Friday, January 3, 2014

Ariel Sharon ex-premier Tel Aviv Regime: "Crisis of Conscience" ?! “vital organs” are failing

George W. Bush "Jr" & Ariel Sharon in 2005 at the 'Ranch'

Crisis of Conscience,16641,19821004,00.html

Israel anguishes over the question of its guilt for the Palestinian massacre

"My God, I was awake all night crying and despairing. What will become of us? What is happening to us?" That plaintive question could easily have come from a Palestinian woman grieving for her lost family following the massacre of Arab men, women and children in the Palestinian refugee camps south of Beirut. In fact, the anguished speaker was an Israeli woman in Jerusalem who the night before had watched the television pictures of the aftermath of the killings by the Israeli-backed Lebanese Christian militiamen.
 In Lebanon ...

Israeli Former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s “vital organs” are failing, say medics at an Israeli hospital. 

“In the last few days, we have seen a gradual decline in the functioning of Ariel Sharon’s vital organs, which are essential for his survival,” said Tel Hashomer hospital director Zeev Rotstein on Thursday.

On January 4, 2006, Sharon suffered a stroke and went into a coma, from which he has not recovered.

He was the prime minister of the Tel Aviv regime from 2001 to 2006.


[sidebar:  The Russian Jews thought the world was out to get them because the world didn't and doesn't like the ideology that a certain tribe gets to be chosen in the earth plane.  Making up whatever can be made up in the imagination, and then acting on the imagination or imaginations that aren't sane from the practice of Metzitzah b'peh for the PRIME example in the 'practice/s' of the 'tribe' that was already told stop the mutilation of our own species.

And, in a unilateral KILLING MASS MURDERING HOMICIDAL MANIACAL APARTHEID GENOCIDAL Sub Human Subterranean behavior, now proven indisputably criminally insane without question.

1 comment:

  1. Heinz Kissinger and Ariel Sharon are almost GONE, thank GOD, wicked Homo sapiens complete degenerates.
