Arab Spring: The Fall of All Freedom
I was a bit surprised this morning, when
I came to the realization Libya’s Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi
was among the richest men who ever lived. Experts now claim that Gaddafi
was worth somewhere in the neighborhood of $200 billion dollars when US
backed rebels tortured and killed him in October of 2011. Though I
understood how Obama and Hillary Clinton had played a role in his death,
I had originally discounted rumors and speculation he was killed over
his billions, and over his leaning away from the dollar as a preferred
international exchange medium were boundless. Today I discover Executive Order 13566 for
the first time, and Gaddafi’s death makes all the more sense in the
overall context. As it turns out, the Libyan leader was among the
richest on Earth, and the plan to do away with him originated at the
highest levels of world leadership. What’s more, a clear and systematic
sequence of events can be linked, a chain of evidence leads to the White
House and beyond. Executive Order 13566 was executed February 25th,
2011, just eight days after major protests broke out against Gaddafi’s
government. The order reads in part:
“I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, find that Colonel Muammar Qadhafi, his government, and close associates have taken extreme measures against the people of Libya, including by using weapons of war, mercenaries, and wanton violence against unarmed civilians. I further find that there is a serious risk that Libyan state assets will be misappropriated by Qadhafi, members of his government, members of his family, or his close associates if those assets are not protected.”
On this same day Stuart Levey, the
Treasury undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence who
drafted Executive Order 13566, put in action the plan to sequester
billions stored in banks around the U.S. Once US embassy personnel had
been evacuated from Libya, Obama’s people sprung into action with the
help of bank employees who had been waiting through the night. In all,
some $30 billion in cash and liquid assets were seized. As of the Summer
of 2015, Gaddafi assets in the amount of $60 billion had been seized by
banks in the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom. These
funds are now in limbo, as a nebulous leadership of the Libyan
Investment Authority (LIA) hides amid a shadowy world of global
financiers. To be blunt, the Gaddafi billions pay no benefit to the
people of Libya, but only to the bankers and speculators who leveraged
the funds originally. $60 billion in “loans” let’s say, may never be
called in. At least this is a layman’s way of understanding what is
going on. Today multi-billion dollar lawsuits against
the likes of Hillary Clinton supporters Goldman Sachs, infighting over
who is in control of the LIA, and countless under the table dealings
further darken what was and is a monumental stain on US international
relationships. If this were the 1930s and mafia land, there would be
newspaper headlines accusing Barack Obama of committing a heist on
behalf of Wall Street. And the more evidence that crosses WikiLeaks
wires, the more clear Arab Spring’s real goals become. In one of the
most bizarre geo-political catastrophes ever, a British court may well
decide who is in charge of Gaddafi’s billions. The horde that the Obama
White House said belonged to the people of Libya, currently belongs on
bankers’ balance sheets. These banking and investment ties betray the
more militaristic geo-policy being played by the Obama White House.
The American, British, and EU leadership
have been busy as bees fueling chaos in the Arab world. As a by
product, the refugee and west versus east mess that blazes now further
inhibit peace and prosperity. It took me all of 10 seconds to find
linkages and curiosities via WikiLeaks. This cable from 2008 reveals the
UK government sanctioning three Libyan Islamists from an organization
known as the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), a group known to have
attempted the assassination of Gaddafi, in order to install a more
fundamentally extremist regime. Interestingly, the US was not sought as a
co-sponsor for labeling three members terrorists under United Nations
Security Council resolution 1267. Of particular interest is a man named
Maftah Mohamed ElMabruk, a key member of LIFG, now an Al Qaeda cell
group, who was protected by the British previously. The names and
alleged complicity in terror in this document stand in stark contrast to
the fact three Libyan terrorists were later found to be supplying arms
to the Syrian opposition of the regime of Bashar al-Assad. As it turned
out, the LIFG, working on behalf of the Libyan Islamist Abel Hakim
Belhadj, was being run by none other than Britain’s Blair and MI6.
It was the LIFG that MI6 used to carry
out several operations inside Libya, including the 1996 attempt to
assassinate Colonel Qaddafi. The group originated alongside al-Qaeda
inside Afghanistan, about the time US policymakers lured the USSR into
that country in what Carter administration National Security Adviser
Zbigniew Brzezinski bragged: “We now have the opportunity of giving to
the USSR its Vietnam war.” American policy having come full circle, it’s
crystal clear the American people have been totally misled. The useless
struggles of the past are now ushered into the spotlight. What’s even
more contemptible is the fact the EU is moving to restore valididity for
these jihadists. This story tells of one UN sanctioned LIFG operative
named Abdulbasit Abdulrahim being supported by the same EU refugees now
pour into. Whether or not Abdulrahim was a member of the LIFG or not,
the idea the US can make someone a terrorist one minute, and that the
same terrorist is redeemed by the EU the next, it speaks volumes for any
argument against paranoid security states. The Bush and Obama
administrations have pushed the boundaries of believability into the
The overthrow of Gaddafi by the American
administration, with the help of the United Nations, will go down in
history as the kindling of the most catastrophic foreign policy scheme
in history. The evidence surfacing now can only lead us to one
conclusion. Take the fact the former head of the LIFG, Norman Benotman
is currently the president of Quillam Foundation in London, and the fact
he was in Tripoli working with the British government at the time of
Gaddafi’s demise, attest to the dastardly and deep game of subterfuge
affecting us all. Benotman Tweets today,
in prolific and cryptic 140 characters that appear insane, or at best
unbalanced. Without delving into this character’s mysterious past,
suffice it to point out that Quilliam was established in 2007 by Ed
Husain, Maajid Nawaz and Rashad Zaman Ali, three former members of the
Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir. Named for the controversial William Quilliam,
the society is based on the concept of a global caliphate, its namesake
having sworn allegiance to the Ottoman Empire. Though the Quilliam
organization appears outwardly to be a shill puppet of Britain’s
anti-extremist Islam operation, some experts wonder if the organization
is not operating in a “duality” of purpose. Either way, the intended
goals of LIFG have been well served by Benotman and other assets. From
my perspective as a dissenter to the mainstream propaganda, simply
discovering Quilliam’s founding father is Maajid Nawaz,
Op-Ed master at the ubiquitous tabloid The Daily Beast, is enough to
categorize the organization as part of the problem, and no the solution
to world chaos. Ties in between Nawaz, the Next Gen Foundation
Quilliam shares offices with in the US, and ultimately former Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton, they whisper “double agent” to me. This is
only speculative on my part though. I won’t start connecting the dots
that lead to Google, the Clinton Foundation, and the neoconservative lifelines holding up Clinton for President either. Our whole system becomes suspect, as certainly it must.
Finally, this WikiLeaks revelation
further amplifies the Obama administration’s duplicity in Gaddafi’s
remise. Hillary Clinton’s staff was closely monitoring the effects the
Obama bank seizures were having on the Gaddafi government. Now that the
greater interest in Gaddafi billions by the likes of Clinton fans
Goldman Sachs has come to light, one has to wonder at the former
Secretary of State’s interests. Were these billions earmarked like other
Clinton business focused directives? WikiLeaks is an evidence treasure
trove on Clinton opportunism, one that only recently showed her conflict
of interest where places like Libya and corporate business are
concerned. It seems fair to predict that these American leaders, their
counterparts in London, may soon be under indictment for more than just
illegal email servers. Clinton appeared more interested in Gaddafi gold
than in a peaceful resolution for Libya. I quote from her communiqué of
April 1, 2011, just after President Obama seized upwards of $60 billion:
“On April 2, 2011 sources with access to
advisors to Salt al-Islam Qaddafi stated in strictest confidence that
while the freezing of Libya’s foreign bank accounts presents Muammar
Qaddafi with serious challenges, his ability to equip and maintain his
armed forces and intelligence services remains intact. According to
sensitive information available to this these individuals, Qaddafi’s
government holds 143 tons of gold, and a similar amount in silver.
During late March, 2011 these stocks were moved to SABHA (south west in
the direction of the Libyan border with Niger and Chad); taken from the
vaults of the Libyan Central Bank in Tripoli.”
Is the United States of America assuming
the role of Imperialist super-nation? Based on what I’ve learned in the
last three years, this was always our role. Spreading democracy and the
“American Way” was once something most of my countrymen would have been
proud to live, work, fight and die for. Unfortunately for the brave
souls interred at Arlington Cemetery, democracy had nothing whatever to
do with our leadership’s goals. Gaddafi was portrayed for us, from the
Potomac to studios in Hollywood, as an arch villain US Navy Seals should
snuff out. Libya was always he rogue, with Tom Clancy novels and
blockbuster movies tightly focused, so Americans would turn a blind eye
when the time came.
Well, the time has come. The Middle East
is a hornet’s nest, one overflowing onto the shores of once peaceful
and prosperous nations. Russia is being forced to rearm, China has gone
from a touted globalization partner into a big red scary enemy again. In
Europe the rightist rational is being fed a new human fodder, Muslims
who can take the place of Jews as the next holocaust is set in motion.
Barack Obama won the Novel Peace Prize as a joke, as a test, for the
elites to jab at their protectorate – and when we did not laugh out loud
they knew for sure – the world was ripe for the picking. Is Barack
Obama to blame for a coming World War III? He is until those really
underneath are brought to justice.
We are witness to the fall, the fall of the ideal of freedom.
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