Monday, November 4, 2013

TURKEYS (Domestic) Can't Eat Without Shiny Objects To Peck At: Else They STARVE TO DEATH They're BRED THAT STUPID

"Mr. Snowden violated US law," White House adviser, Dan Pfeiffer, told ABC on Sunday. 

"He should return to the US and face justice."
The real gem in the USA is for one, Mark Twain.  He would have had a real book to write about how DUMB the American people have gotten.  Turkeys stand a better chance, those that aren't domesticated, than the CONGRESS US-ZioCons.

The USA has met the real truth about the country's "Leaders?!":  TURKEYS.

Domesticated to the point of no brains, and the mind can't find the real food absent the shiny objects which have all been used to kill other turkeys with.  Too stupid even for a box of rocks to consider allowing the dumbers than shiny objects, to join the silence of stones.

BESIDES THE FACT, THAT, Earth World People have all grown-up and can SEE with our own eyes the true TURKEY SHOOT for Thanksgiving?
Feinstein said she did not know what Obama knew, but said she intended to conduct a review of all intelligence programs to see if they were going too far.
Oh MY Grandma, COSMETIC SURGERY CAL STYLE didn't hide:  What BIG EYES You Have!  And Granny, how come George W. Bush, "Jr." and the Barry Soetero FRAUDSTER aren't doing hard time at GITMO?  Just wondering about "US LAW/s", since the POTUS position isn't supposed to be up for CONS, whoops forgot almost Granny, you're Israeli Firster and ALL 'MERICANS are Goy fodder for your weapons that provide BILLIONS of units to kill your own species and call it investing in futures. 

... to be continued ....

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