Ethopian Jews celebrate the Sigad Festival in Jerusalem in November 1993. (Photo/via Wikimedia)
Late this past January a story out of Israel raised disturbing questions about the nature of Israeli democracy and the degree to which Israel can be said to be home for all Jews regardless of race or nationality. In condensed form, the story is this – Ethiopian Jews who have migrated to Israel since the mid-1980s under the Israeli Laws of Return were given Depo-Provera, a long-term birth control drug that is given via injections, without informed consent over many years ....
.. Eugenics was an attempt to marry the newly-emergent scientific field of population genetics to social problems of the sort bedeviling America at the turn of the last century. Closely associated with Herbert Spencer’s theory of Social Darwinism, eugenics offered the promise of making a better America by breeding better Americans ..
.. It was, and remains today, a deeply controversial, even repugnant idea: Social problems are purely the fault of individual circumstance and predisposition ..
.. For American robber barons reveling in the riches amassed by unfettered Laissez-Faire capitalism, such an idea proved extremely popular and was widely supported ..
.. Eugenics became an accepted academic discipline, funded by the wealthy, and its advocates began to lobby for public policy to put into practice their ideas ....
" . . . (NaturalNews) After it was exposed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the philanthropic brainchild of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, purchased 500,000 shares in Monsanto back in 2010 valued at more than $23 million, it became abundantly clear that this so-called benevolent charity is up to something other than eradicating disease and feeding the world's poor ( ..
.. The Gates Foundation, aka the tax-exempt Gates Family Trust, is currently in the process of spending billions of dollars in the name of humanitarianism to establish a global food monopoly dominated by genetically-modified (GM) crops and seeds .. it appears that one of its main goals besides simply establishing corporate control of the world's food supply is to reduce the world's population by a significant amount in the process.
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US SEC MONSANTO 10K 2011 <click link " ... Monsanto includes the operations, assets and liabilities that were previously the agricultural business of Pharmacia Corporation (Pharmacia), which is now a subsidiary of Pfizer Inc. Monsanto was incorporated as a subsidiary of Pharmacia in February 2000. On Sept. 1, 2000, the assets and liabilities of the agricultural business were transferred from Pharmacia to Monsanto, pursuant to the terms of a separation agreement dated as of that date (the Separation Agreement), from which time the consolidated financial statements reflect the results of operations, financial position, and cash flows of the company as a separate entity responsible for procuring or providing the services and financing previously provided by Pharmacia. In October 2000, Monsanto sold approximately 15 percent of its common stock at $10 per share in an initial public offering. On Aug. 13, 2002, Pharmacia completed a spinoff of Monsanto by distributing its entire ownership interest via a tax-free dividend to Pharmacia’s shareowners. Unless otherwise indicated, “Monsanto” and “the company” are used interchangeably to refer to Monsanto Company or to Monsanto Company and its consolidated subsidiaries, as appropriate to the context.
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