Tuesday, March 5, 2013


United Stupids Ameri - CA ~Money-Wood, #1


Rushing gold’s early days of
people lusting after yellow money getting rich
hustling bustling not a dime’s

worth of difference selling hypnosis
Literary news VOL XXI 1900, October P 296
see link provided below here~


The superiority of hypnotism as
an instrumentality for exalting human character over
the conventional methods of instructing

reforming, and persuading to meritorious
action, is thus as unique as it
is startling.  The moralist and

preacher address the self that
is not in control, the flesh-entangled
hesitating, easily tempted and entrapped

objective self; hence their appeals
are so often futile. The suggestionist invokes
the better subliminal self, invests

it with control, and seldom
fails to effect the desired purpose. Discriminating
hypnotic suggestion is thus a

more powerful is thus a

more powerful agent than objective religious exhortation
for the moral reformation of

the young and thoughtless.  Human
beings are hypnotizable by other human beings,
between whom and themselves exists

a powerful sympathy or harmonious
relationship known as RAPPORT.  I have reached
the conclusion that every person

of ordinary intellectual capacity can
hypnotize some other persons, and that the
great mass of men are

hypnotizable.  Various methods of inducing
hypnosis are practiced, all having in view
the fixation of the attention ...

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