Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Kerry and Lavrov Close Ranks Against Israel: WHAT? Why are the Many Houses of Rothschild Allowed To Control DIMONA ?? Are WE Human Homo Sapiens Being Grown Up Enough To Know?!


CNN's Christiane Amanpour - and a pushover for the Israelis
CNN’s  Christiane Amanpour – Always a pushover for the Israelis
[ Editors Note: What you will read below folks is what used to be referred to as the 'one - two punch', or a 'tag team' move. Kerry and Lavrov laid it right out that Israel will not be a deal wrecker with its silly zero nuclear activity demand for Iran, something they knew that Iran would never accept.
In a separate article I will cover more of the hysterics the Zios engaged in with the help of their CNN facilitators.  Christiane Amanpour gave Bennett, the radical pro settler Israeli interior minister, a full ten minute red carpet fairy tale podium about how Iran can 'break out' with a nuclear bomb in six weeks anytime it would want to in the future.
A professional journalist would have eaten Bennett alive over the flagrantly bogus claim. But all of our mass media does not allow Israeli top spokesmen to be challenged on anything substantial, which includes lying to the American people, compliments of CNN. They are...in the bag.
You may not have noticed but top Israelis never appear on a program with an informed critic, and they have a quiet arrangement with the networks that their interview will not be even followed by an interview with a critic.
Yes, our fourth estate has been down on their knees to the Israelis, doing this for many many years now. The public is partially to blame as CNN hears no outrage whatsoever.
We the public, have sloughed off  'taking ownership' of the problem by closing down CNN's phone lines for days in protest. In fact, other than the wonderful grass roots response to stop the Syrian attack, I can't remember when we have done...a very good record at being AWOL... Jim W. Dean ]

Veterans' Today <<

1 comment:

  1. Stupid isn't smart and intelligent is higher than the barbarism. Wondering where the balance in YIN-YANG is, in the earth the MEN that were BOYS and sat to spin on some freak of nature's poor Metzitzah b'peh broken down SOUL-SPIRIT, no real power in the thinking stuff, victim and wanting to destroy the perpetrators of the criminal act mutilation the species for ultimate control of a war animal machine. In a word, insane.
