Sunday, May 5, 2013

Modern America, say what isn't and say what is, Pre Middle Ages: Pictish Symbol Stones and INDELIBLE RIGHTS, lost in New York, NY, 21 Century!
Coyote Howlin I [CHI] ~carved stone professionally circa, 1976.

Art history began circa, 1948.  Father was an artist and were it not for the unlawful World War II, the War to End All Wars, father would have been a great accomplished fine artist and musician.  Father was a Renaissance Man, too.  He blew the whistle on Eli Lilly pHARMecuticals NOT fit for human consumption, when he worked there, after returning from a POW camp in Germany, WWII.

There is no more difficult art discipline than carving stone.  A saying in Asian folklore or call the saying a religious one:  ... meditate on a stone long enough and know the true nature of man.

Tibetan bells ring, or at least this is how the experience has been for CHI Howlin Coyote, vibrations feeling like the/a hammer and chisel meet to make love, and communicate with the nature of stone, carving what the unseen energy tells the hollow bamboo 'arteest' to get out of the way and allow nature to have a voice in earth's tablets of stone:  PETITIONS of natural energy so to speak.

American people were via PUBLIC RELATIONS manufactured a faction against all common sense in the U.S. Constitution.  Then the faction decided to manufacture the wherewithal that supported high treason to the U.S. Constitution and dressed this heinous crime up as though JUDICIARY.  Marbury v. Madison, violates all common sense in the Twenty-first Century.  There are no higher level of thinkers about how to preserve the liberties that have been fought for since the first declarations of - civil, criminal, natural, et al, than all the people that are born with indelible rights'.

Owning the information for human beings that allows each and every individual born in nature's INDELIBLE power ~ AND the right is automatically gracing over all that nature has birthed, to be free in the imagination of liberty in earth and the heavenly universe.

Some states get it at least in the Contract as what should be, Washington State


We, the people of the State of Washington, grateful to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe for our liberties, do ordain this constitution.

SECTION 1 POLITICAL POWER. All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.

SECTION 2 SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND. The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land. ~By Mr John Castellano

Castellano on People v. Pacquette, People v. Lopez, People v. Gibson, and People v. Lewie: The Limits of New York's Indelible Right to Counsel

WTPA are not progressing, we've regressed and now the oppressed are so depressed the suppression of our INDELIBLE BILL OF RIGHTS' on life support or no longer breathing?!!


Rights and Power ~ In 1215 on a battlefield known as Runnymede one of England’s most defining constitutional documents was born – Magna Carta. When King John of England set his seal to the small piece of parchment he authorised a charter that was to become the focus of future generations’ battles against oppressive rulers and governments.


Holinshed’s Chronicles recount the struggle between King John and his barons and their subsequent meeting at Runnymede in 1215.

The charter was intended to restore relations between a monarch and his subjects in order to bring peace to a kingdom in the throws of civil war. Under its terms, certain rights were granted to the people of England and limits were placed upon the powers of the king.

Containing as it did clauses relating to the justice system, unfair taxes, and abuses of power perpetrated by King John, the king’s subjects, as represented by the barons of England, saw the charter as a way to hold the king accountable for his unpopular actions.

Translation: ‘No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land

Whilst the story of King John’s abuses of power and his civil war with the Barons is common knowledge, the contribution made by Lincolnshire and its people to the development of Magna Carta is less widely known.

Magna Carta and the Bishops of Lincoln

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