Monday, October 21, 2013


Rothschild Bankster: "International currency with in 5 years" - See more at:
Rothschild Bankster: "International currency with in 5 years" - See more at:
Rothschild Bankster: "International currency with in 5 years" - See more at:

When WEATHER WEAPONRY can do what can be done - IE EG FUKUSHIMA - there isn't any human that can convince me the Japan THIRD NUKE, wasn't intentional.  As though this family of hideous insatiably greedy could get sane after centuries of criminally insanely mass murdering.  MASS MURDERERS do not grow a conscience, never.

1 comment:

  1. This is a TEST to test whether or not this post is going to reach the public. When the Tiger's whiskers get pulled while stepping on the tail of the very powerful predatory cat, then the practice TAI CHI would be gently taking the head of the Tiger and knowing how to hold the head from the mountain into the valley and then to alchemy the energy as a power in the unseen seen.

    For the Chinese to get on the world stage and act like they are 'evolving' from the serious devolution that happened in the Opium Wars, and yet the truth is the same story then as now: GENOCIDE. Well the hypocrisy in the Rots-Child FRAUD MONEY that was of course learned from the Chinese 'virtual letters of credit' or simply 'no money just computer entries' to now be partners in the crime of WEATHER, and FIVE YEARS is our clue. He, 'Rots-Child' may be 'old' BUT his lineage is ready to rape, pillage, plunder and already do, to all earth and ITS' "Goyim". To Be Con't
