Sunday, November 10, 2013

US-ZioCons & ITS' 'Allies' to rule World Earth Exclusively? Resoundingly NO

Talks With Iran Fail to Produce a Nuclear Agreement, 11/10/13

U.S. Talks With Iran Fail to Produce a Nuclear Agreement - GENEVA,Marathon,Iran,Iran's,Emerging,European Union's,Catherine Ashton,Mohammad Javad Zarif,Earlier,France,Iranian,Secretary,State John Kerry,Middle East,Arak,Israel,United States,Sanger,Denver GENEVA Marathon talks between major powers and Iran failed on Sunday to produce a deal to freeze its nuclear program, puncturing days of feverish anticipation and underscoring how hard it will be to forge a lasting solution to Iran's nuclear ambitions.

Emerging from a last-ditch bargaining session that began Saturday but stretched past midnight, the European Union's foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, and Iran's foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, said they had failed to overcome differences. Earlier in the day, France objected strenuously that a proposed deal would do too little to curb Iran's uranium enrichment or to stop the development of a nuclear reactor capable of producing plutonium.

For all that, Mr Zarif tried to put a brave face on the three days of talks, saying that the atmosphere had been good, even if the parties disagreed on the details of a potential agreement.

Iranian officials had promoted the possibility of a deal for days, generating an expectant atmosphere that swelled when Secretary of State John Kerry cut short a tour of the Middle East on Friday to join the talks.

The announcement was a deflating end to a long day of diplomatic twists and turns, after Mr Kerry huddled for hours with Mr Zarif and Mr Fabius to try to close gaps on issues like curbing Iran's enrichment program and what to do about the heavy-water reactor Iran is building near the city of Arak, which will produce plutonium.

But Mr Kerry said during his recent visit to Israel that the United States was asking Iran, as part of an interim accord, to agree to a "complete freeze over where they are today," implying that Iran's plutonium production program would be affected in some way as well. Sanger from Denver.


1 comment:

  1. Kerry asked Iran for a Complete Freeze Over & The Palestinians ask Israel the same, the outcome of the Middle East is the Powder Keg and the Monkeys with Money & Guns Are Amok.
