Thursday, September 5, 2013


1. Portrait of an Anti-Zionist Zionist

Introduction by Gilad Atzmon:
A few weeks ago some of us were rather amused to see Max Blumenthal, in conversation with Paul Jay (The Real News Network), deliver the usual anti-Zionist Zionist (AZZ) spiel. After the program many Palestinian solidarity and anti-war commentators were outraged and demanded that Jay provide me with a right to reply. So Jay approached me, asked to clarify a few issues and promised to come back to me shortly with an answer. I didn’t hold my breath because since the incident I had learned a little about Jay’s political affiliations and motivations.
Yesterday, he came back with his answer (see below) which he manages to stuff with a pile of confused and jumbled arguments that convey profound intellectual ignorance and are riven with a host of embarrassing contradictions. But one thing was for sure. Gilad Atzmon would not be appearing on Jay’s show. Why? Because, above all, Jay is a coward and must have realised that he doesn’t stand a chance of countering my ideas in front of a camera, not even in his own studio.
I define Jewish Power as the power to divert the attention from Jewish Power and Paul Jay clearly engages in just such an endeavour. In fact, my main contribution to this discourse is probably my capacity to expose this very power and the manner in which it is wielded (Actually, all I do is hand the microphone to my detractors and let their symptoms speak for themselves).
But Jay’s muddled text cries for attention because it is an invaluable glimpse into the deeply corrosive and dishonest attitude that currently contaminates Palestine solidarity, the anti-war movement and the entire peace movement.
Jay attempts to build  his entire argument around the notion that I am an ‘anti Semite’ only to eventually admit that actually I am not. “Since the late 19th century the term (anti Semitism) has been used to mean hatred of Jews….Do I believe you (Gilad) hate all Jews? No. But your theory leads to that”
Well, I have some news for Jay & Co. ‘Theories’ do not hate, ideas do not kill, it is people who hate and people who kill. My ‘theories’ are there to enlighten people, including Jews.  My ideas offer Jews, even the so-called progressive Jews such as Jay himself, an opportunity to self-reflect and, hopefully, to correct that which needs correction. But here we have a problem. As I explore in The Wandering Who, Jewish identity politics is a general state of blindness, a detached collective mind-set which Jay himself proudly exhibits. We know that the Israelis will accept no criticism and their Jewish so-called  opponents react exactly the same. Time after time, they kill the messengers - or at least attempt to do so. This is why I am not at all angry with Jay, in fact I feel for him. He is trapped - metaphysically, spiritually and intellectually. Jay’s plight is the Jewish tragedy - a disastrous tale I explore fully in my writing. From a  psychoanalytical perspective  the man is in ‘denial’ and, like other progressive Jews, he, for the time being,  resists therapy.
Now, before I let you read Jay own words, allow me to address some of his mistakes:
Jay fails to grasp the obvious distinction between ‘Judaism’ (the religion), ‘Jews’ (the people) and ‘Jewishness’ (the Ideology). In my work I concentrate on Jewish ideology and since I believe that every ideology and politics must be subject to criticism, this obviously includes Jewish identity politics. Jay, on the other hand, tries to block any criticism of Jewish politics and ideology. Is this because he believes that Jews are chosen? You be the judge.
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2. A Portrait that Tells Many Tales

A beautiful piece by Lasse Wilhelmson
photoPicture: writer Lasse Wilhelmson
This is a portrait of me in my writing corner with some of the many books I have bought over the past ten years, mainly off the internet; books that are about history, but not the history told by the victors of Europe’s two world wars. A portrait of a blue-eyed, curly-haired little boy can be seen too, along with an old Swedish country sideboard.
Four Books
You can identify them in the bookcase in the picture. The Jewish Century (2004) by Juri Slezkine, a Jewish-born American professor of history with roots in Russia. It is probably one of the most important books ever written, as he himself says, if you wish to understand 20th century history. According to Slezkine, this is impossible unless you comprehend the Jewish influence. Everything from the Russian ”revolution” to European education, culture and science is dealt with in this book which also includes many statistics.
The next book is The Israel Lobby, and US Foreign Policy (2007) by two of America’s most prestigious academics, John J Mearsheimer, professor of political science and Stephen M Walt, professor of international politics. It came to be the classic that broke the official silence surrounding all discussions concerning Israeli and Jewish influence on US foreign policy.
Between these two, is my own book  Is the World Upside Down? (2009). It contains a selection of my articles about the Palestinian issue, Zionism and the neocolonial wars waged in the first decades of the 21st century. They are arranged in order by time which makes it possible to follow how my earlier opinions, partly Jewish-Marxist, have changed as a result of a changing world and my in-depth studies.
The red book, The Wandering Who? (2011), is by Gilad Atzmon. He grew up in a rightwing Zionist home in Israel, where he did his military service; twenty years ago he chose exile in London where he now lives with his family. He has, perhaps like no other, deconstructed Jewish mentality which he sometimes calls Jewishness or Jewish ideology. Atzmon is also an informed philosopher and one of the world’s best jazz musicians, his favourite instrument is the saxophone.

Atzmon’s upbringing and experiences are very different from mine. I found him on the internet twelve years ago. I read one of his early articles and was astonished to find that I had a soul-mate, albeit several sizes larger than myself, apart from our ages. This was when I had just written my first long essay, perhaps my most significant, dealing among other things with Moses Hess and Karl Marx: Zionism – More than Traditional Colonialism and Apartheid.
The Swedish marxist Jan Myrdal had always been my intellectual role-model up until then. Now Gilad Atzmon replaced him.
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 3. Simon Schama’s The Story of the Jews – History Vs. Chicken Soup

Review by Gilad Atzmon
On the day we learned that the BBC’s new Middle East editor, Raffi Berg, urged colleagues to downplay Israel's siege of Gaza, the British broadcaster launched Simon Schama’s The Story of the Jews.  I have only watched the 1st episode of this new BBC 2 grandiose series. But I already learned from Schama about Jewish greatness, the formation of his people and the continuum between the ancient Israelites and their contemporary followers: Schama and his local reform Synagogue in North West London.  I also learned about Jehovah, the God that was invented by the Jews to choose them over all other people. 
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4. Don’t miss: Gilad Atzmon at the LJF - 20 years in the UK @ The Queen Elizabeth Hall

Book now, the concert is selling out quickly:
21st November,  Gilad Atzmon 20 Years in Britain, London Jazz Festival, special concert at The Queen Elizabeth Concert Hall, London South Bank.
20 years after landing in the UK, saxophonist and composer Gilad Atzmon has become an intensely creative presence on the European scene, whether leading successive editions of his Orient House Ensemble, developing new work for string quartet alongside interpretations of the evocative Charlie Parker with strings project, or playing with the Blockheads and Robert Wyatt.
This concert offers a journey through Gilad’s varied musical activity, including some very special collaborations.
The concert will feature The Orient House Ensemble (Frank Harrison, Eddie Hick & Yaron Stavi, The Sigamos Quartet led by Ros Stephen, Sarah Gillespie, Asaf Sirkis, Jennifer Bennett,   Yair Avidor and the legendary Norman Watt Roy.
Don’t miss it, book now, the concert is selling out quickly:
Coming gigs and tours, recordings & talks  (UK, Luxemburg, Cyprus, USA)
3 Gilad Atzmon Quartet, Wilmslow Conservative Club, Wilmslow
12 With The Blockheads, Central Theatre, Chatham
To read more click here

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