Guest: Former National Security Agency officer Wayne Madsen of February 15-17, 2013 — Sacramento, CA — Philip Marshall: A black ops hit made to appear as a suicide ~
BARRETT: Wow. These mobbed up judges are amazing, aren’t they? Y’know, the whole giving Larry Silverstein double indemnity on his World Trade Center losses, even though he confessed to demolishing Building 7. We’ve got Bush’s cousin, Judge Walker, refusing to recuse himself from a case, the April Gallops case, charging Bush with the greatest crime of the century.
MADSEN: Right. Right. And of course, Karl Rove’s own buddy, Mark Fuller, Little District of Alabama judge who put Karl Rove’s number one political enemy Don Siegelman in prison, so, yeah, it goes on and on, these judges are fiends. And y’know, lifetime appointments … we really need to revisit that. The only thing I’m in favor of giving a judge anything a lifetime is a prison sentence.
BARRET: Well, some of them obviously deserve it.
MADSEN: Absolutely.
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