Saturday, November 2, 2013

De-US-ZioCon Global Earth World

SPANISH, Protocols of Zion
The Jewish Extremist Control Over Canadian News & Information, May 26, 2008

CanWest: A Case Study In Zionist Media Control daviddukecom-audio-animation.gif Dr. William Pierce Comments [mp3] [text]

In 2002 Dr. Pierce reported on an unusual display of chutzpah, unusual in that the late Israel Asper who owned some 60% of Canada’s media outlets at the time had actually issued a written (vs. verbal) directive instructing his newspapers that they must not print anything critical of Israel or of Zionist policies. Some Canadian reporters rebelled and there was a small protest, unfortunately most Canadians didn’t care to turn off their ball games long enough to contemplate the negative ramifications that a Zionist media monopoly poses to their lives. A nation’s media is its nervous system, if you ever wondered what the heck happend to Canada or America over the past few decades we have assembled a number of historic reports on this scandal that document just how shockingly bad the problem of Zionist media contol has been in the past and still is today, also check out Dr. Pierce’s excellent report on this story —

In sociology these invisible rules are known as ideology – one definition being: ‘Shared ideas or beliefs which serve to justify and support the interests of a particular group or organizations.’Wikipedia defines ideology as “a set of ideas proposed by the dominant class of society to all members of this society.” It therefore constitutes what is called a “received consciousness.” Ideology isn’t therefore about controlling what we do but controlling what we think. It’s about controlling what we think in such a way that we don’t even know we’re being controlled. This surreptitious form of control isn’t in the best interests of everyone either – it’s only there to serve the status quo, to serve the established authority.

In essence, society controls us by rewarding us when we conform, and penalizing us when we don’t. We learn at a very early age that we have to “go along to get along”. This sounds so simple and yet at the same time it’s such a tremendously powerful mechanism that it’s practically irresistible. After all, who can afford to be excluded from the social group – what hope can we have of getting anywhere if we have to ‘go it alone’? One association we have with this sort of thing is at school, which is when the brutal effectiveness of peer pressure first becomes obvious. As we move into the teenage years we tend to be particularly sensitive to the possibility of social exclusion, not to mention the ever-present threat of being actively labelled as an oddball, weirdo, freak, etc. 

1 comment:

  1. Money Commodity gets controlled via Zionists and / or the Zionists' are the controllers of the so called "Money" which controls the U.S.A. Thus, the so called governments of USA are controlled via the Zionists and US-ZioCons very appropriate 'label'. APARTHEID - GENOCIDE. Ugly Society Realities!
