Monday, July 1, 2013


The 'First Jewish Black President of the World' [POTUS #44], isn't.  IT isn't any different, now, than then, them-the-clan, past-present-future growing horror beginning circa 1900s-40s.  Selling America down the river was dictated via the 'credit' and an oppressive regime to steal our sovereignty.  But, POTUS #44 isn't to blame.  No, we have the crusaders and the crusaders before the crusaders to hang the toxic shame of failed nation state USA on.

... Putin’s regime sees the US as its main enemy internationally and inside Russia, where Washington is accused of masterminding a possible regime change by pumping billions of dollars to the pro-democracy opposition and human rights organizations. Washington, on the other hand, is more concerned with emerging China’s power and terrorist threats, while a declining Russia is apparently seen as more of a nuisance than a deadly challenge. Last month, a US government official told Jamestown in Moscow that if Russia does not respond favorably to Barack Obama’s overtures, “the administration will forget about [Russia] and pay no attention.” The Snowden saga may change this and Russia may be elevated as a much more serious hazard, if Snowden stays in Moscow, instead of proceeding to Ecuador or some other exotic haven (RIA Novosti, June 26). It is a tough call for Putin and his spy colleagues to make: keep Snowden and face the consequences, or let him go and regret the lost opportunities.[tt_news]=41082&tx_ttnews[backPid]=7&cHash=31b77adffeaebad8df5e35be69f14b92#.UdHoe5z9Q4g

The Curtain Falls on Nabucco’s Last Act

Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 10 Issue: 123, June 28, 2013 04:10 PM, By: Vladimir Socor
(Source: AFP)

Nabucco-West, the pipeline project that was to have carried Azerbaijani gas from Turkey to the Central European Gas Hub near Vienna, is exiting from the stage. There will be no encore: “The Nabucco project is over for us. Our goal now is European gas for European customers,” Gerhard Roiss, CEO of Austrian OMV, the Nabucco consortium’s lead player, told the audience (Die Presse, June 27; and see accompanying article).

Nabucco’s rival Trans-Adriatic Pipeline project (TAP, Greece-Albania-Italy, led by Norwegian Statoil) has prevailed in the contest for priority access to Azerbaijani gas, eliminating Nabucco-West. On June 26, the gas producers’ consortium at Shah Deniz in Azerbaijan communicated this decision to the parties and to the European Union in Brussels (, accessed June 27).

Initiated in 2002, the Nabucco project held potentially winning cards of a strategic nature. Along with intrinsic comparative advantages, Nabucco long enjoyed the European Commission’s political and (unofficially) advisory support. Given this project’s superior potential, the Commission prioritized Nabucco as the mainstay of the planned Southern Gas Corridor to Europe. However, missteps in Vienna detracted from the project’s credibility, ultimately offsetting its advantages.

The proposed 3,900-kilometer pipeline, with a 56-inch (1,420-millimeter) diameter and an annual 31-billion-cubic-meter (bcm) design capacity, seemed moribund by 2011. The transportation project’s ambitions were outrunning the actual gas field development in the Caspian basin by many years. Consequently, Nabucco lacked supply sources and investment capital while facing steep cost increases for the project. The project company could not deal with these problems by citing outdated cost estimates, or by voicing wildly premature hopes to access gas from northern Iraq (a hope that could not even look optimistic since it presupposed a long, expensive connector pipeline). By 2011, Nabucco was losing credibility all around in its then-existing form (see EDM, January 31, 2012; February 3, 2012).[swords]=8fd5893941d69d0be3f378576261ae3e&tx_ttnews[any_of_the_words]=nabuka%20pipeline&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=41089&tx_ttnews[backPid]=7&cHash=af5122fd6993cde94ba70d43598758bf#.UdHpjJz9Q4g

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