Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Ramona, Beatrice here.  Yes Bean, I'm seeing the same problem, the ENERGY has gotten to be in reality about how to WAR and no place in earth is safe from the vermin predatory human filth.  GREED Mongers, WAR Mongers, and certainly not the higher thinking.

Bob Bauer & Anita Dunn
Anita Dunn will likely be working overtime in the coming weeks and months using her insider/outsider status to ensure its approval on behalf of the client she shares with her husband Bob Bauer’s law firm, TransCanada.

“Only in the ethically-challenged world of K Street lobbyists could it be considered OK for a power couple like Dunn & Bauer to exploit their White House connections to promote the interests of a foreign corporation like TransCanada,” Hammond told DeSmogBlog in an interview.
“Beltway insiders may yawn at the fact that TransCanada has hired people so close to President Obama and Secretary Kerry to push their dirty and dangerous pipeline, but ordinary Americans know a rat when they smell one.” ...

AK DNR Run by Former Perkins Attorney

Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Commissioner Dan Sullivan formerly worked at Perkins Coie from 1996-2006.

His task as head of Alaska’s DNR, by law, is to serve as an oil and gas industry watchdog. As such, he will aid in overseeing whether South Central LNG becomes a reality. Sullivan – it’s important to remember – was named Attorney General by former Alaska Republican Gov. Sarah Palin of “drill baby, drill” fame in June 2009.

Prior to his appointment as Attorney General, Dan Sullivan served as Assistant Secretary of State during the Bush administration, reporting to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Sullivan’s full title was Assistant Secretary for Economic, Energy and Business Affairs. Wikileaks diplomatic cables reveal that while at the State Department, Sullivan helped negotiate oil and gas deals with Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Norway, the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and France.

It was also under Bush and during Sullivan’s time at the State Department that the original TransCanada Keystone tar sands pipeline was approved in March 2008. Three months later, in June 2008, TransCanada proposed Keystone XL to the State Department.

In March 2012, President Obama issued an Executive Order to expedite the building of Keystone XL’s southern half from Cushing, OK to Port Arthur, TX. It is the northern, border-crossing half whose final destiny is now in the hands of President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry.

John KOHN Kerry

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