Saturday, July 13, 2013


Russia Today:  Supreme Court upholds ban on Muslim headwear in schools    ~~ There's a word and, words.  Every so-called 'language' ascribed a word for a power that is all powerful and can't actually be named:  GOD or the TAO ~ ie NATURE, Et Cetera! ~

& GLOBALIZATION.  Idea 'abstract', GOD, humans behave in 'interesting concepts':  >> ... Putin signed .. controversial bill >criminalizes insulting people's religious feelings.

Anna Chapman caused a scandal.

.. I don't like spies, but have you noticed all of the fat, ugly women we have in this country?  If not, go to Walmart. >> We finally have a politically astute woman who we could sentence to clean-up politics, be a celebrity and help raise funds for worthy causes. >> Can you imagine the impact of Sarah Palin, Anna Chapman and Michelle Bachmann on the Tea Party movement.

>> We could clean-up the House and Senate.



I have not one word of support for the agenda of bending the gender to manufacture a society.  This wicked ideology got decided by a certain small 'group' of humans.  There isn't much support, either, to the Russians and how they go about their business of 'government'.  Serious problems are in need of solving.  Once upon a time there wasn't the internet.  That was a long time ago.


Friday, July 12, 2013, News from the Jews, ADL attacks Freedompalooza, more U.S. tax dollars to Israel, Jewish radicals force gay marriage on America


Who Killed James Forrestal?

Driven Patriot

But first, let us turn to that last word on the subject, the 587-page biography, Driven Patriot, the Life and Times of James Forrestal, by Townsend Hoopes and Douglas Brinkley. This biography by a former Under Secretary of the Air Force and the current head of the Eisenhower Center at the University of New Orleans, respectively, was named a Notable Book of the Year (1992) by the New York Times, although the Book Review Digest records only seven reviews in periodicals. Here is their concluding paragraph of chapter 32 entitled “Breakdown,” the paragraph that occasions their lone reference to the Simpson book: 

Forrestal’s death fostered several enduring suppositions that the end was not suicide, but murder. Henry Forrestal, for one, believed “they” murdered his brother, a position based in large part on his conviction that no man of Forrestal’s courage and stamina could kill himself. The murderous ‘they’ were variously identified as “the Communists” or “the Jews,” and their nefarious work had the necessary connivance of the highest authorities in the United States government. But the facts of the case, beginning well before Forrestal entered the hospital and including the Menninger and Raines diagnoses of his illness, effectively refute the murder theory. (p. 468) 

It is interesting, indeed, to learn that in this case a man as close to Forrestal as his older brother Henry did not believe that the death was a suicide, so let’s have a close look at the “facts of the case” on the night of the death, as recounted by Hoopes and Brinkley: 

People of America, please.  When do the majority demand this - ADL - ET AL ~ a SUPREME COURT?  How do these people have the power over, even GOD?  WALL STREET'S FERAL FEDERAL RESERVE BLOB'S THEFT OF ARTICLE I, SECTION IX, CLAUSE VII, US CONSTITUTION?

RELIGION is an ideology and this is personal until it becomes a problem for all of society as a majority in agreement.  This is, after all, beyond the telegraph and other backwards forms of communication.

There is a serious problem with the 'religion' in control of the globalization ideologies and of course the oppression is definitely not going forward as the internet has challenged the prehistoric behavior of those that profess to be GOD's 'disciples'.

Our 'species' is insane.  When this practice is so precious to those that engage in ITS' wickedness, that they would tell a FEDERAL JUDGE in the USA to basically go to hell, then there is certainly the motive one would HOPE to change the way the ideologies of the most wicked sickness make decisions globally - except in communist states?

This isn't practicing a democracy.  MRIs prove this practice is an abomination.

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