Sunday, July 14, 2013


Zimmerman & 'Head Wound/s'
.. President Obama said if he had a son, that son would have looked like Trayvon Martin.

.. NBC and CNN weren’t the only the major network outlets that presented false information to the public. ABC obtained footage of Zimmerman at the police station on the night of the Martin killing. The network claimed there was no visible evidence Zimmerman had sustained head wounds. But then a still from the video surfaced which showed cuts on the back of Zimmerman’s head, supporting his statement that he and Martin had been in a fight. 

At that point, ABC broadcast the video, stating they’d “re-digitized” it and the wounds were now apparent. 

.. It’s as if Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson, OJ Simpson’s purported victims in the 1994 murders, had turned out to be black, after America was already riveted by a “black-on-white” crime and refused to let go of it.  >> How many people have ever heard of the 2008 murder of James Shamp, a black man, by Richard Bordelon, Hispanic, in Los Angeles? Two factors prevented nationwide publicity. Bordelon was a gang member—and it was a Hispanic-vs.-black case.  >> Zimmerman-Martin is part-Hispanic vs. black, but it’s not playing that way.  >>  Claims that Trayvon Martin was stalked and profiled would not be enough to turn the Zimmerman trial into a national event, unless Zimmerman were still held up, even if only in false memory, as a white man.  >>  Many media outlets and politicians, including the president, have been instrumental in forwarding this psyop.  >> Inflaming racial hatreds and grabbing guns are two objectives of the op.  >> But Zimmerman-Martin is part of a much larger program: identifying so-called racial characteristics and cementing them in the mind. White=certain qualities. Black=certain qualities.  >> At bottom, this is one more way of insisting that the individual no longer matters. It’s a way of claiming that what matters is the group an individual belongs to. In this instance, skin color defines the group.  >>  The primacy of the group over the individual is the true devastating operation in America.  >>  Individuals have freedom. Individuals have independence. Individuals have potential power. These elements are anathema to fascists.  >>  Groups only have agendas. They seek fulfillment of those agendas through government. That kind of partnership increases, in the long run, the dominance of government.  >>  Underneath it all, this is what we’re talking about here: individuals must go, only groups should remain.  >>  Black vs. white is the useful occasion and the smokescreen for the deeper aim.  >> ..  COMMENT ~ “Judge Nelson told Zimmerman he had the “absolute right to remain silent” but then proceeded to demand he answer her questions interrogation-style while silencing his lawyers.”  >> See the short video of the Judge in action, here:

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