Friday, May 3, 2013

JOHN LOCKE to the "Blob's" ~IE EG Kissinger, Bernanke, Geithner, ET AL "First Black Jewish President" ~Book Review: Ch 1, Property Rights In The Classical World, Ch 2, The Rise of Europe, Ch 3, The Birth of Modern Liberty, Ch 4, The Philosophers of Freedom, PROGRESS AND PROPERTY RIGHTS, From The Greeks To The Magna Carta To The Constitution, By Walker F. Todd

Walker F. Todd [Walker, Todd / Todd, Walker] writes:

Ch1, P7 .. the first modern-sounding property transfer recorded in the Bible comes somewhat later in Genesis in Chapter 23, concerning Abraham's purchase of a burial site .. Key elements of a common-law transfer of real property are already present in the biblical account .. include:  VOLUNTARY exchange; An AGREED price; A DECLARATION OF TRANSFER IN THE PRESENCE OF WITNESSES ...

Ch1, P8 .. Time Immemorial, legal phrase related to such customs as also found in the frontier America, young boys might be brought forward to witness ...

Ch2, Pp 16, 17 .. the oldest constitutional document of Anglo-American jurisprudence with modern significance, [The Rise of Europe], the Coronation Oath .. The Coronation Charter, 1101, and 114 years later in Magna Carta .. in general The Coronation and Charter of Henry I state the legal conditions for the occupancy, retention, and inheritance of private property in England, insuring that the common law would govern most such issues.  However, alienation (transferability) of land does not seem to have been contemplated, either in Henry's texts or in Magna Carta.

Ch3, P27, THE FIRST MIDDLE-CLASS CONSTITUTION [The Birth of Modern Liberty] .. The imprisoned Leveller leaders ere put on trial in 1649.  Interestingly, proving the value of trial by jury, the first leader to be tried, John Lilburne, argued so persuasively to the jury that he was acquitted ...

Ch4, Pp 31-36, The Philosophers of Freedom .. JOHN LOCKE .. in a state of nature, all men could take from the commons whatever was necessary for their sustenance, as long as a sufficient quantity of equally good things remained for others to take.  He said that a man's labor transforms natural or common things into property.  This became a foundation for later philsophical and economic theories of value based on labor .. LOCKE [P 39] .. wrote that a government that pretends to have the power to take the whole or any part of a man's property, in effect leaves that man with no property at all .. The Independent Whig and Cato's Letters (1719 - 1723) .. widely read in Colonial America .. Locke's ideas also became the bedrock doctrine of property rights reflected in the 18TH Century English, Scottish, and French Enlightenments .. Locke's disciples included more or less everyone later considered to be in the classical liberal Pantheon a century after he died.


Members of the MSM need to remember: after 13 years of Hitler rule there were Nuremberg trials. After 5 years of Nixon administration there were Watergate trials. Sooner or later there will be trials in ObamaForgeryGate. Over 30 high ranking U.S. officials including Attorney General of the U.S. were convicted and went to prison in the Watergate.  Members of the media, judges, U.S. attorneys, AGs, high ranking officials need to ask themselves one single question: do they love Obama so much that they are willing to go to prison for him? If the answer is no, then they need to start talking and start reporting the truth about Obama’s forged and stolen IDs .. Below are some documents that they have to provide to their readers ..


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