Monday, January 13, 2014

Andy Warhol: video Robert Hughes & The Business of Art

see Robert Hughes VIDEO BELOW 


[sidebar:  This video should be watched by every human being.  Why?  Because this proves just how insane the world is when Andy Warhol was collected and thought to be an artist.  As Robert Hughes said about Warhol, he was really and truly dumb.  A paid whore via 'rich' so they could control the investments they call art.  During this NEW WORLD ORDER the insanity grew into full blown criminally out of control.  Denver's Airport got a blue MUSTANG that is so bad that after five years the people got to petition to get rid of IT.  There is no end to the humans that worship the money insanity.  Money isn't a god.  Money is simply a commodity to trade and exchange stuff that the imagination all makes up while we are here in the earth experience.  ART and artists are simply the work and workers that get to really and truly see the beauty of spirit and matter and how the whole composition is about the unseen-invisible FEELING deeper than the deepest ever feeling/s and bringing this 'power' into the seen-visible as full spectrum colors not muddied and space, angle, shape, form and then the balance in co-creating the power of love and hate that are the same and yet entirely different.  NOT this stuck on ugly now a global infectious disease killing the future.]

1 comment:

  1. Modern Art ISN'T as ugly as the ugliest imagination can imagine and the stupidest of the rich pay to be immortal.
