It’s an open secret. It’s been known for years. Mainstream media suppress it. They pretend none exists.
It’s real. It’s menacing. Imagine ignoring what threatens humanity.
Imagine pretending Iran’s peaceful nuclear program does so. Imagine
risking regional or global war by doing it.
London’s Guardian is an establishment broadsheet. It’s usually conformist. Once in a while it’s not.
It wrote many times about Edward’s Snowden’s revelations. It told readers what they need to know. On January 15, it
headlined ”The Truth about Israel’s secret nuclear arsenal.”
Rarely ever would US establishment publications suggest one. Or Israel’s chemical and biological weapons.
They’re used freely against Palestinians and other adversaries.
Doctors discover injuries never saw before seen. Mainstream media ignore
Israel’s nuclear program is one of the world’s best known open
secrets. It’s still not publicly acknowledged. It’s hard refuting
indisputable evidence.
Israel began developing nuclear technology decades ago. It did so “deep beneath desert sands,” said the Guardian.
It “us(ed) technology and materials provided by friendly powers…” It
did it the old-fashioned way. A “clandestine network of agents” stole
It’s the “stuff of pulp thrillers and the sort of narrative often
used to characterise the worst fears about” Iran’s nuclear program.
One’s military, the other entirely peaceful.
“In reality…neither US or British intelligence believes Tehran has
decided to build a bomb…” Its program is the world’s most closely
Israel’s is entirely clandestine. It’s illegal. Iran’s fully complies
with NPT provisions. Israel won’t sign the landmark treaty. It wants
nothing about its program revealed. It wants freedom to enhance it.
Its open secret reflects “an extraordinary feat of subterfuge,” said
the Guardian. It produced a powerful arsenal. It’s enhanced by
long-range delivery systems.
Israel threatens to use all its weapons if threatened. It’s used
chemical, biological and radiological ones against Gaza and Lebanon.
It’ll do it again in future conflicts.
Despite open knowledge of its nuclear program, Israel’s position is
never confirm or deny. In December, former Knesset speaker, Avraham
Burg, broke the taboo.
He said Israel has nuclear and chemical weapons. He called official
non-disclosure “outdated and childish.” He called for “open and brave
public discussion.”
He said only “regional dialogue, including with Iran” could create a
nuclear-free Middle East. Burg is a former Knesset Foreign Affairs and
Defense Committee member.
He has direct knowledge of Israel’s nuclear program. The Legal Forum
for the Land of Israel is a right-wing group. It wants Burg
investigated. It accused him of “treason.”
He revealed a key national security secret, it said. He disclosed
what’s increasingly common knowledge. Israel’s nondisclosure policy is
Western governments play along with Israeli “opacity.” Obama won’t
discuss it. Nor other US officials. Nor mainstream media. They pretend
none exists.
Britain is largely silent. In November, Baroness Sayeeda Warsi was
asked about it in the House of Lords. She tried being circumspect.
She said what’s rarely heard. “Israel has not declared a nuclear
weapons programme. We have regular discussions with the government of
Israel on a range of nuclear-related issues,” she said.
“The government of Israel is in no doubt
as to our views. We encourage Israel to become a state party to the
nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.”
According to the Guardian, countries conspiring with Israel’s nuclear
program include America, France, Germany, Britain and Norway. It
omitted South Africa.
Israeli agents were involved. So was a Hollywood billionaire. Arnon Milchan admitted his role. He did so last month.
He was born in Israel. He supported Israel’s nuclear program decades ago, saying:
“Do you know what it’s like to be a
20-something-year-old kid (and your) country lets (you) be James Bond?
Wow! The action!
That was exiting.”
He operated in 17 countries. He worked with 30 companies. He brokered deals worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
It was a challenge overcoming his arms dealing reputation, he said.
He had to convince people he didn’t “live off selling machine guns and
He risked his life aiding Israel. Israeli President Shimon Peres was its unacknowledged nuclear weapons architect.
He recruited Milchan. Actor Ben Affleck calls him “a very mysterious,
exotic figure in Hollywood.” Actor Robert De Niro asked about his
clandestine activities for Israel.
“He (said) he was an Israeli and that of course he would do these things for his country,” De Niro said.
He had no qualms about being a secret agent. He wasn’t concerned about its illegal nuclear program.
He didn’t consider its potential harm. He ignored its
destructiveness. Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion,
secretly ordered developmental activities.
It began after Israel’s creation. Ehud Avriel was a European
operative. He was a later MK. He recruited East European Jewish
Avraham Marcus Klingberg was enlisted. He later became an Israeli
chemical and biological weapons (CBW) expert. He was Israel Institute of
Biological Research deputy director.
Ernst David Bergmann was the father of Israel’s bomb. He later headed the Israeli Atomic Energy Commission (IAEC).
In his farewell address to the Israeli Armaments Development Authority (RAFAEL), Ben-Gurion defended his agenda, saying:
“I am confident, based not only on what I
heard today, that our science can provide us with the weapons that are
needed to deter our enemies from waging war against us.”
He and Peres were the leading forces behind Israel’s nuclear and CBW programs.
By the early 1970s, Israel had advanced nuclear technology. It had
world class scientists. It had several dozen ready to launch bombs. It
had delivery systems able to hit distant targets.
France and South Africa were Israel’s main collaborators. Washington supplied a five-megawatt research reactor.
It was part of Eisenhower’s “Atoms for Peace” program. Washington became complicit in Israel’s illicit development.
Israeli scientists were trained at US universities. They had access to domestic weapons labs.
They got advanced technology transfers. They included supercomputers
able to design sophisticated nuclear weapons and delivery systems.
Mordechai Vanunu became a heroic whistleblower. He did so long before
term gained prominence. He exposed Israeli nuclear secrets. He revealed
what everyone has a right to know.
He was unjustly punished. Israel dispenses it ruthlessly. He spent 18
years imprisoned. He was isolated brutally in solitary confinement.
He’s been harassed ever since. His fundamental civil and human rights
are denied. He’s prevented from leaving Israel. He wants to do so to
live free.
Daniel Ellsberg once called him “the preeminent hero of the nuclear
era.” Vanunu says he’s neither traitor nor spy. “I only wanted the world
to know what was happening,” he said.
From 1988 – 2004, he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize each year. His heroism is recognized worldwide.
Israel has destructive chemical and biological weapons arsenals. In 1993, it signed the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC).
It refused to ratify it. It did so for spurious reasons. It
wrongfully claims it’s surrounded by hostile neighbors. Israel’s only
enemies are ones it invents.
It never signed the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). Its
policy is CBW ambiguity. It uses banned weapons in all its conflicts.
They include chemical, biological, and radiological ones. Monstrous new weapons are tested. Victims attest to their potency.
Corpses bear witness to hideous wounds, malformations and toxicity.
Official policy prohibits discussing anything related to Israel’s
nuclear, chemical or biological programs. Doing so is considered
Israel’s destructive weapons threaten world peace. So do America’s. Both countries partner in crime.
Daily events should scare everyone. Warmakers win peace prizes. Peacemakers are vilified. Criminality is rewarded.
Permanent war is official US policy. Israel is a warrior state. Both
countries threaten humanity. It may not survive Obama’s second term.
His new book is titled “Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity.”
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at
Visit his blog site at
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It airs Fridays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.
SIDEBAR: How do we the Homo Sapiens', reign in the criminally insane that are holding the nuclear rain, a winter to definitely make quite a different living environment. We live in the SHADOW of "Is Ra HELL" and the 'owners' of this Bullshit are really and truly long past the shelf life of earth's patience with the extincting of our 'species' humans' being ...
... to be continued ...]