Saturday, November 2, 2013

JAIL Legal Schnauzer Blog Journalist Roger Shuler & DEATH THREATS to Attorney Doctor Orly Taitz FOR The Integrity To Be In REALITY

As Soros' Royal $hit circles the OBAMA DRAIN Toilet US-ZioCons Aren't Going To See The "New American Century" Other Than What IT Is, & IT ain't liked by World Earth 'Global' because of the obvious,

Is-Ra-Hell does not understand why World Earth does not understand IT, other than for what IT has done in the Royal $hit$ DICTATOR$HIP$' global,

HENRY FORD, The International Jew, "In reality there are no obstacles before us. Our super-government has such an extra-legal status that it may be called by the energetic and strong word — dictatorship. I can conscientiously say that at the present time we are the lawmakers."

In that Protocol this claim is made:
"De facto, we have already eliminated every government except our own, although de jure there are still many others left."
That is simple: the governments still exist, under their own names, having authority over their own people; but the super-government has unchallenged influence over all of them in matters pertaining to the Jewish Nation and particularly in matters pertaining to the purpose of The International Jew.

The Eighth Protocol shows how this can be:
"For the time being, until it will be safe to give responsible government positions to our brother Jews, we shall entrust them to people whose past and whose character are such that there is an abyss between them and the people; to people, for whom, in case of disobedience to our orders, there will remain only trial or exile (from public life), thus forcing them to protect our interest to their last breath."
In the Ninth Protocol again is this reference to party funds:
"The division into parties has placed them all at our disposal, inasmuch as in order to carry on a party struggle it is necessary to have money, and we have it all."
There have been many investigations of campaign funds. None has ever yet gone deep enough to inquire into the "international" sources of these funds.

The US-ZioCons have done enough to the world and the world says enough already.

We The People Are OVERFLOWING With US-ZioCons that aren't exactly "America Firsters", and therefore,

Americans do not choose when well-informed the Ghetto Hell Toilet Dictator Toxic Death Shocks Non-Stop.

1 comment:

  1. ITS' A BAD BAD Reality, $oro$ Royal $hit$ On Barry $oetero As Drain Toilet$ Flu$h The ZioCon$ Into Circling The Universe Into Oblivion
