For me, the 300lb gorilla in the room, is whether Putin represents
the best interests of the people, or the best interests of the Russian
Oligarchs. The debate about the same question here in the US, is long
over. The US govt. has been bought, and paid for, by the Western
oligarchs. I think the EU is, for the most part, the same. I for one,
hope Russia can dictate to its' uber rich, not vise versa. A dominant
Gov, working for the best interests of the majority, is the only force
standing in the way of domination by the maglignant & greedy rich. Posted by: ben | Mar 26, 2014 10:47:36 AM
While anything seems possible, the operating assumption among some American and European officials is that Mr. Putin will not overtly invade eastern Ukraine but instead opt for a murky middle plan, using local agitators and perhaps undercover special forces to stir even more unrest in largely Russian-speaking areas of the country.
U.S. Challenge Now Is to Stop Further Putin Moves, NYT ---
Putin is watching TV. Calls up his Chief of Intelligence: “Give Tyagnibok a medal for banning the use of Russian in Ukraine. What do you mean he isn't one of ours? Ok, give Yarosh a medal for the idea of blowing up Ukrainian gas transit lines. What do you mean, that's his own doing? How about that cretin Lyashko? How about those cretins from Svoboda—Miroshnichenko and others? So, DO WE HAVE ANY AGENTS ON THE GROUND IN UKRAINE AT ALL?! Where the hell are they? What the hell do you mean they bought a dump-truck of pop-corn and a tanker truck beer and are watching it like a movie?!!!” Hangs up in disgust. Calls again: “How could you let Muzychko get killed?” via CluborlovIndeed Putin can just sit back and enjoy the popcorn. The putschists government is doing its very best to disgrace itself, to in-fight with its ideological friends and to push Russian speaking Ukrainians closer to Russia. Just notice today's decision to suspend even more Russian language TV services in Ukraine. How is that supposed to convince Russian speakers in Ukraine that their voices will be heard? The fighting between the paramilitary rightwingers from the Pravyi Sektor and the Svoboda fascists has only started:
The Ukrainian radical group Right Sector demands Interior Minister Arsen Avakov's immediate dismissal and the arrest of members of the Sokil (Falcon) special task force involved in killing nationalist leader Oleksandr Muzychko nicknamed Sashko Bily in the Rivne region early on Tuesday.The response from the Svoboda party minister:
Ukraine's Interior Ministry has started a sweep of arrests against the nationalist Right Sector organization, after its activists threatened revenge for the police killing of one of their leaders, Oleksandr Muzychko, a news report said.Popcorn indeed.
According to Google news search no U.S. media picked up on the published Tymoshenko phone call in which she talks to her political ally Shufrych about mass killing Russians. Yahoo news carried an AFP agency text and a Washington Post blog entry tried to obfuscate the content of the talk. Except that there is nada in U.S. media while German papers were all over it. Of interest is not only the rather vulgar talk but the fact that it was held in Russian. This while the fake blond gas princess and her friends always uses Ukrainian in public speech to promote her fake nationalism. The leaked call will thereby not only alienate Russian speaker from Tymoshenko also the Ukrainian speakers which she tries to embezzle.
Why should Russia try to create unrest in eastern and southern Ukraine when the putsch government in Kiev is doing its very best to create such itself? To the growing unrest one can add the likely economic collapse that will come rather sooner than later. Any "western" help will be conditioned on austerity and impoverishing the people as well as on political reform that the oligarchs and the current politicians will not allow to happen. Under such condition further unrest is a given while Ukraine falls apart and there is no need at all for Russia to intervene to achieve such.
Russia will do nothing nefarious, it will do just nothing. Russia
will not help, neither economically nor politically, unless Kiev and the
"west" are willing to pay its price: A federalized Ukraine with strong
regions and a weak central government.
The Government-Corporate Complex Takes Complete Control Of The USA
The Real 800 Pound Gorilla That Controls The Realm
However, very few understand that the MIC was only one component of a much larger complex now known as the Government-Corporate Complex. Truly, it is the Government-Corporate Complex (GCC)
which poses a much greater threat to world peace and social order,
global financial security and economic stability, as well as the
integrity of the biosphere and environmental protection.
Amateurs, western uncivilized. And worse, complete and utter poly-druggies controlled via this "MKULTRA" tragedy in the 'western cults' cultured vileEvil!
ReplyDeleteZombies were made to order, IT is called capitalistic consumption of as many drugs as possible to be LIE ve in the BIG LIES at the movie shows