Crimea is set to hold a referendum on self-determination on Sunday,
March 16, Washington is feigning to toughen its stance against Moscow.
Here is a summary of the main events of the past two days.
Voltaire Network
The European Parliament adopted, on March 13, a resolution on "the invasion of Ukraine by Russia". [1]
Therein, it reiterates its support to the coup-imposed government in
Kiev while denouncing the illegitimacy of the new authorities of Crimea.
It labels as defamatory the "Russian propaganda" allegations according
to which the protesters in Kiev are fascist (sic). It furthermore
denounces the invasion by Russian troops, in violation of international
law (re-sic).
Unlike their previous statements, the US no longer claim that it is contrary to international law (the ballot is not an act of aggression on the part of Russia and the Russian army has not invaded the Crimea), but only to the Ukrainian Constitution, even though they recognize a government that seized power by trampling on it.
The U.S. Congress has postponed the vote on sanctions to March 24, as well as the one dealing with the $ 1 billion loan to Ukraine.
This last measure has been subordinated by President Obama to a reform of the IMF, which is predestined to benefit Russia in the long term.
A group of about 150 Cossacks have moved into Sebastopol. The Cossacks are Russian paramilitary fighters who are traditionally dedicated to the defence of the Russian people. They are volunteers and independent from the political authorities of Russia.
The U.S. and Russian Foreign Affairs Ministers met in London on 14 March to discuss the referendum in the Crimea. The occasion marked a shift in the rhetoric of NATO members: the emphasis was no longer laid on the "crisis between Russia and the West", but "between Russia and the Ukraine." This semantic swerve seems to indicate that there will be no significant NATO reaction to the self-determination of the Crimea.
John Kerry was accompanied by Victoria Nuland (his assistant for Ukraine), Karen Donfried (NSC senior director for European affairs) and Vice-Admiral Kurt Tidd (in charge of "special operations", in this case providing intelligence on the movement of Russian troops).
Kerry requested:
Lavrov called for the implementation of the 21 February Agreement [2], namely:
22 States have pledged to send observers to oversee the self-determination referendum of 16 March. [3] Although Crimea has invited the OSCE, the latter has not yet responded to the invitation; meanwhile its military observers, appointed by the government of Kiev, were denied entry to the Crimea.
Russia is examining ways of supplying Crimea with water, gas and electricity. These commodities are currently being provided by Ukraine via the province of Kherson, which has forged an alliance with Kiev and could turn off the faucet as of March 17.
European experts have compiled a list of about 120 senior officials and Russian businessmen who could be sanctioned by the European Council, meeting on 17 March. These individuals could be banned from entering the EU and their assets frozen.
http://www.voltairenet.org/article182722.html <<
[sidebar: My youngest son who was raised by his father the great artist (Donald P. Wilson), in the crib was taught how, actually in the womb and before, to see.
He sees very differently than most see. He shows me stuff that has shocked me, made me laugh till I could not laugh anymore. My youngest son has taught me more about 'human' than I can begin to put into words. Then, my eldest son. His journey in earth was for me, a tour in the mystery of what can never be in words .. the experience was and is, truly a test in the grit of gritty grits.
Holly Wood & NATO got a brand new bag. IT ain't but, other than the same ole story about ROME and debt slavery, degenerates and of course the poor confused people like John Kerry or what is the spelling of Cohn? So many names for the so called CHOSEN. How tragically vacuous is the wound of his empty never ending soullessness? Flip Flop. He isn't but, the same OBAMA Circus and his 'monkey' don't jump. But, IT does good self-satisfaction. Don't need no Russian approval to be 'Merican monkeys in Circuses all around the merry goyim, global gov isn't an acceptable show for all.
A subterranean life is a beginning, new for the so called Zionist and the Jewry Political. Religion is a made up faction of very criminally insane practices, so IT appears to be true. Putin is KGB and Orthodox Christian? Many Russians are in Israel and now Israel is going to be an Arab recognized state? What can we know until no less than another 50 to 200 years in the spin, of the axis of the planet, home!
Earth has been around in a round form for a lot longer than we can know, we the humans have been too busy destroying our own home, shitting in our own nests so to speak. The planet has been good to humans and the Homo Sapiens have not been Guardians Of Divine. Nope, got lots of poisons to dope the fools into blubbering piles of protoplasm.
Call life in the cesspool of Ghetto Hell Palestine World Earth, freedom.
Gotta get a brand new bag, again and again and?
And does the criminally insane faction of paedophilia cultists' get to be outed and not allowed to be mass murderers and torturers and wow name a maniacal homicidal psychopathic fiend and we've got GOV GLOBAL now at the helm is U$A. Do we billions of sentient ?? beings demand the digital debt slavery not be a ticket to mutilate and commit never ending Apartheid & Genocide?!
HOLLY WOOD was a tree and the sorcery from the WAND/s taken from the limbs of that tree, well the magic in the ancient time was as much in the imagination as now.
EXCEPTION TO THE RULE? Why is so little known about the skies and other life, and so much programming about how we are stuck in a bad scene from the imaginations of the sickest of our so called, own species > ??? !!!
We pay to do this unbelievable 'life'. Exceptionally not exactly not still subterranean.]
Goofy, Kerry Flip Flop, which way did dey go, which way did dey go, Holly Wood is a very bad act now and IT gets to at long last be buried in the graveyard of no hope