Saturday, November 2, 2013

US-ZioCongress Needs To SEE China's Nuclear Subs 'Locked-Loaded' "Et Al" NOT Standing-Down-This-Time-Around !

The Battle for Syria ~~ Hezbollah Readies for Qalamoun Battle, Deploys 15,000 Troops

The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AICE) was established in 1993 as a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization to strengthen the U.S.-Israel relationship by emphasizing the fundamentals of the alliance — the values our nations share.
"There's a depth and richness of this relationship that is expressed every day.... we have an enduring bond of values, interests, beginning with security and the way that we share both information and other things to help the common defense of our common interests..."
-Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu

"The American people and the Israeli people share a faith in the future, a belief that democracies can shape their own destiny and that opportunities should be available to all. Throughout its own extraordinary history, Israel has given life to that promise."
- U.S. President Barack Obama

Jewish Parliamentarians:
United States House of Representatives

(1845 - 2013)

Time was when he was the tool of every Jewish lobbyist in the Senate. His glib tongue lent charm and plausibility to every argument they wished to advance against the government's intentions. Secretly, however, the Senator was receiving "favors" from a very high source, "favors" of a financial character. The time came when it was desirable to "detach" the Senator. The written record of his "favors" was abstracted from its place of supposed secrecy, a newspaper system that has always been the ready organ of American Jewry made the exposure, and an indignant public did the rest. It could not have been done had not the man been compromised first; it could not have been done without certain newspaper connivance; it would never have been done had not the Senator's masters wished it. However, it was done.

Unfortunately, rather than respond positively to Rouhani's election, the US House of Representatives - just two days before his inauguration in August - voted by an overwhelming 400-20 margin to impose punitive new sanctions on Iran. The measures targets Iran's foreign reserves and attempts to end all Iranian oil sales by 2015, with the goal of plunging the country into a debilitating economic depression. It was a bipartisan rejection of the new president's offer to enhance nuclear transparency and pursue "peace and reconciliation" with the West.

A large group of US experts on Iran and former officials - as well as Representative Jim McDermott (D-WA) and 15 other members of Congress - urged leaders in the House of Representatives to delay the vote until after Rouhani was inaugurated and had a chance to lead the nuclear negotiations. As Representative Keith Ellison (D-MN) noted, "Why aren't we at least curious to find out whether or not President Rouhani means that he wants to pursue this course of peace?"

Yet House Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer joined Republican leaders in pushing through the punitive sanctions bill despite the risks of sabotaging talks that could offer the best chance to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

That same day, a bipartisan group of 76 senators - more than three-quarters of the upper chamber - in an apparent effort to poison the atmosphere on the eve of Rouhani's inauguration, signed a letter to President Obama demanding "the maintenance and toughening of sanctions" and "a convincing threat of the use of force".

1 comment:

  1. Zombies In High Numbers Do Count And The Massive Weight Of A Few Gets To Out Weigh The Greatness Of The Majority Rule & The Obvious MIRROR Is How Only The US-ZioCongress Wins As The Losses Are Not Recognized To Be Far Greater Than The ARTIFICIALITY ZioCon Global
