Tuesday, November 5, 2013

ACLU: Roger Shuler Legal Schnauzer & 'First Amendment-United States'' Constitutional UNALIENABLE RIGHT/S, Et Al, Et Cetera !

Susan N. Herman
Susan N. Herman, President of the ACLU
ROGER SHULER, Legal Schnauzer  http://www.legalschnauzer.blogspot.com/

Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7,

No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

1.Records of the Federal Convention
2.House of Representatives, Official Conduct of the Secretary of the Treasury, 28 Feb. 1 Mar. 1793
3.St. George Tucker, Blackstone's Commentaries 1:App. 362--64, 1803
4.Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution 3:§§ 1341--43, 1833

© 1987 by The University of Chicago, All rights reserved. Published 2000, http://press-pubs.uchicago.edu/founders/

ACLU at 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor, New York NY 10004, T) 212-549-2500
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5 Nov 2013

Dear Susan:

I'm not sending the voluminous papers to all, anymore.  Too expensive as the U$$ 'tanks' so-to-speak, tongue-in-cheek.

I get to take not only my FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT HERE, I also get to take FULL POETIC LICENSE.  I'm not a blogger, but after a fashion and I'm not any of the new age join the electronic addiction to spin in the cycles of digital madness.

Moving right along, would rather not be here now.  But, here I am, again.  We've done this dance before, Susan:  WORDS SWORDS Et Cetera.


The State of Alabama as all the U.S.A., has lost the U.S. Constitution's promise - ITS' fallen and can't seem to get back up.

ROVE isn't exactly a trustworthy member of society.

None of the GENDER BENT can be trusted.  In fact, the American population due to the poisons as a failed experiment now, more likely than not 100% are not getting a pass in the endocrine toxic poisoning.  This is a travesty and explains why Rove has gone stark raving criminally insane.  Actually, the entirety of this CABAL "Council On Foreign Relations" for the past sixty (60) years and certainly nothing less -- look at this mess.

HOW did we get here?  Susan, I'd say two words explain the whole system and ITS' break-down:  SOVEREIGN 'MONY'.

We do not have Sovereign Mony and this isn't LIBERTY.  FREEDOM is one word, however, Liberty is what gives us THE RIGHT to 'choose' after a fashion, Freedom.

Liberty is about getting to choose how our 'mony' is traded and exchanged and we don't have this RIGHT which is also in the U.S. Constitution as UNALIENABLE.  Article I, Section IX, Clause VII, as above so below.

The right to live in earth costs 'mony'.  Mony was an UNALIENABLE RIGHT, therefore, in our U.S. Constitution to 'purchase' this RIGHT certainly absent the 'debt' and 'interest'.  Then add modern science and what did we get?  WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, DERIVATIVES.  Said by Warren Buffett.

Roger Shuler and Don Siegelman, Et Al are incarcerated because the HAVES' take our Sovereign Mony Right and treat the US 'Nots'' as though we get to be worse than slaves in the times of OLD TESTAMENT.

Or, pick and choose an era where the human is nothing but, a MINNOW to the failing Empire criminally insane.

Roger Shuler needs to be released from the Alabama Dixie Mafioso's US-ZioCons' gulag.  AND, he should never have been in this position, however, perhaps at long last the MONY PROBLEM/s can begin to be addressed?

Thank you Susan and the ACLU, Et Al

Susan N. Herman was elected President of the American Civil Liberties Union in October 2008, after having served on the ACLU National Board of Directors for twenty years, as a member of the Executive Committee for sixteen years, and as General Counsel for ten years.

Herman holds a chair as Centennial Professor of Law at Brooklyn Law School, where she currently teaches courses in Constitutional Law and Criminal Procedure, and seminars on Law and Literature, and Terrorism and Civil Liberties. She writes extensively on constitutional and criminal procedure topics for scholarly and other publications, ranging from law reviews and books to periodicals and on-line publications. Recent publications include two books, TERRORISM, GOVERNMENT, AND LAW: NATIONAL AUTHORITY AND LOCAL AUTONOMY IN THE WAR ON TERROR, editor and co-author, with Paul Finkelman (Praeger Security International 2008) and THE RIGHT TO A SPEEDY AND PUBLIC TRIAL (Praeger 2006) (part of a series on the Constitution), and law review articles including The USA PATRIOT Act and the Submajoritarian Fourth Amendment, 41 HARV. CIV. RTS.-CIV. LIB. L. REV. 67 (2006).


1 comment:

  1. AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION [ACLU] & Roger Shuler - ROGER SHULER - Legal Schnauzer - LEGAL SCHNAUZER, immediate release from Rove's Alabama US-ZioCons' UNCONSTITUTIONAL GULAG
