Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Hitler, According To REALITY?

Monday, November 18, 2013

JFK on Adolf Hitler

Given I'll be attending the conference in Santa Barbara, California this coming Friday commemorating the 50th observance of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, I decided to delve into some JFK research the past couple weeks. I recently read Final Judgement: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy, written by the legendary author and historian Michael Collins Piper, which thoroughly documents the role Israel's Mossad and the international criminal syndicate led by the Jewish gangster Meyer Lansky played in organizing and benefitting from the murder of our 35th president. Mike Piper will be my special guest on The Realist Report this coming Wednesday, and we'll be focusing on his book and Israel's central role in the JFK assassination conspiracy. I am also working on a review of Final Judgement that I will post here later on this week.

This past weekend, I read Prelude to Leadership: The European Diary of John F. Kennedy, Summer 1945, which consists of a Preface written by editor Deirdre Henderson and an Introduction written by Hugh Sidey, a well-respected journalist who knew President Kennedy quite well. Following the Preface and Introduction, the full personal diary of President Kennedy's European travels during the summer of 1945 is published. In 1945, President Kennedy was a reporter for Hearst newspapers, first covering the San Francisco Conference, which eventually established the United Nations, before traveling to Western Europe, including England, Ireland, France, and Germany, to cover the situation there following the surrender of Germany at the end of WWII. The book is fascinating, and a must-read for anyone truly interested in understanding President Kennedy and the issues that shaped his worldview.
After Kennedy visited Adolf Hitler's mountain home at Berchtesgaden and his "famed Eagle's lair", he had this to say about the most maligned and slandered man in history:
After visiting these two places, you can easily understand how that within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived.

He had boundless ambition for his country which rendered him a menace to the peace of the world, but he had a mystery about him in the way he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made. (pg. 74)
Despite Kennedy's misunderstanding of Adolf Hitler and his true ambitions for his beloved German nation (Hitler did not start WWII and he did not want to conquer Europe, much less the world), he clearly understood that Hitler was indeed a significant figure in history, a man worthy of respect and perhaps even admiration. In Sidey's Introduction to Kennedy's European diary, he relays a story in which a friend of Kennedy who traveled with him around Europe as a young man told Sidey that "Kennedy was fascinated with Hitler and the Hitler youth, young people with a purpose in an otherwise despairing world" (pg. xxviii).

I'm not highlighting this to suggest that President Kennedy was sympathetic to National Socialism or even a champion of Adolf Hitler. However, I find Kennedy's comments about Adolf Hitler, easily the greatest and most righteous leader in modern Western history, quite interesting indeed.

[SIDEBAR:  According to 'other' history that was and is REAL, Hilter was exposing 'SLOBS' (Sigmund Freud's word for 'them' they that have made up money and call this commodity 'theirs''), The ELITE RICH.
AND getting the youth to understand the reality of 'money' THAT the BLOBS Federal Reserve System ARE now doing the same as the SLOBS'!  Repeating History?!
When history keeps repeating IT then it's time to look at IT and figure out what IT is, in reality.
IT is money.  Hitler was also about fury in the money APARTHEID.
Hitler didn't get, anymore than POTUS#44, that he was the useful puppet for that same CABAL a different day same shit.

DDSS, see King's "Dream Catcher".]

[SIDEBAR #2:  NSA-CIA-FBI-ALL the humans manufactured to be ZOMBIES for the U$ZioCon$ are forgiven for they know not that their brain has been shrunk via whatever can be used to make the human being into Zombies for the U$ZioCon$, how many lifetimes of excrement of the lowest forms of energy do you know, to then crawl back up the ladder to find what you've actually lost in doing hard time for the U$ZioCon$ vile evil forever and ever ROT.

LINK has to be cut and pasted?  Can't get CIA BLOGGER to allow link to be auto-here and OH MY GOD, have the robots gotten 
mad as can be.]


1 comment:

  1. When a LEADER such as HITLER gets to be in charge and the charge is against the same CABAL that was and is the same CABAL, The Rothschild Dynasty REIGN OF TERROR SLOBS' IE ROTS Earth in FINANCIAL PAEDOPHILIA since the so called 'family' got to be in charge worse than Hitler ever imagined is the now with the same so called 'leaders' in earth as the BLOB Federal Reserve Vile Evil
