Thursday, September 12, 2013


‘Monsanto Protection Act’ quietly extended by Congress

Published time: September 12, 2013 02:23
AFP Photo / Nicholas Kamm
AFP Photo / Nicholas Kamm

A budget provision protecting genetically-modified seeds from litigation in the face of health risks was extended for three months in an approved US House of Representatives’ spending bill on Tuesday evening.

Called “The Monsanto Protection Act” by opponents, the budget rider shields biotech behemoths like Monsanto, Cargill and others from the threat of lawsuits and bars federal courts from intervening to force an end to the sale of a GMO (genetically-modified organism) even if the genetically-engineered product causes damaging health effects.

[SIDEBAR:  When did the mob get to have the most fun in America?  Always.  New words fit the new agendas.  In essence though the agendas are about how to make the words fool as many human beings as can be made into fools in earth's short time for life's realities.

Well nature's realities aren't Holly Wood Bohemian Grovers and / or the NAZI GREEN, AGENDA 21, NEW WORLD ORDERERS, AND name a GENOCIDE the government didn't support and the APARTHEID?!  PLEASE the Metzitzah b'peh practitioners are out of the universe with respect to mentally ill.  AND MONSANTO as well as the BUBBLE FRAUDS OF FINANCIAL WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, give certain humans a sense of entitlement as though the earth chooses favorites.]

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