Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Secret Weapon: ? & Type 1-2-3 Transition Into The/A (NWO) New Planetary System Terrorists' Abhor

[sidebar:  DISINFORMATION SPECIALIST?  Expert in news/information/ a service provider for the human being and our potential to be wholly and fully 'experienced'?

In America are so many cultures .. OR,

... do we have the multiple factions that are cults of information programmed into the MINDS of all the 'people' brainwashed for longer than we can know, to-date APARTHEID is a very clever tool for manipulating human capital &
  • What is the intention of EDUCATION?
  • Where in the world do we find the human potential for the enlightened geniuses
  • Samuel Mark Twain Clemmens, for our American example of MAYBE STILL!
should the systems of vacuous STOP controlling brain-body-mind-heart-soul, VERVE-CHI-QI-KI-ENERGY-SPIRIT, via the Federal Reserve Systems' (FRS') FRAUD.]

1 comment:

  1. Make dumb animals out of humans that can at least do the dumb animal jobs while being really dumb animals, that's America.
