Wednesday, February 12, 2014


2/11/14, ‘Biggest ever’? Massive DDoS-attack hits EU, US Get short URL<<

AFP Photo / Jose Jordan
AFP Photo / Jose Jordan

A massive DDoS attack hit EU- and US-based servers, with security companies reporting it to be even more powerful than last year’s Spamhaus attacks. While the method of the attack was not new, CloudFlare warned there are “ugly things to come.”

Only scant details about the attack were released by US-based web performance and security firm CloudFlare, which fought back against the distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack early Tuesday.

According to CloudFlare CEO Matthew Prince, the attack reached 400 gigabits per second in power – some 100Gbps higher than the notorious Spamhaus cyber-assault of March 2013 that at the time was branded the largest-ever attack in the history of the internet.

“[It was] very big. Larger than the Spamhaus attack from last year… Hitting our network globally but no big customer impact outside of Europe,” Prince was quoted as saying by TechWeekEurope blog.

Prince said one customer was initially targeted by the attack, but added that he would not disclose the customer’s identity.

[sidebar:   Tis a sad state of mind when the intelligent must think about how the criminally insane are planning to FUTURE 'trip' the world earth.

MUST think, how the criminally insane are 'thinking'.  GAMES are clever.  Get millions of players on-line GAMING and then the POP GOES THE WEASEL.  Oh now the image is clear.

Gamers are going to be blamed for how the WWW Cra$he$?!

DEMOCRACY can be killed how?  Oh right, shut down the internet for how long the system can be TAKEN DOWN & CONTROLLED, via ?  Where?  Tel Aviv?

.. tobecontinued...]


  1. World War III-IV-V-? GAME playing is going to be how the COVER-UP is pulled over our heads, yet again?

  2. GET READY. Internet World WAR has begun as on-line GAMING and what an insane trip this is going to be!
