Friday, February 14, 2014

NSA: RAND PAUL for POTUS#45 ? | only one to win over him is Senator ELIZABETH WARREN

Sen Rand Paul sues President Obama over NSA call surveillance >> Get short URL<<

U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) (Reuters / Jason Reed)
U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) (Reuters / Jason Reed) 2/14/14
US Senator Rand Paul has filed a class-action lawsuit against the Obama administration and the National Security Agency seeking to halt the NSA's vast data-surveillance program.

Paul, a Kentucky Republican and toast of the tea party movement, promised a “historic” fight against the NSA when he announced the suit had been filed Wednesday at a press conference. He was joined by Ken Cuccinelli, Virginia's former attorney general, and Matt Kibbe, the president and CEO of the tea party-affiliated FreedomWorks. Bruce Fein, a Reagan administration attorney, is one of the lawyers on the case.

Maryland lawmakers eye cutting off water, power to NSA headquarters

 February 13, 2014
National Security Agency (NSA) at Fort Meade, Maryland (AFP Photo)
National Security Agency (NSA) at Fort Meade, Maryland (AFP Photo)
A group of lawmakers in Maryland has introduced a bill that would deny state support to the National Security Agency (NSA) headquarters in Ft. Meade, Md., which might see electricity and water supplies cut to the intelligence nerve center.

Eight Republicans from the 141-member Maryland House of Delegates introduced the legislation that would deny the NSA “material support, participation or assistance in any form” from the state or companies with state contracts
In practice, this might mean that NSA facilities would be deprived of water and electricity, prevent state universities from partnering with the NSA in research projects, and ban NSA-derived evidence in state courts.

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[sidebarRand Paul and his son, the grandson of Ron Paul, were at the wall in Israel where Brother Nathanael 'real jew news' has photos of that time.  Do we trust Rand Paul?  Would be quite wonderful should the truth be better than the Soetoro fraud.]

.. to be continued ...

1 comment:

  1. Trust is fragile in the land of glass shattering FRAUD that can be terminal BUBBLES, insane Federal Reserve System's criminal RICO OZ
