Sunday, November 3, 2013

SSDD: Fritz Kraemer, Henry Kissinger, US-ZioCons, NATO, Radical-Extremist Anti-Human Everything

ON EXCELLENCE, Fritz Kraemer
The leader of the
.. posters .. popping up all over Europe in train stations
Muslim-hating, neo-Nazi English Defence League, Tommy Robinson, and his deputy Kevin Carroll renounced racism this week. They are leaving the EDL and joining the anti-extremist Quilliam Foundation. <<

... in other news, i hear that Pope Ratzinger has appointed Henry Kissinger as an advisor. and Will made fun of Chavez for waving around a Chompsky book. seriously, when i heard this my fear of the dark returned and i had trouble going from building to building last night.


SAME SHIT DIFFERENT DAY, too *SSDD [SIDEBAR:  Human beings do not need to kill each other.  What is the problem, then, in the time of a Supreme Court in the United States Of America appointing a dictator that was as bloody and worse, than Hitler.  Add the next POTUS #44, and we truly need to beg the question how criminally insane ? whole cycles of generations of the same.  When the cosmic reality enema hits the brain and then the mind begins to reel in and out of consciousness, a moment passes and the pause between two breaths sits bold upright in our fleshy being.  Or not.  Perhaps, nobody is home.  How do we repeat history as humans' doing]  ?

1 comment:

  1. SSDD Same or Shame Shit Different Day & Do We Continue Into the Abyss In The Aughts' "Internets" ?!
