Wayne MADSEN | 28.02.2014
It was only a matter of time. The National Security Agency's British
FIVE EYES partner, the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ),
has now made common cause with another creation of British intelligence,
the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London. From the time of
its creation in 1921 under the aegis of the British Army's Bureau of
Psychological Warfare to the present time, the Tavistock Institute has
been at the forefront of research into and application of targeted and
mass mind control techniques. The institute has cooperated with research
entities, including the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and Esalen
Institute in the United States, that carry out psychological operations
on behalf of the Central Intelligence Agency and Department of Defense.
The latest tranche of PowerPoint slides revealed by NSA whistleblower
Edward Snowden shows the similarities between the GCHQ's Joint Threat
Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG)'s Human Science Operations Cell
(HSOC). The very name «Human Science Operations» appears yanked right
from the operational charter of the Tavistock Institute, which includes
the ability to engage in «full spectrum domination» by U.S. and U.K.
intelligence services, in other words, the two core members of the FIVE
EYES alliance.
What is most alarming about the most recent disclosure of slides marked
SECRET//SI//REL TO USA. FVEY [Special Intelligence, Releasable to USA
and FIVE EYES] and UK TOP SECRET STRAP is that the FIVE EYES signals
intelligence alliance of the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia,
and New Zealand are adding psychological operations (psyops) and
Tavistock-developed mind control operations to its traditional signals
intelligence (SIGINT) role. The blending of SIGINT and human
intelligence (HUMINT) as part of cyber-warfare and computer network
exploitation (CNE), with little or no actual oversight from legislative
oversight authorities, is the closest proof revealed to date that the
NSA and its partners have embarked on a policy of instituting «1984» Big
Brother controls using the Internet as a primary weapon.
The latest tranche of slides points to a number of deception programs
being carried out on the web. These include alias development and
masquerading (which includes the employment of «sock puppet» personae
already in use by the U.S. military to disrupt and influence the
Internet), mass messaging (or spamming) and «call bombing,» propaganda,
and «pushing stories».
These tactics have been refined since the CIA and its George
Soros-financed non-governmental organization activist allies brought
about the «Arab Spring» overthrow of governments in Egypt, Tunisia,
Libya, and Yemen, as well as the bloody civil war in Syria. In Ukraine,
the democratically-elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych
fell more quickly than either Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak or Libyan
leader Muammar Qaddafi simply because the Western corporate media fully
cooperated in FIVE EYES efforts to activate armies of sock puppets with
aliases who disseminated anti-Yanukovych propaganda and, with the
assistance of the global corporate news media, «pushed stories». In the
case of Ukraine, the «pushed stories» were products of CIA, NSA, GCHQ,
British MI-6, and Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC)
propaganda mills working in close collaboration with such intelligence
agency fronts as Soros's Open Society Institute, Freedom House, Hudson
Institute, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS),
Heritage Foundation, and Demos of the UK.
Western intelligence agencies «pushed stories» through the use of
Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, and Youtube. These applications are part and
parcel of GCHQ and NSA Computer Network Information Operations (CNIO).
Outside the realm of technological warfare, JTRIG admits that it employs
«credential harvesting» against «foreign news agencies». In fact, spies
and provocateurs masquerading as spies were not only discovered filing
phony news reports from Ukraine but also from Venezuela during
simultaneous anti-government rioting in that country. Fake journalists
were also exposed in Egypt, Thailand, China, and Russia.
Two GCHQ programs that were likely used to bombard news organizations
with propaganda from the Western-financed Ukrainian opposition are code
named INFINITE CURVATURE and MOUNTAIN SLOPE. Without independently
verifying what was being disseminated by text messages, email, fax, and
phone calls, the global corporate media willingly re-broadcast and
re-published FIVE EYES propaganda on the situation in Ukraine as fact.
This included such canards as Russian special forces SPETSNAZ snipers
shooting dead protesters in Kyiv's Maidan Square (actual reports had
neo-Nazi Maidanovci agitators on Maidan Square shooting protesters with
the intent that the government security personnel would be blamed),
Yanukovych amassing a treasure of expensive paintings and sculptures in
the manner of Muammar Qaddafi and Saddam Hussein (in fact, Yanukovych's
tastes are more oriented toward kitschy bling than opulent
extravagances), and that protesters were set on fire by police. As to
the last item, the Associated Press transmitted a photograph of what was
described as a protesters in Kyiv running away in flames. In fact, the
«protester» was a Ukrainian policeman and his Ukrainian MBC police
insignia could readily be seen on his uniform's left sleeve.
Where do JTRIG and its Tavistock-trained handlers obtain images,
documents, and other information used for propaganda deception and
disruption psyops? The answer is found in the latest released slides:
the SALAMANCA database of information mined from the Internet. In
addition, GHCQ and its NSA allies can target specific cell phones for
propaganda dissemination through Target Geographic Identifiers (TGIs)
assigned to particular cell phones. Such operations can also be used to
disrupt the cell phones of targeted individuals through CNIO disruption.
JTRIG's slides point to how network operations are used to support
intelligence operations in the field. These operations are identified as
infiltration, ruse, set-piece, false flag, false rescue, disruption,
and sting. In the case of Ukraine, Western overt and covert agents
infiltrated the demonstrators at Maidan Square. In some cases,
counter-CNIO operations can be successful against Western intelligence
agencies. One video from Maidan Square showed Ukrainian Bercut special
police detaining a man who was carrying an 2012 expired International
Police Association (IPA) membership credential in the name of Oleksandr
Boiarchuk, in addition to an IPA Ukraine chapter badge. IPA stands
accused of being a front for Western intelligence agencies.
The firing by neo-Nazi snipers on Maidan Square demonstrators qualifies
as both a ruse and false flag operation. The overall goal of such an
operation was to blame Ukrainian security personnel for the shooting
deaths of demonstrators and, as far as the Western media was concerned,
the ruse and false flag was successful. One media organization after
another likened the shooting deaths to the Tiananmen Square massacre of
1989 and Yanukovych was likened to Saddam Hussein and Qaddafi, both of
whom fell victim to early embryonic computer network information
The Ukraine operation was also in many ways a set-piece operation. A
set-piece is a predictable operation that has been successfully employed
in the past. Certainly, the Maidan Square uprising was almost a carbon
copy, but with much more violence, of the Western-engineered 2004 Orange
Revolution in Ukraine. The same template, developed by the CIA-financed
OTPOR provocateurs against the government of Slobodon Milosevic in
Serbia and refined by the Center for Applied Non-Violent Action and
Strategies (CANVAS), was used in «themed revolutions» in Georgia, Iran,
Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Venezuela, Burma, Maldives, Thailand, and other
countries, as well as in the latest coup d'etat in Ukraine.
Disruption operations were also used at an early stage in Ukraine
chiefly by the Soros- and Zionist-funded FEMEN movement, an
anti-Christian and anti-Muslim group that works closely with Pussy Riot
and Voina social order disruptors in Russia. Attacks by FEMEN on symbols
of Christianity in Ukraine helped spark the social disorder that
ultimately led to the rioting in central Kyiv. Neo-Nazi and extreme
right-wing Ukrainian nationalists became agitated by the attacks on
Christian crosses and churches in the country and cited the overt
support that Zionist Jews like American Jed Sunden, an investor in
Ukrainian media companies like the Kyiv Post, gave to FEMEN protesters.
Employing agents from neo-Nazi, Zionist, and nationalist factions is
spelled out by one JTRIG slide, which calls for the «identification and
exploitation of fracture points» in a targeted country, region, or other
element. The intent of such exploitation is to create «tension» through
the use of «pre-existing cleavages» and competing «ideological
differences». These factors are coupled with «things that push a group
together» like «shared opposition» and «common beliefs». These
exploitation factors were of beneficial use in the type of successful
intelligence operation that took place in Ukraine.
Other tactics employed by the Human System Analysis (HSA) Online Covert
Action (OCA) personnel of GCHQ and NSA are the setting up of targets in
«honey traps» (the use of lures who use sex to entrap targeted
individuals); changing photographs on social networking sites using
sophisticated Photoshop-lime techniques; establishing blogs purporting
to be those of a target's victim or victims; and e-mailing and texting
false and defamatory information to the friends, colleagues, and
neighbors of a target. These tactics bring to the Internet familiar
physical «dirty tricks» operations used in the past by human
intelligence field agents.
Other areas where JTRIG and Tavistock have commonality are the use of
«herding» and «group dynamics» to create «group think» among targeted
audiences. The quickness by the general population to accept everything
written and broadcast about the situation in Ukraine serves as a case in
point. Only alternative media provided unbiased facts about what was
occurring in Ukraine without the color of intelligence agency
propaganda. However, JTRIG has a rapid response mechanism for alternate
news reports: it calls for the use of «conspiracy stories» to influence
thoughts and behavior. Either alternative news reports are derided as
conspiracy theories by the GCHQ and NSA influence operations
organizations or the intelligence agencies, themselves, put forward
conspiracy stories to muddy the waters.
JTRIG also relies on the Hofstede Dimensions of Dutch psychologist
Geert Hofstede, which call for the employment of cross-cultural
«collectivism» or «group think» to achieve psychological goals. Such
practices represent pure Tavistock dogma. This, in addition to JTRIG's
desire to perform «cyber magic» on the Internet, arrives full circle at
Tavistock's reliance on the occult to extend its ability to mold
opinions and behaviors across large swaths of the global population.
Tavistock tactics were instrumental in manufacturing popular consent for
World War II, the Cold War, the «Global War on Terrorism,» the Balkans
War, central African conflicts, and the two Western wars against Iraq.
More recently, Tavistock methods, refined and employed by GCHQ and NSA,
were used during the Arab Spring movement and the recent upheaval in
The melding of SIGINT, HUMINT, and Tavistock mind-bending technology
represents a dangerous move by Western intelligence agencies into an
arena that may suffer from tremendous blowback. The social disruption
visited by the use of such practices in Libya and Syria resulted in
civil war. Ukraine may also descend into civil war among competing
nationalities and language groups in a manner similar to Yugoslavia.
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http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2014/02/28/massive-psyop-employed-against-ukraine-by-gchq-and-nsa.html | |