Wednesday, February 5, 2014

New Amster DAMN Times, Campbell Robertson: Re ROGER SHULER, Legal Schnauzer in Rove's & the Criminal Slimy Big AL

"I had specifically told Campbell Robertson that we are open to being represented by the right lawyer with the right strategy under the right circumstances. I felt I made that very clear, but there must have been some misunderstanding because The New York Times incorrectly reported that I was refusing to hire a lawyer. That's not true and I just want to make sure that's clear." <<

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Send an email to: Campbell Robertson

Campbell Robertson how are your relatives in the Forest Charter chapters of the Magna Carta, OK with the so called tale telling?

Yellow Journalism is speaking a certain word language to the particular reader for that 'specific' civilized fraud.

FRAUD.  What has happened in the U.S.A. is monumental FRAUD.  Roger Shuler LEGAL SCHNAUZER proves the JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY in the United States of America isn't.

There appears to be genuine threads of reality, missing in the story about Mr. Shuler.

Perhaps, Mr. Robertson, you wrote the story to convince yourself?

Mr. Shuler's happening didn't really happen and the truth isn't what the story is.

Nice denial, too bad Egypt also decided to out the yellow journalism that has gotten to be a digital death to the truly civilized in the world ... time DOES NOT as you know, wait for the tide to change.  The RED SEA was a very Biblical Tale, too, looks like you've got your orders?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

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This just in: New York Times reporters embarrassed by the paper's editorial pages

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Reporters in The New York Times newsroom deeply resent the paper's editorial page, and the dissent has “reached the boiling point,” the New York Observer reports Tuesday.

It's not an ideological dispute, the Observer says, but rather the sense that the paper's editorials and columns are boring, ineffectual, poorly written and poorly read. The story was based on interviews with more than two dozen current and former Times staffers, mostly on condition of anonymity out of fear of editorial page editor Andrew Rosenthal.

Rosenthal was described as a petty tyrant, and lazy in his supervision of an opinion staff that is widely seen outside the newsroom as the voice of the Left-wing establishment.

But many saved their most pointed criticism for foreign affairs columnist Thomas Friedman, noting that his writing in recent years has been widely parodied and ridiculed.

"As for the columnists, Friedman is the worst. He hasn’t had an original thought in 20 years; he’s an embarrassment. He’s perceived as an idiot who has been wrong about every major issue for 20 years, from favoring the invasion of Iraq to the notion that green energy is the most important topic in the world even as the financial markets were imploding," said a former Times writer described as having "gone on to great success elsewhere."

"Then there’s Maureen Dowd, who has been writing the same column since George H. W. Bush was president.”

Right about now, many conservatives are probably nodding their heads.

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