Monday, March 18, 2013

Technofascist NewWorldOrderPope

 Jesuit Automaton-Technocrats for the Technofascist NWO Agenda

The Good News – Desperation Ain’t Confident, We Are…for Good Reason

Their floundering efforts are ultimately ludicrous in the grand scheme of things. These power mad freaks are attempting to implement a summation of all of  their age old ploys at fear mongering, intimidation and ultimate control attempts to subjugate a cowed mass.

Same old, same old. Bastards need to realize they’ve been outmoded, outsmarted and out-housed a long time ago.

They’re acting out their rage against light. They’re freaking for the fantasmagoric finish line they envision, a phony baloney world they dream of controlling. Ain’t gonna happen. They might see something for a moment, but it’ll vanish as fast as their sick imaginations conjured it.

The beauty of the era we’re living in is seeing the fulfillment of the power of Love and Truth. And our conscious participation in it. It’s a privilege to be here at this time. Overcoming this false projection in its last throes is a dream come true for any Truth warrior. Our time to manifest is now. Our ultimate fulfillment of everything wonderful about our superior, loving humane race is the grand consummation of our era.
Let’s do it boldly, bravely and with triumphant true knowledge of loving, glorious Truth!

Love always and all ways,


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