Monday, December 28, 2015
Sunday, December 27, 2015
... But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security....
Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote about STALIN'S GULAG and escaped to America to then return to Russia to escape GAGG <Gulag America Government Gestapo> |
Empire of Chaos Preparing for More Fireworks in 2016
By Pepe Escobar Global Research, December 26, 2015
RT 24 December 2015 >>> In his seminal ‘Fall of Rome:
And the End of Civilization,’ Bryan Ward-Perkins writes, “Romans before
the fall were as certain as we are today that their world would continue
forever… They were wrong. We would be wise not to repeat their
complacency.” ... Ever since the start of the Cold War the crucial
question has been who would control the great trading networks of
Eurasia – or the “heartland”, according to Sir Halford John Mackinder
(1861–1947), the father of geopolitics. Russia says Turkish leadership involved in illegal oil trade with #ISIS
— RT (@RT_com) December 2, 2015
Congress >> to undermine Iran Deal by Linking Iran w/ISIS >Philip Weiss< > Global Research< 12/27/15, >Mondoweiss< |
De-Dollarization Accelerates: Iran-Russia “New Trade Agreements” to Drop US Dollar |
Ismael Hossein-zadeh is Professor Emeritus of Economics (Drake University). He is the author of Beyond Mainstream Explanations of the Financial Crisis (Routledge 2014), The Political Economy of U.S. Militarism (Palgrave–Macmillan 2007), and the Soviet Non-capitalist Development: The Case of Nasser’s Egypt (Praeger Publishers 1989). He is also a contributor to Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion. The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright © Prof. Ismael Hossein-Zadeh, Global Research, 2015
Friday, December 18, 2015
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Monday, December 7, 2015
DOLLAR CRA$H ~Financial Markets Crashed, Including the Dollar. What Happened?
By Bill Holter
Global Research, December 07, 2015
So what exactly happened last Thursday? The markets (including the dollar) crashed …and this was not supposed to happened?
actually quite easy to understand if you see what they did was “only a
test” … Do you understand what I mean when I say a “test”?
I will explain shortly but first,
the Fed came out with piggybacked governors talking about a rate hike.
Hilarious on the face of it if you just look at the U.S. economic
implosion going on.
But let’s assume this is reality, the Fed really wants to hike rates
(they do not “want to”, they HAVE to). For the sake of saving face and
retaining any credibility they absolutely MUST raise interest rates
after seven years …how do they do this?
Please read this piece by E.D. Skyrm,
just a .25% rate raise in rates will require the equivalent of up to
$800 billion of collateral necessitated to being pulled. Did you get that? $800 billion??? A huge number and enough to tank the whole system …unless someone is willing to replace it.
starters you must understand if the Fed does tighten and collateral is
withdrawn from the system, because everything is now so levered
…”collateral” from somewhere else must be added. That “somewhere” was
supposed to be Europe. Mario Draghi tried to push the EU governing
council into further QE, in essence the German hawks refused and instead
want to let some air out of the current bubbles. Europe was supposed to carry the baton of QE, they instead dropped it.
Draghi tried to fix it on Friday with his “whatever it takes”
statement. I see a problem with this and it has to do with collateral,
or the lack of. You see, Europe is experiencing the same limits the Fed
ran into during its last round of QE, not enough unencumbered
collateral left to purchase.
Another way to say this would be …”there
is just not enough debt outstanding”. I know it sounds crazy because
the underlying financial and economic problems have arisen BECAUSE there
is too much debt …but, there is not enough to accommodate the needs for
more QE.
happened on Thursday was a “test of wills” between the Fed and the
Bundesbank, the Fed clearly lost even though Friday was a giant reversal
from Thursday. I say this because Mario Draghi can say whatever he
likes, his mouth will not create the collateral necessary to substitute
for any tightening by the Fed. He can say what he pleases but the
governing council of the EU (run by hawkish Germans) will not reach for
the QE baton. Mr. Draghi can now only jawbone and try to mold
So where does this leave the Fed and their quarter point rate increase? I would say they have already seen the future and … IT WAS THURSDAY!
If they decide to hike rates and the EU does not pick up the collateral
slack, I believe we will not see the markets stay open for more than a
week or so. I say this because in essence the Fed will be issuing a
margin call into a system already lacking for liquidity. As I’ve said
before, they originally treated a “solvency” problem with more liquidity
and it has now morphed into a far bigger solvency problem. Only this
time as liquidity is also lacking, they do not have the tools
(collateral) to create the needed additional liquidity.
Fed has truly painted themselves into a corner of their own making. I
am shocked they have been so vocal and vehement they were going to raise
rates. Did they not have a deal already in place with the ECB or were
they double crossed? On the one hand if they do not hike rates, their
credibility is toast. On the other hand if they do raise rates they
will smoke the financial markets faster than you can call your broker
with a sell order. I can only think the Fed somehow believed they had a
deal with the ECB? Even the BIS has warned the Fed about raising
rates, is the Fed just not listening to the rest of the world? Whether they see it or not, they have created a currency crisis with the dollar being the central character.
The way I see this, the U.S.
now has very big problems on the credibility front. You can add to the
above monetary fix we are in with a multitude of other U.S. “pictures”
just not adding up. U.S. “policy” is now being found out geopolitically
thanks to Mr. Putin dropping a few “truth bombs”. The domestic economy
is already in recession and Christmas (the politically correct term is
now “holiday”) sales will be a disaster.
“Truth” is beginning to slip
out from behind several different curtains. I hate to say it but a
giant false flag will have to come out very soon in order to keep cover
and divert attention from the truth. I do not see any other options
left, the reality MUST remain hidden or attention diverted, …or
the unravelling comes.
Standing watch,
Bill Holter, Holter-Sinclair collaboration, Comments welcome
The original source of this article is Global Research, Copyright © Bill Holter, Global Research, 2015, By Bill Holter~~Global Research, December 07, 2015
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Russia’s Dollar Exit Takes Major New Step | F. William Engdahl
Russia’s state budget strongly depends
on oil export dollar profits. Ironically, because of the role of the
dollar, the central banks of China, Russia, Brazil and other countries
diametrically opposed to US foreign policy, are forced to buy US
Treasury debt in dollars, de facto financing the wars of Washington that
aim to damage them.
That’s quietly changing. In 2014 Russia
and China signed two mammoth 30-year contracts for Russian gas to China.
The contracts specified that the exchange would be done in Renminbi and
Russian rubles, not in dollars. That was the beginning of an
accelerating process of de-dollarization that is underway today.
Renminbi in Russian Reserves
On November 27, Russia’s Central Bank
announced that it was including the Chinese Renminbi into the central
bank’s official reserves for the first time. As of December 31, 2014,
official Central Bank of Russia reserves consisted of 44% US dollars,
and 42% Euros with the British Pound slightly more than 9%. The decision
to include Renminbi or Yuan into Russia’s official reserves will
increase the use of the yuan in Russian financial markets, to the
detriment of the dollar.
The yuan first began to be traded as a
currency, even though it is not yet fully convertible into other
currencies, in the Moscow Exchange in 2010. Since then the volume of
yuan-ruble trades has grown enormously. In August, 2015 Russian currency
traders and companies bought a record 18 billion yuan, about $3
billion, representing a 400% increase from a year earlier.
The Golden Ruble is coming
But the actions of Russia and China to
replace the dollar as mediating currency in their mutual trade, a trade
whose volume has grown significantly since US and EU sanctions in March
2014, are not the end of it.
Gold is about to make a dramatic return
to the world monetary stage for the first time since Washington
unilaterally ripped up the Bretton Woods Treaty in August, 1971. At that
point, advised by David Rockefeller’s personal emissary in the
Treasury, Paul Volcker, Niixon announced Waahinton was refusing to honor
its treaty obligations to redeem the dollars held abroad for US central
bank gold.
Since that time, rumors have persisted
that, in fact, the gold chambers of Fort Knox are bare, a fact that,
were it to be verified, would spell curtains for the dollar as reserve
Washington adamantly holds to the story
line that the Federal Reserve sits on 8133 tons of gold reserves. If
true, that would far exceed the second-largest, Germany, whose official
gold holdings are listed by the IMF at 3381 tons.
In 2014 a bizarre event transpired which
fed the doubts about US official gold statistics. In 2012 the German
Government asked the Federal Reserve to return German central bank gold
“held in custody” for the Bundesbank by the Fed. Shocking the world, the
US central bank refused to give Germany her gold back, using the flimsy
excuse that the Federal Reserve “could not differentiate German gold
bars from US ones…” Perhaps we are to believe the auditors of US Federal
Reserve gold were laid off in the US budget cuts?
In the ensuing scandal, in 2013 the US
repatriated a measly 5 tons of German gold to Frankfurt and announced it
would need until 2020 to complete the requested 300 tons repatriation.
Other European central banks began demanding their gold from the Fed, as
distrust of the US central bank grew.
Into this dynamic the central bank of
Russia has been adding to its official gold reserves in dramatic fashion
in recent years. Since the growing hostility with Washington the pace
has become far more rapid. From January 2013, Russia’s official gold has
expanded by 129% to 1352 tons as of September 30, 2015. In 2000 at the
end of the decade of US-backed plunder of the Russian Federation during
the dark Yeltsin years of the 1990s Russia’s gold reserves stood at 343 tons.
The vaults of the Russian Central Bank,
which at the time of the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 held some
2,000 tons of official gold, had been stripped during the controversial
tenure of Gosbank head, Viktor Gerashchenko, who told a startled Duma
that he could not account for the whereabouts of the Russian gold.
Today is a different era to be sure.
Russia has far and away replaced South Africa as the world’s third
largest gold mining country in terms of annual tons mined. China has
become number one.
Western media has made much of the fact
that since US-led financial sanctions, Russian central bank reserves of
dollars have fallen significantly. What they do not report is that at
the same time the central bank in Russia has been buying gold, lots of
gold. Russia’s total reserves in US dollars have fallen recently under
sanctions by some $140 billion since 2014 parallel with the 50% collapse
in dollar oil prices, but holdings of gold are up by 30% since 2014 as
noted. Russia now holds as many ounces of gold as the gold
exchange-traded funds (ETFs) do. In June alone, it added the equivalent
of 12% of global annual gold mine production according to
Were the Russian government to adopt the
very sensible proposal of Russian economist and Putin adviser, Sergei
Glazyev, namely that the Central Bank of Russia buy every single ounce
of Russian mined gold at a guaranteed attractive ruble price to increase
state gold holdings, that would even more avoid the Central Bank having
to buy the gold on international markets for dollars.
A Bankrupt Hegemon
At the close of the 1980’s as they
viewed a major US banking crisis coupled with the clear decline in the
postwar role of the United States as the world’s industrial leading
nation, as US multinationals out-sourced to low-wage countries like
Mexico and later China, Europeans began to conceive of a new currency to
replace the dollar as reserve and creation of a United States of Europe
to rival US hegemony. The European response was creation of the
Maastricht Treaty at the moment of the reunification of Germany in the
beginning of the 1990’s. The European Central Bank and later the Euro, a
severely flawed top-down construction, was the result. A suspiciously
successful bet in billions by New York hedge fund speculator George
Soros in 1992 against the Bank of England and the parity of the Pound,
managed to knock the UK and the City of London out of the emerging EU
alternative to the dollar. It was easy pickings for some of the same
hedge funds to tear the Euro at the seams in 2010 by attacking its
Achilles Heel, Greece, followed by Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Spain.
Since then the EU, which is bound to Washington as well via the chains
of NATO, has posed little threat to American hegemony.
However, increasingly since 2010, as
Washington attempted to impose the Pentagon’s Full Spectrum Dominance on
the world in the form of the so-called Arab Spring manipulated regime
changes from Tunisia to Egypt to Libya and now, with poor results, in
Syria, China and Russia have both been pushed into each others’ arms. A
Russian-Chinese alternative to the dollar in the form of a gold-backed
ruble and gold-backed renminbi or yuan, could start a snowball exit from
the US dollar, and with it, a severe decline in America’s ability to
use the reserve dollar role to finance her wars with other peoples’
money. That could just give the interests in favor of a world at peace a
huge advantage over that warring lost hegemon, the United States.
F. William Engdahl is
strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics
from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and
geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.
FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM [Fed] RICO LAW SUIT & "ITS'" OWNERS IT'S LONG PAST TIME ~ 11 Signs That An Imminent Stock Bear Market Apocalypse Has Become Even More Likely | China develops unique cooperation model with Africa | The IMF SDR Rights and the Global Currency Markets: Impacts of the Elevation of the Chinese Yuan (Renminbi)
Illustration: Peter C. Espina/GT
By Song Guoyou Source:Global Times
Investment by Chinese firms supported by domestic finance sectorAs more and more Chinese enterprises expand into Africa, there has been increasing interest in China's economic activities in the continent. As well as positive feedback, there have also been some negative comments, with China having been accused of neo-colonialism, of grabbing resources and dumping low-quality products. Such criticism is the opposite of how most African people see it. Massive investment in Africa has not only led to economic benefits for Chinese enterprises; it has also provided growth momentum for African countries. It is a win-win situation for the development of China and Africa, and for the Sino-African relationship. |
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