[sidebar: The system of DIGITAL FRAUD has crashed. The US$ flooded the global market and the intention was a long planned agenda. WHO OWNS THE NEWS' WOES' INDUSTRIES' TIDINGS OF NOTHING GOOD?!
Global Government (GG) has been very-very busy. Disappearing the idea of sanity, working 24/7-365, for years-years-years and years. Here we are, now the power structure has changed from the pyramid heavy at the bottom to the pyramid very small and frightened - top has spun into the chaos of 'real' ?
STATES' RIGHTS'. Now this is an interesting concept when the STATES OF CALIFORNIA, OREGON, WASHINGTON sold U$ down the river in the AGENDA 21, GREEN. And that was and is - FEDERAL - in ITS' political tyranny to the U.S. Constitution.
We need to follow the Sheriff and let the STATES that have gone ROGUE know, the *CREDIT ZIO-PUNCH (see *Gilad Atzmon), is also FRAUD.
When the 'money' or call what this 'product' really and truly is: digit. When the digit gets to be a countless number because IT is, after all, VIRTUAL, and then the MONSTERS that make this FRAUD up are our own species? Our own species sell us FRAUD beyond the wildest of imaginations and then manufacture the earth as a living hell.
Wow, we actually, BILLIONS, watch this as though a 'movie'.
We're not in the movies, life real time isn't what these goons WHO OWN THE NEWS are able to do absent our full and complete permission.
Now, the STATES of California, Oregon, Washington DECIDED to be GREEN, an Agenda 21 GLOBAL INITIATIVE: POLITICAL PONEROLOGY.
The planet is overpopulated and the depopulation has to be a COVER-UP. Pretend and make-believe, ANN AIKEN, of the State of Oregon had to be coached in this? DEPOSITIONS of AA weren't allowed via Panner in Medford, his oath to the U.S. Constitution is behind the United States District Courts' retirement portfolios, but of course.
FRAUD IS FRAUD. The Federal Reserve System [FRS] is FRAUD. The cabal that owns this entity are PAEDOPHILES. The Cult is a global Paedophiliac sickest of our species: sub-human | subterranean | Degradation, Apartheid-Genocidal, Mass Murdering, Homicidal-Maniacal CRIMINALLY INSANE. Practicing and selling as though a 'Holy Religious Rite' or 'Health', the mutilation of our own species as though this, too, as FIAT-DIGITAL-FRAUD.
Cutting the male, when innocent, can't be but what IT is: criminally insane. STOP. Stop all the NEWS' WOE INDUSTRIES' FRAUD and with that strike three, the home run to digitally produce all our own 'credit' to operate the life in earth, well nothing but a keystroke or mouse away!]
.. to be continued ...
An Earthquake thinks the IT can control nature, via weapons to show how powerful the imbeciles that have inbred too much and other forms of brain dead experimentation/s' "Decided", 6/28/14?
ReplyDeleteWoe Industries News' Selling Propaganda, ETC, & Sheriff MACK needs to let the people know about DIGITAL 'CREDIT' as well
ReplyDeleteDIGIT VIRTUAL and the Global Government doing the best IT can to cover up the ENLIGHTENMENT!?