Friday, October 18, 2013

USA Government ShutUP & Down, "DeHumanized", "DeAmericanized", Humans Racing Around World Earth In Mutual Mass Destruction

Planet Earth didn't have an agenda such as humans destroying humans via the power of imagination.

Owners of America's school systems have worked to lower the Intelligent Quotient [IQ] to less than 100.  Hong Kong's IQ is at the average of 107. 

When a nation, such as the United States, breeds the stock in a cesspool of poisons for eons, then there is not one other product than what is seen in the mass majority in the USA.

Americans aren't bred to be bright.

Tragically the USA is a melting pot of human beings that are also EMOTIONALLY retarded.  There is no chart to show how the QUOTIENT for measuring the human's power of truly seeing how the invisible subtle gets to be in the seen not so subtle.  EQ isn't found in the charts measuring human beings in the countries, but as an old saying goes - know the fruit by nature's truth.  No poisons and that is indeed a fruit worth value.

Humans are a natural organism in the earth's atmosphere.  Poisoning our nature is our death sentence and this activity is from all the nations addicted to over consumerism and this is EQ retardation.

by Jon Rappoport
October 16, 2013
... Operation Chaos, the higher-level plan to bring America to its knees, proceeds. Its ultimate goal? Reducing the United States to the status of “desperately needs rescue.”
That is the status which elite Globalists demand for every nation on Earth, in order to introduce one currency for the planet, and one system of management for all nine billion people.
In such a system, all borders and sovereign countries would be eradicated, “for the greater good.”
... Presidents of the United States are agents of the plan, every one of them. They accept this future. They entertain various delusions about it:
One, the US will emerge as the leader of a Globalist world.
Two, US imperial conquests abroad will continue.
Three, the US will participate as “an equal partner in a kinder, gentler structure.”
Four, the US will be submerged in a glorious international collective, for “the greatest good of the greatest number.”
Five, mega-corporations and banks will make the need for national governments largely obsolete.
Six, the US will finally receive its comeuppance for centuries of oppression.
None of these views is really accurate.
The future which the elite Globalists are planning and implementing is a sluggish, morbid, depopulated Earth dominated from a point of Central Planning, and run by a bureaucracy which would make current national and regional bureaucracies look like streamlined rockets.

Incidentally, in 1998, when the Asian financial crisis was still raging, then-President Bill Clinton also skipped a visit to Asia. This is what happened next; Asia turbocharged regional cooperation, and slowly but surely China began to extend its influence and trading power.
The crown in this new success story was Xi actively promoting – from Central Asia to Southeast Asia – a twin, overland and maritime, 21st-century Chinese version of the Silk Road. 
Even the Washington Post was forced to wake up to a reality Asia Times had been reporting about for weeks, although, predictably, they totally missed the point, marketing the complex Chinese strategy as a response to former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s ‘vision’. Howls of laughter could be detected in business centers from Shenzhen to Istanbul – as if a New Silk Road could possibly qualify as yet another product of American exceptionalism.   

Traders work on the floor of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (AFP Photo / Antony Wallace)
Traders work on the floor of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (AFP Photo / Antony Wallace)

Feel free to bask in our connectivity

For all its immense internal problems and sociopolitical challenges, China also has every reason, long-term, to be on a high. This has everything to do with the productivity of 20 percent of mankind being unleashed wave after wave. The US underestimates Chinese resolve at its own peril. In 2012 China's GDP per capita was around $6,100 (compared with $50,000 for the US). Beijing will go no holds barred to quadruple it by 2020. 
Imagine a country that in the foreseeable future remains the key node of the global supply and production chain – the Supreme Trading Power. 
Imagine a country that by 2020 will have around 195 million university graduates – which is more than the entire US workforce.

Great Wall of China is an amazing work.  America has the learning curve to embrace, IQ and EQ.

Best Silk Our Road Into, Over, Under, Around, Through THE Wall.  Americans must not allow further experimentation of the human being and that means WALL STREET has to cease, desist and STOP having the system called 'courts' dehumanize people into the meat grinder while China deAmericanizes the courts into ?

... to be continued ...

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