… Jeremy Scahill (centre,
in black) in a scene from Dirty Wars. Photograph: Sportsphoto
The real people in the film – and the book, Dirty Wars: The World is a Battlefield, which accompanies it – are the victims of what are, in effect, US hit squads operating in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and other places where the American government is waging its "war on terror". Starting with one murderous attack on an Afghan police chief and his family in eastern Afghanistan, Scahill widens the focus to portray an out-of-control US military, operating through a shadowy organisation called the Joint Special Operations Command, stalking an ever increasing number of targets in an apparently endless war. It is a compelling picture that tries to make sense of the spiralling number of drone strikes and targeted assassinations; tries, too, to prise a reaction from viewers who have been desensitised by a decade of such killings.
[SIDEBAR: Bush and Cheney doing the American George Carlin call: BULLSHIT. These two convicted war criminals are on television and the news, that they're owners of too, and blowing lots of NUCLEAR SMOKE up our A$$E$ again so they don't, at long last, get held responsible for being mass murderers of our own species. TOO ASHAMED AMERICA? Sure should be. INDIANS saved the Anglo Captain that came back to do what we now know to be the worst APARTHEID - GENOCIDE and under the umbrella, "Democracy"]
GREAT AMERICAN NIGHTMARE DAILY TRUE: Dehumanized, Desensitized, TransHumanized ALL FOR ISRAELI FIRSTERS and this is what we see-got, and what WORLD EARTH rejects. Best get in line U$ZioCon$, the billions of real PEOPLE have stood now, see billions and billions are not accepting the MILITANT "COURT$" retiring on flesh that isn't up for trading, not by any stretch of the FEINSTEIN-BOXER-PELOSI-ET-AL retirement portfolios!