the faculty of
sexual excitement and sometimes perhaps diminishes the
pleasure is indubitable. For if at birth this member has been
made to bleed and has had its covering taken away from it, it
must indubitably be weakened.
In the English speaking world, circumcision was introduced
as a medical procedure in the late-nineteenth century
(Hodges, 1997). Victorian notions about the "ills of
masturbation" influenced some physicians to endorse
amputation of the erotogenic foreskin as "preventative
therapy" since circumcised boys could not use their foreskins
for masturbation (Moscucci, 1996). Circumcision subsequently
was accepted as a panacea for many conditions, including
epilepsy, paralysis, malnutrition, "derangement of the
digestive organs," chorea, convulsions, hysteria, and other
nervous disorders (Gollaher, 2000). In the ensuing decades,
as each claimed benefit of circumcision was disputed, another
would come to take its place (Hodges, 1997).
Various national medical associations have
evaluated studies on therapeutic rationales for infant
circumcision under standard surgical conditions and
management (see Denniston, Hodges, & Milos, 1999, for
example). However, no national medical association anywhere
in the world that has studied the issue recommends routine
circumcision (American Academy of Pediatrics, 1999;
Australasian Association of Paediatric Surgeons, 1996;
Australian College of Paediatrics, 1996; British Medical
Association, 1996; Canadian Paediatric Society, 1996).
Recently, the American Medical Association (2000) has gone
even further, confirming that infant circumcision is
non-therapeutic. It is now generally acknowledged that
any potential medical benefits of routine circumcision are
outweighed by its risks and drawbacks (AAP, 1999).
Although approximately 80-85% of the world's
adult males remain genitally intact (Lang, 1986; Wallerstein,
1985; Williams & Kapila, 1993), an estimated 650 million
males alive today nevertheless have been circumcised
(Hammond, 1999). In the United States alone, each year 1.2
million males are circumcised shortly after birth (National
Center for Health Statistics, 1998). In addition, the social
anthropological literature on ritual circumcision in
non-western cultures (see Gollaher, 2000) indicates that
circumcision of boys during late childhood also is
Objections to circumcision have been articulated
for a while (e.g., Wallerstein, 1980) with increasing
concerns coming from the professional mental health community
(e.g., Boyle, 2000; Goldman, 1997, 1998, 1999). There is also
mounting anxiety about issues of legal liability (see Boyle,
Svoboda, Price, & Turner, 2000; Richards, 1996; Smith,
1998; Somerville, 2000; Svoboda, Van Howe, & Dwyer, 2000;
Van Howe, Svoboda, Dwyer, & Price, 1999). Moreover,
Giannetti (2000) has pointed to psychosexual sequelae that
appear to go well beyond those acknowledged in the recent
American Academy of Pediatrics (1999) circumcision policy
statement. The present paper recounts many of these concerns.
Evidence for both short- and long-term manifestations of
circumcision are reviewed. Among the sequelae considered are
pain, problems in sexual functioning, and emotional distress
or trauma--all factors that impact on men's psychosexual
health and well-being.
Circumcision pain
One of the fundamental issues that divides opinion on the practice of circumcision regards the presence or degree of pain. To address this issue, we turn to the concept of pain and the evidence for pain sensitivity in infants. As defined by scientists, pain is an unpleasant sensory experience associated with tissue damage (IASP, 1986). There is no doubt that circumcision entails observable pain and identifiable tissue damage (see joint statement of American Academy of Pediatrics and American Pain Society (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2001). The only matter of some interpretation is the infant's behaviour during circumcision. As with adults, pain in infants is expressed in stereotypic ways involving vocalisation, facial expression, body movements, and autonomic activity. Analysing the vocalisations of 30 newborn males during circumcisions of varying levels of invasiveness, Porter, Miller, and Marshall (1986) found that the invasiveness of the procedure was positively correlated with duration of crying, more pronounced peak fundamental frequencies, reduced harmonics, and greater variability of the fundamental. Crying extended to a day after circumcision and was interrupted by greater periods of quiet when anaesthesia was provided (Dixon, Snyder, Holve, & Bromberger, 1984). It is also notable that adult listeners agreed on the urgency of these cries as a function of the intensity of the pain-producing stimulus. Levine and Gordon (1982) reviewed literature on the spectrographic analysis of pain-induced vocalisations (PIV) in infants and found remarkable similarity with the basic features of PIV in animals.
Despite the obvious unavailability of
self-report, further evidence of pain has been demonstrated
through observation of the facial expressions of infants
undergoing circumcision. Regarded as the most definitive
behavioural evidence of pain in the infant, it consists of a
lowered brow, eyes squeezed shut, deepened nasolabial furrow,
opened mouth, and a taut cupped tongue (Grunau, Johnston,
& Craig, 1990). This expression closely resembles the
adult facial expression of pain, but it occurs with even
greater consistency in infants undergoing painful procedures
such as circumcision.
Infants also evidence considerable autonomic
arousal during noxious stimulation. Of course, this
generalises to other situations such as fear and frustration
too. However, in combination with the facial and vocal
evidence, such arousal is highly informative about the pain
the infant is undergoing. For example, Porter, Porges, and
Marshall (1988) observed that vagal tone significantly
declined during circumcision, a result which was paralleled
by significant increases in pitch of the infant's cries. The
further discovery that vagal tone prior to circumcision
predicted physiological reactivity to subsequent stress
leaves little doubt that circumcision is highly noxious to
the infant.
With regard to motor behaviour, infants tend to
be a bit more limited than adults in responding to noxious
stimuli (Tyler, 1988). This has occasionally been mistaken as
an indication that infants experience less pain than adults.
However, the infant's overall rigidity of the torso and limbs
are indicative of pain (Johnston & Strada, 1986). With
increasing age and postnatal maturation of the somatosensory
system, there is greater motor responsiveness to
pain-producing stimuli like circumcision.
Pain pathways are well-developed late in
gestation and neurochemical systems associated with pain
transmission are functional (Anand & Hickey, 1987). Many
scientists (e.g., Field, 1995; Fitzgerald, 1987) have stated
that we should now safely assume that all viable newborns
feel pain. What is more critical is how pain is modulated in
infancy. Andrews and Fitzgerald (1997) have reviewed the
neurobiological evidence suggesting that the relative
immaturity of the infant's nervous system may raise
excitability in the spinal cord. Thus, the system for
modulation of pain signals appears to be less developed in
infants and this may render them highly susceptible to pain
during procedures such as circumcision (Fitzgerald, 1998).
Moreover, cognitive coping strategies (Fernandez, 1986;
Fernandez & Turk, 1989; Maiz & Fernandez, 2000) and
other descending cortical influences postulated as part of
the gate control theory of pain (Melzack & Wall, 1965)
evidently are far less developed in infancy than later in
The pain that is apparent in circumcised infants
and is intensified by their lack of coping resources can have
further ramifications. Prescott (1989) referred to the stress
hormones triggered by intense pain and the adverse effects
they may exert on brain development, sexual function, and
behaviour. Anand and Scalzo (2000) postulated that severe
pain during infancy may permanently and irreversibly alter
neurological circuitry responsible for pain perception and
memory. Hepper (1996) documented functioning memory prior to
and immediately after birth. An adverse painful perinatal
event, through a process of classical conditioning, may
sensitise the infant to pain later in life (Chamberlain,
1989, 1995; Field, 1995; Jacobson et al., 1990). Thus, Taddio
et al. (1997) found that circumcised boys displayed
heightened physiological pain responses to vaccinations four
to six months after circumcision suggestive of an infant
analogue of post-traumatic stress disorder, as compared with
genitally intact children.
Circumcision trauma
A traumatic experience is defined in DSM-IV as the direct consequence of experiencing or witnessing of serious injury or threat to physical integrity that produces intense fear, helplessness or (in the case of children) agitation (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). The significant pain and distress described earlier is consistent with this definition. Moreover, the disturbance (e.g., physiological arousal, avoidant behaviour) qualifies for a diagnosis of acute stress disorder if it lasts at least two days or even a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) if it lasts more than a month. Circumcision without anaesthesia constitutes a severely traumatic event in a child's life (Lander, Brady-Freyer, Metcalfe, Nazerali, & Muttit, 1997; Ramos & Boyle, 2001; Taddio, Katz, Ilersich, & Koren, 1997). It is possible that the trauma of genital surgery might have long-lasting psychological effects (Bigelow, 1995; Levy, 1945; Jacobson & Bygdeman, 1998; Anand & Scalzo, 2000).
Van Howe (1996, p. 431) reported that, "Newborn
males respond to circumcision with a marked reduction in
oxygenation during the procedure, a cortisol surge, decreased
wakefulness, increased vagal tone, and less interactions with
their environment following the procedure..." Rhinehart
(1999) in a report of clinical cases noted that the only
response available to the infant is shock, wherein the
central nervous system is overwhelmed by pain, followed by
numbing, paralysis, and dissociation. Possibly, dissociation
of the traumatic experience and emotional pain may be
employed by the infant as a psychological defence (Chu &
Dill, 1990; Noyes, 1977; Rhinehart, 1999). While some babies
have been described as being "quiet" after circumcision,
Rhinehart concluded that the observed stillness most likely
represents a state of dissociation or shock in response to
the overwhelming pain.
Consistent with the early reports of Anna Freud
(1952), McFadyen (1998) observed psychological trauma in her
son following circumcision. This is sometimes extreme enough
to impede the maternal-infant bonding (Marshall et al., 1982;
Van Howe, 1996). As reasoned by Herman (1992) and Rhinehart
(1999) the common factor underlying circumcision trauma is an
experience of violence and powerlessness--inflicted by other
human beings. Such an event was described in a study of 12
Turkish boys circumcised in late childhood. Cansever (1965,
p. 328) reported that "Circumcision is perceived by the child
as an aggressive attack upon his body, which damaged,
mutilated, and, in some cases, totally destroyed him." Ritual
circumcision appeared to be associated with increased
aggressiveness, weakening of the ego, withdrawal, reduced
functioning and adaptation, and nightmares consistent with
Ramos and Boyle (2001) investigated the
psychological effects associated with medical and ritual
"operation tuli" circumcision procedures in the Philippines.
Some 1577 boys aged 11 to 16 years (1072 boys circumcised
under medical procedures; 505 subjected to ritual
circumcision) were surveyed to see if genital cutting led to
the development of PTSD. Interestingly, Mezey and Robbins
(2001) estimated the incidence of PTSD as 1.0% to 7.8%
in the general British population where circumcision is not
very prevalent. On the other hand, using the PTSD-I
questionnaire (Watson et al., 1991) in a predominantly
circumcised population, Ramos and Boyle observed an
incidence of PTSD of almost 70% among boys subjected to
ritual circumcision, and 51% among boys subjected to medical
circumcision (with local anaesthetic). Long-term follow-up
would be needed to gauge the extent to which PTSD persists
over the lifespan of these circumcised boys.
The outcome of painful childhood trauma includes
long-lasting neurophysiological and neurochemical brain
changes (Anand & Carr, 1989; Anand & Scalzo, 2000;
Ciaranello, 1983; Taddio et al., 1997; van der Kolk &
Saporta, 1991). Richards, Bernal, and Brackbill (1976) found
that circumcision may impact adversely on the developing
brain, and that reported "gender differences" may actually
arise from behavioural changes induced by infant or childhood
Rhinehart (1999) in a report of adult clinical
cases concluded that a man circumcised as a child is more
likely to react with terror, rage and/or dissociation when
confronted with situations interpreted as threatening. As in
any situation of post-traumatic stress, an event resembling
any aspect of the original traumatic experience is more
likely to provoke negative emotions such as panic, rage,
violence, or dissociation.
It is therefore not surprising that PTSD may
result from childhood circumcision (Goldman, 1997, 1999,
Menage, 1999; Ramos & Boyle, 2001), just as it does from
childhood sexual abuse and rape (Bownes, O'Gorman, &
Sayers, 1991; Deblinger, McLeer, & Henry, 1990; Duddle,
1991). Several researchers have concluded that PTSD may
result from circumcision and/or from circumcision-related
sequelae in later life. For example, Rhinehart (1999)
reported finding PTSD in middle-aged men who had been
subjected to infant circumcision. Circumcision involves an
imbalance of power between perpetrator and victim, contains
both aggressive and libidinal elements, and threatens a
child's sexual integrity by amputating part of the genitalia.
Some men circumcised in infancy or childhood without their
consent have described their present feelings in the language
of violation, torture, mutilation, and sexual assault
(Bigelow, 1995; Hammond, 1997, 1999).
Even if the psychological sequelae of
circumcision do not coalesce into a formal diagnosis of PTSD,
it is possible that there may be long-lasting effects on a
man's life, particularly in psychologically sensitive
individuals with comorbidity factors (cf. Mezey &
Robbins, 2001). Presumably responding to their current
interpretation and feelings, many circumcised men who have
recognised the loss of a highly erogenous, irreplaceable part
of their penis have reported long-lasting emotional
suffering, grief, anxiety, and depression, and a sense of
personal vulnerability (Hammond, 1997, 1999). Avoidance or
obsessive preoccupation with such a loss, along with anger,
can be difficult to reconcile for some men depending on their
particular personality (Bigelow, 1995; Maguire, 1998; van der
Kolk, 1989). Emotional numbing, avoidance of the topic of
circumcision, and anger are potential long-term psychological
consequences of the circumcision trauma (Bigelow, 1995;
Bensley & Boyle, 2001; Boyle & Bensley, 2001; Gemmell
& Boyle, 2001; Goldman, 1997, 1999). In extreme cases,
there might be aggressive, violent, and/or suicidal behaviour
(Anand & Scalzo, 2000; Bradley, Oliver, & Chernick,
1998; Jacobson et al., 1987; Jacobson & Bygdeman,
Circumcision and sexuality
Sigmund Freud (1920) asserted that circumcision
was a substitute for castration, suggesting a possible
connection between castration fears, neuroses, and
circumcision. Documented cases exist of circumcision
resulting in a life-impairing level of castration anxiety
(Ozturk, 1973). More recently, Immerman and Mackey (1998)
described circumcision as "low-grade neurological
castration." They argued that the resultant glans
keratinisation and neurological atrophy of sexual brain
circuitry (due to loss of sensory input to the brain's
pleasure centre) may serve as a social control mechanism
which produces a male who is less sexually excitable and
therefore more amenable to social conditioning.
Indeed, for centuries, circumcision has been
used as a strategy to reduce sexual gratification
(Maimónides, 1963, p. 609). According to Saperstein
(1980), quoting Rabbi Isaac Ben Yedaiah, as well as the
empirical findings of Bensley and Boyle (2001), and O'Hara
and O'Hara (1999), heterosexual intercourse is less
satisfying for both partners when the man is circumcised. Due
to the neurological injury caused by circumcision, and the
resultant reduction of sensory feedback (Immerman &
Mackey, 1998), it is highly likely that circumcision may
promote sexual dysfunction such as premature ejaculation, and
consequently, also the reduction of female sexual pleasure
(cf. Money & Davison, 1983). The possible deleterious
effects on social and marital relationships (cf. Hughes,
1990) may be considerable, especially in countries where most
men have been circumcised.
Structural ChangesAmong the structural changes circumcised men may have to live with are surgical complications such as skin tags, penile curvature due to uneven foreskin removal, pitted glans, partial glans ablation, prominent/jagged scarring, amputation neuromas, fistulas, severely damaged frenulum, meatal stenosis, and excessive keratinisation. In addition, Immerman and Mackey (1998) and Prescott (1989) postulated that severing of erogenous sensory nerve endings in the foreskin during infancy leads to atrophy of non-stimulated neurons in the brain's pleasure centre during the critical developmental period.
Gemmell and Boyle (2001) surveyed 162
self-selected men (121 circumcised; 41 intact) and found that
circumcised men reported significantly less penile sensation
as compared with genitally intact men. Participants rated
their current level of penile sensation (on a scale from 1 to
10) as compared with that experienced at age 18 years
(allocated 10 out of 10). Circumcised men complained
significantly more often than did genitally intact men of a
progressive decline in penile sensation throughout their
adult years--presumably due to increasing keratinisation of
the exposed glans and inner foreskin remnant in circumcised
men. Gemmell and Boyle also found that a significantly higher
proportion of circumcised as compared with intact men
reported bowing or curvature of the penis (also reported by
Lawrence, 1997), shaft skin uncomfortably/painfully tight
when erect, and scars/damage to the penis. Although the
frenulum was reported as an area of heightened erogenous
sensitivity, in the typical circumcised male, either no
frenulum remains or only a small severely damaged remnant
exists. The complex innervation of the foreskin and frenulum
has been well-documented (Cold & McGrath, 1999; Cold
& Taylor, 1999; Fleiss, 1997; Taylor et al., 1996), and
the genitally intact male has thousands of fine touch
receptors and other highly erogenous nerve endings--many of
which are lost to circumcision, with an inevitable reduction
in sexual sensation experienced by circumcised males
(Immerman & Mackey, 1998; O'Hara & O'Hara, 1999).
Functional ChangesThere are also serious functional consequences of circumcision. Impaired sexual functioning was reported by 84% of respondents in a survey of circumcised men (Hammond, 1997). Taylor, Lockwood, and Taylor (1996) provided anatomical and histological support for these self-reports of circumcised men by documenting the irreplaceable loss of specialised erogenous mucosa through circumcision. Further difficulties attributed to circumcision included intimacy problems (45%) and addiction/dependency problems (26%). Specific physical problems reported included glans insensitivity (55%), need for excess stimulation to enable ejaculation (38%), prominent scarring (29%), and insufficient residual shaft skin to accommodate full, untethered erections (27%).
Circumcised males may also be at risk of
premature ejaculation, or alternatively may have to resort to
prolonged thrusting during intercourse in order to stimulate
sufficiently the residual erogenous penile nerve endings to
trigger ejaculation (Bensley & Boyle, 2001). They report
that the unnatural dryness of their circumcised penis often
makes coitus painful, resulting in chafing and/or skin
abrasions (Gemmell & Boyle, 2001). Concomitantly, O'Hara
and O'Hara (1999) found that female partners reported
significantly greater sexual pleasure from intercourse with
genitally intact men as compared with circumcised men. Money
and Davison (1983) had previously documented a loss of
stretch receptors in the prepuce and frenulum and an
associated diminution in sexual response, thereby restricting
a circumcised man's ability to achieve arousal. Consequently,
erectile dysfunction may be a complication of male
circumcision (Glover, 1929; Ozkara, Asicioglu, Alici, Akkus,
& Hattat, 1999; Palmer & Link, 1979; Stief, Thon,
Djamilian, Allhoff, & Jonas, 1992; Stinson, 1973).
Bensley and Boyle (2001) surveyed women and gay
men who had previously had sexual intercourse with both
genitally intact and circumcised men. Bensley and Boyle's
samples comprised 35 women, and 42 gay men. In addition they
surveyed 83 self-selected men (53 circumcised; 30 genitally
intact) who provided self-reports regarding their sexual and
psychological functioning. The overall results (women
partners and gay male partners combined) were that
circumcised partners were significantly less happy about
their sexual functioning than were genitally intact
In Bensley and Boyle's (2001) study, sexual
dysfunction was more often reported by circumcised men who
complained either of premature ejaculation (with little
sexual sensation), and/or difficulty in gaining or
maintaining an erection--the two most prevalent forms of
erectile dysfunction. Reduced or insufficient neural feedback
may account for circumcised men's inability to detect the
moment when ejaculation is imminent. Premature ejaculation
previously has been ascribed to learning or conditioning
factors. For example, where a teenage boy is raised in an
environment in which sexual pleasure is regarded as "sinful
or dirty" he may have to hurry masturbation in order to avoid
being "caught in the act." Premature ejaculation would
therefore be negatively reinforced by avoiding an aversive or
punitive consequence (cf. Schwartz & Reisberg, 1991, pp.
121-122). However, information is now emerging on the role of
the prepuce in preventing premature ejaculation, wherein the
foreskin serves to protect the corona of the glans penis from
direct stimulation during intercourse (Halata & Munger,
1986; Zwang, 1997). Overall, circumcised men expressed
significantly greater dissatisfaction with their sex lives
than did genitally intact men. This result is consistent with
the findings by Hammond (1997, 1999), and O'Hara and O'Hara
(1999), that circumcision may impede psychosexual and
emotional intimacy between partners.
Altered Sexual BehavioursApart from reducing sexual sensation and pleasure (Bensley & Boyle, 2001; Gemmell & Boyle, 2001; Immerman & Mackey, 1998; Milos & Macris, 1994; Money & Davison, 1983; O'Hara & O'Hara, 1999), circumcision also leads to changes in sexual practices. For example, Laumann, Masi, and Zuckerman (1997) reported that circumcision is associated with more elaborate sexual behaviours. It is possible that reduced sexual sensation may impel some circumcised men to engage in more elaborate sexual practices in order to attain sexual gratification. In regard to unsafe sex practices, Bensley and Boyle (2001) found that circumcised men were significantly less likely to use condoms than were genitally intact men. Presumably, use of a condom reduces sexual sensation, which may be of somewhat greater concern to circumcised men (cf. Gemmell & Boyle, 2001; Van Howe, 1999).
Other psychological considerations in circumcised men
In Gemmell and Boyle's (2001) survey, involuntary circumcision impacted negatively on various psychological measures. They found that as compared with genitally intact men, circumcised men were often unhappy about being circumcised, experienced significant anger, sadness, feeling incomplete, cheated, hurt, concerned, frustrated, abnormal, and violated (cf. Hammond, 1999). They also found that circumcised men reported lower self-esteem than did genitally intact respondents.
Rhinehart (1999) stated that psychological
problems were almost universally noted by his self-selected
circumcised respondents. These included reports of a sense of
personal powerlessness, fears of being overpowered and
victimised, lack of trust, a sense of vulnerability to
violent attack, guardedness in relationships, reluctance to
have relationships with women, defensiveness, diminished
sense of masculinity, feeling damaged, sense of reduced
penile size or amputation, low self-esteem, shame about not
"measuring up," anger and violence towards women, irrational
rage reactions, addictions and dependencies, difficulties in
establishing intimate relationships, emotional numbing, a
need for greater intensity in sexual experiences, decreased
intimacy, decreased ability to communicate, as well as
feelings of not being understood.
Hammond's (1997) sample of circumcised men
reported emotional harm (83%), physical harm (82%), general
psychological harm (75%), and low self-esteem (74%). The
circumcised men frequently reported feeling mutilated (62%),
unwhole (61%), resentful (60%), abnormal/unnatural (60%),
that one's human rights had been infringed (60%), angry
(54%), frustrated (53%), violated (50%), inferior to
genitally intact males (47%), impeded sexually (43%), and
betrayed by one's parents (34%). Similar findings emerged
from a larger sample of 546 circumcised men studied by
Hammond (1999).
Anecdotal Accounts of Circumcision-Related
Psychological DistressCircumcised men have often provided anecdotal reports pertaining to their negative feelings about involuntary circumcision. For example, one man who contacted one of the authors (RG) at the Circumcision Resource Center in Boston told of an indelible scene when he was four. He was talking with a genitally intact boy who showed him his penis and explained circumcision to him. He was shocked and ashamed at what had been done to him and thought, "Why would somebody want to do that to me? They just chopped it off. It didn't make any sense to me." As an adult he thinks about it "every time I take a shower or urinate" (personal communication, December, 1993).
Another example of discovering the difference
between being genitally intact as compared with being
circumcised is the following retrospective anecdotal story
also told to the same author (RG):
The shock and surprise of my life came when I
was in junior high school, and I was in the showers after
gym... I wondered what was wrong with those penises that
looked different than mine... I soon realized I had part of
me removed. I felt incomplete and very frustrated when I
realized that I could never be like I was when I was
born-intact. That frustration is with me to this day.
Throughout life I have regretted my circumcision. Daily I
wish I were whole (personal communication, October,
Likewise, an Australian man recently wrote to another
author (GB) at Bond University:
I have been disadvantaged by inferiority and
non-assertiveness in the workplace and in social life so much
that I recently had to go onto a disability pension for
chronic anxiety/anger disorder. My lifelong psychological
distress of being circumcised definitely contributed strongly
to steering me into this pattern of human interaction. I have
no spare funds to take individual legal action, and no living
person to sue for my poor quality of life, but if ever a
class action for damages due to circumcision is mounted, I
wish to add my name to it (personal communication, April,
Many similar anecdotal stories by circumcised men telling
about psychological unhappiness that they perceived to be
related to involuntary circumcision have been reported, for
example, by Bigelow (1995) and Goldman (1997).Methodological caveats
SamplingOne limitation of some of the foregoing research is that random sampling was not always enforced in subject recruitment (e.g., Rhinehart, 1999; Hammond, 1997, 1999). This may be understandable because of the difficulties in boosting sample sizes and the fact that participants were sometimes confined to certain "captive groups." In any case, the result is that there may be a self-selection bias as widely noted in survey research. Arguably, this could have led to inflation of some statistical effects of circumcision-related sequelae.
Conversely, it is possible that problems related to circumcision may be greater than reported. The following speculations may explain why we don't hear more from many circumcised men about how they may truly feel (see Goldman, 1998, pp. 43-44):
- The pressure to accept sociocultural assumptions regarding circumcision may prevent some men from recognising and feeling dissatisfaction. For example, some men were told when young that circumcision was necessary for health reasons and they did not question that assertion. In countries where circumcision is commonplace, its effects may become familiar and it is possible that these effects may be interpreted as "normal" (Bigelow, 1995; Goldman, 1997).
- Verbal expression of preverbal feelings requires conscious awareness. Because preverbal traumas are generally unconscious, such feelings are expressed nonverbally through behavioural, emotional, and physiological forms (Chamberlain, 1989; Terr, 1988, 1991; van der Kolk, 1989).
- Any negative emotions associated with circumcision that may emerge into the conscious psyche may be very intense and disturbing. Repressing such emotions may serve to protect men from possible anguish. This may be compounded by the fear of dismissal or ridicule of one's feelings. If negative thoughts and/or feelings do momentarily become conscious, it is likely they will be suppressed.
- Privacy surrounding matters of sexuality may inhibit men from speaking out.
Cognitive dissonance
Although in recent years cognitive dissonance theory has fallen somewhat into disrepute (Walker, Burnham, & Borland, 1994, p. 535), the theory may still be useful in explaining certain entrenched attitudes surrounding circumcision. Thus, the common resistance of some parents and doctors to information associating circumcision with harm invites speculation to explain it. Generally, people have a desire for coherence and consistency in their beliefs and experiences and it is possible that this factor may contribute to some extent to the perpetuation of cognitions supportive of circumcision. When inconsistency occurs, thereby creating cognitive dissonance, people may align their beliefs to fit their experience (Festinger & Carlsmith, 1959). Choosing to seek or to provide parental consent and then to circumcise or to allow one's child to be circumcised is a serious and irreversible choice. In accordance with cognitive dissonance theory, it would be expected that once the decision has been made and the circumcision carried out, most people would tend to appreciate the chosen alternative (circumcision) and depreciate the rejected alternative (leaving the child genitally intact)--(cf. Brehm, 1956).
As a result, beliefs may be adopted to conform
with one's decision to circumcise. An example of these
beliefs involving the psychological defence mechanisms of
denial and rationalisation is the myth that newborn infants
do not feel or remember pain. Even though studies suggest
long-lasting memory of circumcision pain--particularly when
the circumcision occurred during post-infancy childhood years
(Chamberlain, 1989; Hepper, 1996; Rhinehart, 1999), some
doctors who circumcise normal healthy boys may simply ignore
this information (Stang & Snellman, 1998). As well, a
small proportion of doctors may proceed with the surgery on
the basis of ill-informed beliefs. Others, by invoking
psychological defences, may be perceptually blind to the pain
associated with circumcision--perhaps as a result of their
own circumcised status.
Inconsistency can also be reconciled by altering
our beliefs. A common misconception is that the prepuce has
no useful purpose. One circumcision advocate stated, "I
believe the foreskin is a mistake of nature" (Wiswell, 1994).
We may perceive and accept only information that fits our
beliefs. Some physicians who support circumcision dismiss
outright new information that conflicts with their
preconceived view (Briggs, 1985). The tendency to avoid new
information increases when the discrepancy between beliefs
and experience increases (Kumpf & Gotz-Marchand, 1973).
Even after learning something new, people better remember
information that supports established beliefs than they
remember conflicting information (O'Sullivan & Durso,
1984). Avoidance of new information about the possible
psychosexual sequelae of circumcision may lead to rigidity of
thinking and a dependence on previously acquired dogma and
cultural myths to counteract and subdue doubts, thereby
maintaining cognitive harmony. As Bigelow (1995, pp. 105-106)
stated. "This effect is very detectable among parents who
have elected to circumcise their son--especially since they
cannot retract their choice! These parents frequently do not
want to hear anything negative about infant
Future directions
Foreskin RestorationIf involuntary circumcision can bring about psychological consequences through the aftermath of trauma, then it is possible that "uncircumcision" (Schultheiss, Truss, Stief, & Jonas, 1998) may go some way towards attenuating those effects. In recent years, there has been an increasing awareness among circumcised men about the possibility of restoring a foreskin (albeit devoid of the amputated erogenous nerve endings), through a process of stretching and skin expansion over some years (Bigelow, 1995). Some men who have undergone foreskin restoration have reported discernible recovery of sexual sensation and function previously lost to circumcision, and sometimes a lessening of associated negative emotions (Goodwin, 1990; Greer, Mohl, & Sheley, 1982; Griffiths, 2001; O'Hara & O'Hara, 2001).
Mohl, Adams, Greer, and Sheley (1981) failed to
mention that one of the main reasons for circumcised men to
restore themselves genitally was the crucial loss of prepuce
function during sexual activity. Instead, they claimed that
men who sought foreskin restoration were homosexually
orientated with psychopathology including narcissistic and
exhibitionistic body image, depression, inadequate early
mothering, and egocentrism. Yet this conclusion was based on
an unrepresentative sample of only eight men. These 20-year
old results suffer from an analysis based on what today would
be considered outdated therapeutic and discriminatory social
prejudices against individuals with a homosexual orientation.
Even so, Bigelow (1995), and Griffiths (2001) reported that
most men undergoing foreskin restoration are in fact
heterosexual. As Schultheiss et al. (1998, p. 1996) stated,
"Nowadays, the understanding of the psychological motivations
for uncircumcision is increasing, and the problem is dealt
with more seriously.... the majority of the males performing
skin-stretching are heterosexual." Postulated psychosexual
benefits resulting from foreskin restoration have been
discussed by Bigelow (1995).
Circumcision AdvocacyEven though research suggests harmful effects of circumcision (e.g., Denniston & Milos, 1977; Denniston, Hodges, & Milos, 1999; Cold & Taylor, 1999; Hammond, 1999; Van Howe et al., 1999), psychological factors may make it difficult for circumcision advocates to stop promoting the practice (Goldman, 1997, 1998, 1999). Presumably, grief for the lost sexual body part and its functions, and the resultant denial of loss is important because it may explain the circumcised "adamant father" (who unreasonably insists on the circumcision of a son in the face of contrary evidence) as well as other manifestations of the circumcised male such as the "I'm circumcised and I'm fine" syndrome (Bigelow, 1995; Ritter & Denniston, 1996). Grief and denial in relation to involuntary circumcision may well play a role in the psychology of the circumcised male (Parkes, 1998). Such factors may figure even more prominently among those doctors who devote their entire medical practice or a substantial portion thereof to circumcising normal healthy boys when there is no medical reason to do so (cf. Bigelow, pp. 94-99). Some trauma victims experience a compulsion to re-enact the trauma (van der Kolk, 1989). Circumcising infants may to some extent involve re-enacting the trauma of one's own circumcision. A survey of randomly selected physicians showed that circumcision was more often supported by male doctors who themselves happened to be circumcised (Stein, Marx, Taggert, & Bass, 1982).
The body of empirical evidence reviewed here suggests that there is severe pain at the time of circumcision and shortly thereafter in unanaesthetised boys, as well as heightened pain sensitivity for some considerable period of time afterwards. Evidence has also started to accumulate that male circumcision may result in lifelong physical, sexual, and sometimes psychological harm as well. A variety of forces are converging from fields as diverse as psychology, medicine, law, medical ethics, and human rights, all questioning the advisability of circumcision which originated millenia ago and was promoted in the Victorian era. As Chamberlain (1998) pointed out, "parents are not warned that their infants will endure severe pain and will be deprived of a functional part of their sexual anatomy for life." Non-therapeutic circumcision of male minors is now being questioned by legal and ethics scholars in an unprecedented way. The mental health community can play an important role in the growing debate about circumcision. We encourage closer examination of this issue and even more empirical research into the psychosexual sequelae associated with circumcision.References
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(File revised 1 December 2012)
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