Sunday, July 14, 2013


UK to make significant investments in Kazakhstan

One of the biggest contracts discussed during the visit of the British Prime Minister was a joint venture for oil and gas processing at the same field of Kashagan, in which the Chinese intend to buy a share. During a presentation of the project, Cameron and Nazarbayev noted that the production of the plant will be a new reliable source of energy for European countries. Apparently reassured by such a deal, the British Prime Minister was pleased to note the importance of Kazakhstan on issues of regional security. “Kazakhstan is on the rise. It is a country that wants to play a more important role in the region and in the world,” Cameron said. According to him, in the coming years the UK is ready to conclude with Kazakh partners contracts worth approximately $130 billion. One of them is the development of a new plan to replace the failed route of the Nabucco gas pipeline, previously supported by the U.S. and Europe.

Kazakh FM Meets Brzezinski

While Beijing is focusing on economic cooperation with Astana, Washington is also keen to enhance ties in the military sector. Kazakhstan’s Foreign Minister, Erlan Idrisov, discussed the issue during his recent visit to the United States with new National Security Advisor Susan Rice and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel [emphasis mine]: 

Kazakhstan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs pays official visit to USA The sides discussed a wide range of issues of bilateral cooperation, including military-technical cooperation, non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, regional and international security, and assistance to restore peace in Afghanistan.

Heinz Kissinger & Gang 

[SIDEBAR:  China and Russia partnered with the United States.  However, first, the United States partnered with the European people and that now is history.  Europeans 'partners' became partnerships with the USA, Et Al, AND were convinced to join.  Those that couldn't be 'persuaded' are such as Cuba, Iran, Syria, NKorea, Latin and South Americas.  Countries that didn't make it through the disagreement process:  Iraq, Libya.

Wars are everywhere.  THE investors in certain behaviors don't believe they have any choice.  One of the best investments of the Rothschilds ~ whom have taught the multitudes of in-humans that are of that particular clan, mutilating our own male species so that the slave-hypothalamus reptilian brain can be controlled ~ IS,

Blood-letting.  Rothschilds openly brag about this investment, as the best money can buy.  Where there is blood, they are investing MONEY and whatever can be traded-exchanged - weapons.  Human flesh trading is their dark art for centuries now.

China and Russia got RRR'd too [Rothschild-Rockefeller-Rabbi'd] and so the time came to partner with the 3R's and the countries that were down [China, Russia, Et Al] are not down under the totalitarianism anymore.

EU-USA-Israel Et Al thought they would be in the oil business without any real oil owned, and so there.

Here we are America, the Federal Reserve System FED took the USA and gambled the B-I-N-G-O in digital dust reality/ies.  No pipeline does the USA get to have as an investment, Israel may do well, but not America.

But of course, to keep terrorism as the investment in modern time, sending manufactured zombies to make hell.  Providing ghettos for the human filth manufactured by the human worse than filth, monsters that sacrifice their own children and then what doesn't this 'cult of vulgarity - corruption - death' not worship in the 'manufactured reality KARL ROVE said out-loud', sold as though information.

We are in what the ancient philosophers called the CAVE. It is long past time we got ourselves out of this very insane 'maze'].

 Heinz Kissinger's soul is shriveled into a very tall amongst all the others, monsters that can't be other than what the in-human tragedy IS

Nancy & Heinz Kissingers

UK to make significant investments in Kazakhstan
One of the biggest contracts discussed during the visit of the British Prime Minister was a joint venture for oil and gas processing at the same field of Kashagan, in which the Chinese intend to buy a share. During a presentation of the project, Cameron and Nazarbayev noted that the production of the plant will be a new reliable source of energy for European countries. Apparently reassured by such a deal, the British Prime Minister was pleased to note the importance of Kazakhstan on issues of regional security. “Kazakhstan is on the rise. It is a country that wants to play a more important role in the region and in the world,” Cameron said. According to him, in the coming years the UK is ready to conclude with Kazakh partners contracts worth approximately $130 billion. One of them is the development of a new plan to replace the failed route of the Nabucco gas pipeline, previously supported by the U.S. and Europe.
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