Saturday, October 26, 2013

Apartheid America, A Course In U.S. Constitutional Republic?! GENOCIDAL WARS Lifetimes Via The GOP-DNC ET AL

Grayson: ‘Spokesman’ of Nazi-Backed Occupy Wall Street By Oct 24, 2013

Who Is George Soros?
democrats_are_the_kkk Grayson prefers to wallow in his self-inflicted stupidity, with a special animus directed at the Tea Party

Arnold, Ahlert, Canada Free Press

.. The BIG LIE must be simple and it must be repeated until it reverberates like a jackhammer digging up the street in front of where you live: inescapable sound ...

.. HITLER the Biggest Of Liars had the brass and disdain which GEORGE BUSH, under his Texas Cowpuncher Veneer .. does not have ...

.. made the AMATEUR’S mistake ....  HOAX Page 3
(paraphrased here)

[SIDEBAR:  What do we have in Washington, D.C.?  There are lots of so-called representatives of what is considered - or what was considered, Pax Americana.  A very definite responsibility and as far as the global earth billions of humans are concerned ...  Pax Americana is over.  Failure.  FRAUD.

The DIGITAL so called 'mony' that was supposed to be the sales 'brand' [US PETRO$, cunningly into the E-A-S-Y CREDIT 'ATM model'] to get every human being to IN GOD WE TRUST, derivatives ... yes DERIVATIVES.  The governments aren't pleased the whole global cosmic enema reality happened.

How to be a slave to digits.  Electronic units of vaporous so called 'credit-debt' AND sign right up for whatever can KILL.

How can the American so called 'keepers of the elite' (that would be the JUDICIAL), not be embarrassed?  Growing an Empire in a U.S. Constitutional Republic, wasn't & isn't THE IDEA ... other than the same as all empires - oppression-suppression-depression-repression of the PEOPLE until the same 'energy cycle' teaches the truth in reality?  Did we not learn due process law in the Thirteenth Century (1200s Magna Carta)?  Oh, right, there are CODES far earlier in all the teachings and here we are learning about 'international law'.

How many are there in the Federal Reserve System's Criminal Invisible Army?  CIA are the supposed 'judges?'  Go to school & get out to be a lifetime employee of a killing machine global.  How in GHETTO HELL did this happen?


Wall Street's SLOBS-BLOB MASS MURDERERS & ALL the thugs, assassins, MOSSAD CIA NATO ET AL are all the USA has to claim, in the so called greatest productive cycle in the earth with no boundaries to so called 'mony', as THE 'Pax Americana'!  Not exactly historically kind?

Going for the APARTHEID has been enough of a ton of stupid.  The Fed with ITS' schools a-plenty, to make the dumber than boxes of rocks to run operation KILL GLOBAL and call this behavior how to retire in portfolios of Bad Spirits (BS).  What a HOAX!]

... to be continued ....

1 comment:

  1. The Time Is NOW, We American People Must Fire Every Lawyer 'LIEWYER' Schooled Via The Fed's APARTHEID - GENOCIDE Mass Murderers Global NATO CIA Et Al. As Is Known, "Portfolios Of Retirement" HOAX, FRAUD, DERIVATIVE Electronic Unit Pax Americana BS Fully Exposed
