This has been considered as one of the harshest tirades by
the American leaders. So far, few individuals, if any, of the US
statesmen have expressed the similarities between the Zionist entity and
the Apartheid regime. Yet, what is important is the fact that Israel
has been an Apartheid regime since its illegitimate birth.
The deviated Zionist views and opinions about the Jewish
religion and the Torah have totally been based on the Zionists' pursuit
of supremacy over other religions and ethnicities. Thus it can be said
that Zionism was equal to racism and Apartheid even prior to the
forceful fabrication of the Zionist regime in 1948. The history of the
Palestinian occupation and the establishment of demographic centers by
the migrating Jews in the advent of the 20th century, also,
indicate the existence of a firm belief of racial divide among the
founders of Israel. In those years it was tried to form two totally
different worlds; one for the Palestinian Arabs who were mostly poor and
another one for the migrating Jews who were rich and enjoyed welfare
and western ruling system. Now, 70 years into the occupation of
Palestine and fabrication of the Zionist entity the Israeli Apartheid is
manifested more than ever. Building of the separation wall in the West
Bank of the Jordan River and construction of Jewish settlements in the
occupied territories of 1967 are not only in full contrast to the
international laws and regulations but are being done with the aim of
separating the inhabitants of the region. This segregation has gone to
the extent that in some streets of the occupied lands the Arabs and
Palestinians are not allowed to commute.
Politically and socially speaking there are undeniable
evidences of the existence of first and second grade citizens in the
occupied territories. Nevertheless, the Zionist officials have permitted
the Arab residents to have a representative in the Knesset in a bid to
cover up the ruling Apartheid system. However, the Zionist power system
can only tolerate those people who think of the utter expulsion of the
Arabs from Palestine and formation of a so-called integrated Jewish
state. In other regions of the world such remarks are considered as
clear examples of seeking racial supremacy and worthy of punishments.
But, the plan of expulsion of hundreds of thousands of racial and
religious minorities brought the post of foreign ministry for the
presenter of the plan.
All in all, the Apartheid behaviors of the Zionist
officials are so blatant that even the United Nations, despite being
dominated by the American and European allies of Israel, has declared
Zionism synonymous with Apartheid. <<
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