You have it right as far as one part of the coalition - the BRICS, Germany, and the G-77. The other part of the coalition is the United States minus the Federal Reserve. The Board of Governors of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have approved public filing of Financing Statements under the Uniform Commercial Code with the Secretaries of State where the 12 Federal Reserve Banks are located. Ten UCC-1 statements have been filed electronically, and the re... See More< |
>Asia’s new tripartite entente<< |
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What the BRICS plus Germany are really up to?>tripartite entente cordiale<<
America was taken over by people who now learned the lesson of history. Winston Churchill said that a "High Cabal" saved the day, "World War II". Winston was not exactly the best of our human being species, not in his physical neglect and certainly his mass murdering to the sound of trumpets wasn't sane either.
When the WORLD DECIDES, the world changes. We know the losers and winners, per the history and that is how the world decides to be what the world is.
That is, once the changing of the most predatory gets rebalanced.
Pol Pot was a dictator and there are so many dictators. Not one leader in the earth isn't some sort of dictatorial type of human. Controllers want to control. Chosen want to be the controllers, too.
America, Israel, the European Union (now disintegrating), got together with other countries - Japan, Saudi Arabia, Et Al, and decided to own the world earth. There looks to be a security system problem, written about in 2012, and then so many problems: USD.
Criminal fraud in the systems controlling the American economy, wasn't going to be hidden from the countries that had been in the slavery government business for far longer than America.
Slavery is what this whole new world disorder is about. How to either allow the slaves to be more free and actually co-create "reality", or dark ages the planet and act as though insect mentality is high thought.
Looks like THANK GOD the high thought isn't going to be subterranean after all.
Dress up the cool dude Obama, sell him to world earth as though world earth was not other than still faxing and not in the tweet to other forms of instant information. CHANGING THE MIND.
The mind of our collective changed alright. When the fraud got so bad that the whole of humanity blew the thinking stuff into a cauldron which now has cooked the reality and we're ready for the banquet.
USD isn't invited to the picnic until the pests stop contaminating the food.
.. to be continued ... !?]