[SIDEBAR: EDUCATION? INFORMATION? Mark Twain didn't think much of American schools either, and that was long before the internet. We are very SMART to have gotten the internet into the world of education and information .. to be
continued ... When did America produce such as this writer during the time of so many IVY LEAGUE 'politicians'?!] ...
In accordance with its name , the Special Tribunal for Lebanon is so special that it is not a judicial body, but a political instrument. Created to condemn presidents Emile Lahoud and Bashar al -Assad, it was later used to convict General Qassem Suleiman and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, to be directed today against Hezbollah. The history of this special court illustrates the convulsions of imperialism in the Middle East and Russia.
In addition, the Lebanese Army showed that the day of the crime, the United States had an AWACS observation device over Lebanon and that they had scrambled all signals of Lebanese origin. Asked to explain this strangeness and to provide a copy of their data, which would confirm or deny the suspicions of Hezbollah and my theory, the United States refused to do so. They had, up until then, called on the international community to cooperate in the investigation.
http://www.voltairenet.org/article181910.html <<
The STL, A “Special” Court, by Thierry Meyssan
Love the People, Hate the System
(Excerpted from Chapter 1: Stickin’ it to the Matrix)
The key to getting free from the matrix is attitude. Every day we are bombarded with a not so subtle message from the programmers. They want you to hate the people and the planet starting with yourself.
You smell bad, therefore you need our deodorant. Your teeth aren’t white enough, therefore you need our toothpaste. You’re too fat, therefore you need our diet plan. And so on.
Every “program” on your TV degrades your humanity by telling you to screw over your friends and neighbors and “get one over on them”. The not so subtle message in all this is to, “be a good capitalist”.
Most news stories on your local news are about poor people committing heinous crimes. White collar criminals such as the financial parasites who own Wall Street are not so covered. That’s because these criminals own the system, including the TV station you are watching.
If the rich can keep you focused on all those poor liquor store bandits and the Octomom, they can continue to feed incessantly at the government trough and rob billions through the insider trades on the global stock exchanges unnoticed
The broken record which they try to engrain in each of us slaves from birth is essentially, “You are inherently flawed (original sin?), but the system itself is perfect. You are a basket case, but the matrix has no flaws. Hate yourself and worship the system and the oligarchy that owns it”.
Once you begin to see that the system is actually predicated on exploitation, cheating and lies, you can do one of two things. You can choose to embrace the system and become morally bankrupt yourself by working to further the goals of an evil corporation, investing your retirement in their evil stock markets and hoping implicitly that the matrix will get more sinister, more powerful and benefit you.
Or you will see it for what is really is and embrace your humanity. If you do this there is really only one choice. You must distance yourself from the system through nonparticipation and go to war with the matrix at every level.
The two most effective ways to fight this battle are to withhold your own sweat in the form of cheap labor for the exploiters and to close your pocketbook on its big box stores.
The old saying, “Live simply so that others may simply live”, holds true. Your cheap labor & your high-dollar shopping only serve to reinforce the matrix.
I will not further chronicle the evils of the matrix in this book. All the evidence you need that this world is run by a group calling itself the Illuminati, which profits from death, destruction and debt is documented in my Big Oil…book.
Stories of how our rampant consumption of these Satanists’ products in the developed world literally starves out what these creeps call the “useless eaters” of the developing world can be abundantly found in my The Grateful Unrich… book.
My task from this point on is not to convince you that this system is rotten to the core or that you should practice non-participation as a way to both emancipate yourself and the rest of the planet from these takers.
My task is to show you in simple and practical terms, how to do it. This book is for those of you who are already know what should be obvious to any sentient being who has witnessed oligarchy atrocities.
Before one can take action to escape the matrix, one must become a warrior in the battle against it. From that point on one realizes that exiting the system as much as possible requires a worldview that deems the system your enemy.
If you worship the system, or even see it as a valid alternative, you will begin to lose your humanity. You will become cynical as to the motives of your fellow humans and of nature. Paradoxically, if we love humanity and the natural world, we must hate the system with all our heart. We must declare war on it in every facet of our lives.
Dean Henderson is the author of four books: Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network, The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries, Das Kartell der Federal Reserve & Stickin’ it to the Matrix. You can subscribe free to his weekly Left Hook column @ www.deanhenderson.wordpress.com
Rotten to the Core: Government Schools ‘Common Core’ Indoctrination
February 4, 2014 By
The term public is fast becoming archaic, since the current age promotes an internationalist culture of interdependency, where the state defines institutional roles and sanctions accepted standards. The public plays virtually no effective role in this process. For this reason the proper term to use is government indoctrination centers. Bringing back the McGuffey Readers as the alternative to the state syllabus of common core would be a step in the right direction.
Our ‘Dysfunctional Public Education Is No Accident‘ essay lays out the correct standard:
“Education needs to be about teaching the tools, methods and process of “How To Think”. The mission of the instructor is one of developing the intuitive nature of inquiry that is natural in every person. Training the intrinsic urge of curiosity as the means of discriminating and rational thought is the prime goal for the educator. But to achieve this level of tutoring the teacher must be founded in their own understand in logic and analytical thinking. In today’s classroom, social engineering has replaced Aristotle, Locke and Kant with the latest celebrity of multiculturalism.”
The Common Core site attempts to outline the purpose and worthiness of their education standards. Sounds like a noble goal; however, what is the reality?
“As a natural outgrowth of meeting the charge to define college and career readiness, the Standards also lay out a vision of what it means to be a literate person in the twenty-first century. Indeed, the skills and understandings students are expected to demonstrate have wide applicability outside the classroom or workplace. Students who meet the Standards readily undertake the close, attentive reading that is at the heart of understanding and enjoying complex works of literature. They habitually perform the critical reading necessary to pick carefully through the staggering amount of information available today in print and digitally. They actively seek the wide, deep, and thoughtful engagement with high-quality literary and informational texts that builds knowledge, enlarges experience, and broadens worldviews. They reflexively demonstrate the cogent reasoning and use of evidence that is essential to both private deliberation and responsible citizenship in a democratic republic. In short, students who meet the Standards develop the skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening that are the foundation for any creative and purposeful expression in language.”
Dr. Susan Berry presents a wealth of information and resource links in her article, Common Core Rooted In Math Class Social Justice Indoctrination: ”While proponents of the Common Core claim that the new standards are focused on “college and career readiness,” more evidence is surfacing that a central purpose of the initiative is social justice and income redistribution indoctrination.”
That one example sums up the dilemma. She continues:
“Radical Math boasts over 700 lesson plans, articles, charts, books, and websites that cover a wide range of socio-political issues including redistribution of wealth, discrimination against the poor by whites, corporations, banks, etc., and the message that widespread racism against blacks continues in the United States today.”
Now compare this critical appraisal to the lofty mission of math back in the Common Core mission statement (below). How can this statement below square with the above practice?
Integration into a 21th century business and social model is the ultimate intent of the common core objective. Nowhere is there a debate of what kind of future mankind wants or the kind of reality that all human beings are intrinsically part of. Those questions require the study in humanity education and liberal arts training that are quite different from the instruction in algorithm programming.
The world view of this common core inculcation presupposes that society accepts their premises as a fait accompli. Their technocrat approach to instruction demands that authentic education must be marginalized if not outright eliminated. The traditional Christian cosmology has no place in this brave new world. In the article, Common Core’s Negative Impact on Education and Biblical Literacy, explains the destructive nature of this dehumanizing standardization.
“The central organizing theme of the Common Core ELA standards is that study of creative literature must be diminished in favor of nonfiction “informational texts.” The idea is that students should be drilled in the types of documents they are more likely to encounter in their entry-level jobs (and make no mistake, Common Core is a workforce-development model, not an education model).
The fundamental problem with the Common Core approach is that, to achieve its job-training goals, it recognizes no difference between one “complex” text and another “complex” text. A great work of literature has value far beyond the complexity of the words used – it allows students to understand the eternal human condition; it allows them to confront human challenges that recur throughout the ages; it teaches empathy, prudence, forgiveness; it transports the readers to places and times not their own. The Common Core ELA standards are, quite simply, indifferent to this type of education. Training, not educating, is their goal. They are not interested in helping students become the people God created them to be; they are interested in creating workers.”
You can just hear the profane condemnation from the American Federation of Teacher and the National Education Association opposing the mere mention of God in their secular temples of perdition. Irony excluded how biblical revelation dare be debated in a non-judgmental culture of relativism. At the heart of the government school establishment is an unending choir of fallen angels that preach their vision of paradise, while demanding ever higher budgets and far greater control over the indoctrination of their impressionable guinea pigs.
America is now a country stuck on stupid, greatly because of this unholy and apocalyptic system that dooms our society. Gee, moving to a common core curriculum has the intent to eliminate the last remnants of independent school boards. Home Schooling is also threatened as the article, ‘What Homeschool Parents Need to Know about the Common Core‘ argues.
One factor is the century-long effort to nationalize and standardize American education. The standardization efforts have their roots in Dewey, Cubberley, and the schools of education at Stanford and Columbia. They picked up steam in the 1960s and 1970s as the national teachers’ unions gained more power. They strengthened more when President Jimmy Carter fulfilled a promise to the NEA by creating a separate, cabinet-level Department of Education.
The educrats dream of a day when every student in America will receive exactly the same education, using the same textbooks and lesson plans. Those textbooks and lesson plans will, of course, be developed by the best and the brightest, who will pass them down on tablets of stone. The worker bees and drones will be programmed to follow them exactly. This is a nightmare scenario, one which anyone who believes in individual rights, local control, and federalism should oppose at every opportunity. The Common Core Standards become dangerous when they form a stepping stone which helps to move the educrats’ vision forward.”
Top down control always is intended to eradicate the voice of the individual. Under a national coordinated imposition of federal funding, local school districts have become dependent upon the conditional requirements of conformity to keep the money flowing.
So what is the solution? From the ‘Dysfunctional Public Education Is No Accident‘ article.
“Reform is no long possible. A Federal Department of Education hastens central controls for social compliance. At this point, an education free from public schools, has more value than going through the disinformation that is currently being taught. The errors that are learned in childhood are more difficult to overturn, then if they were never acquired in the first place. So what exactly is the advantage in an education under government approved instructors? If you want to reverse the decay in moral aptitude, you must find alternatives for the education of your children.”
Common Core pronouncements sound so nice. In spite of this, the key question is whether their program of study teaches the principles of developing good citizens. Lest we forget, a good citizen is an independent thinking and rationally responsible trained advocate of liberty and moral values. Maintaining and expanding a structure of mindless and obedient state compliance is ridiculous.
Our founding fathers were distinguished, well-spoken and skilled in the understanding of human nature. Today’s specimens, hatched from government schools, are chicken-livered dimwits that aspire to the lowest paradigm that a common core can establish. The miserable failure of the taxpayer collective education system is undeniable by any judicious measure.
R.I.P. before the entire nation dies with it.
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