Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Zionist Zombified Zealtory Al Qaeda, New US-NATO MENA Conscript Army ISN'T The "Tao"

Al QAEDA: The new US-NATO conscript army in the MENA region, and beyond.


[SIDEBAR:  China isn't stupid and China isn't dumb, no China has definitely outsmarted the dumber than boxes of rocks, TIM GEITHNER was laughed out of a gym where the students of China understand.

Communism was also sold to them, via the same cult of Metzitzah b'peh THAT none of the older countries are in the least bit interested in the 'entertainment' of further destroying our own species in earth, and obviously the planet.

There are THREE - the first number of 'balance' after a fashion - practiced philosophies in China:  Buddha, Confucius, and the Tao.  There isn't any such ideology Zionism.

Zionism is a made up order for humans to use other humans as though nothing but, an animal.

The THREE Chinese philosophies aren't anything near what was brought into China as REVISIONIST HISTORY, the supposed "Communist Manifesto" via Karl Marx.

BAD SPIRITS [BS] are of the New World Disorder Zionism and China, Russia, Et AL know.] be continued ...

Al Qaeda in China, Islamic Insurgency in Uighur-Xinjiang, China and the US-Saudi-Israeli Plan for the Middle East


Named after Israel’s minister of foreign affairs at the time of the 1982 invasion of Lebanon and occupation of Beirut, with about 25 000 dead, this divide-and-rule geostrategy plan for the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) lives on.

Already victims of this strategy since 2011 – operated by Israel, the US and Saudi Arabia – we have the divided and weakened states of Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Syria. Egypt and even Tunisia can also possibly be added to the list. Others can be identified as likely short-term target victim countries.

In February 1982 the foreign minister Oded Yinon wrote and published ‘A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties‘, which outlined strategies for Israel to become the major regional power in the Middle East. High up the list of his recommendations was to decapitate and dissolve surrounding Arab states into sub-nations, warring between themselves. Called the peace-in-the-feud or simply divide and rule, this was part of Yinon’s strategy for achieving the long-term Zionist goal of extending the borders of Israel, not saying where but potentially a vast region. His strategy was warmly and publicly supported by leading US policy makers with close ties to Israel, like Richard Perle, by the 1990s.

This regional balkanization plan is centred on the exploitation of ethnic, religious, tribal and national divisions within the Arab world. Yinon noted the regional landscape of the MENA was “carved up” mainly by the US, Britain and France after the defeat and collapse of the Ottoman empire in 1917. The hastily traced and arbitrary borders are not faithful to ethnic, religious, and tribal differences between the different peoples in the region – a problem exactly reproduced in Africa, when decolonization started in the 1950s and 1960s. Yinon went on to argue this makes the Arab world a house of cards ready to be pushed over and broken apart into tiny warring states or “chefferies” based on sectarian, ethnic, national, tribal or other divisions.

Central governments would be decapitated and disappear. Power would be held by the warlord chiefs in the new sub-nations or ‘mini-states’. To be sure, this would certainly remove any real opposition to Israel’s coming regional dominance. Yinon said little or nothing about economic “collateral damage”.

To be sure, US and Saudi strategy in the MENA region is claimed to be entirely different, or in the Saudi case similar concerning the means – decapitating central governments – but different concerning the Saudi goal of creating a huge new Caliphate similar to the Ottoman empire. Under the Ottomans nations did not exist, nor their national frontiers, and local governments were weak or very weak.


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