Monday, January 14, 2013


APARTHEID in simple term, "split hood."  When Robert Straub, during his tenure as Treasury in the State of Oregon ~stole the public's sovereignty~ and as Treasurer and also Governor BEHAVING as the common criminals [Benjamin Shalom Bernanke, Timothy F. Geithner, "Hank Paulson," THE BLOB, ET AL] AND indeed "criminally insane," Mr. Straub sold without a majority consensus the public trust for his own personal gain and the unjust profits of the "corporation."  Mr. Straub gave lavishly to the Jewish people in Oregon, the City of Portland.  The "CREDIT" BONANZAS was for the "community," to develop the "civilization," which we are living in ITS' reality, today.

The majority commoners, laborers in Oregon state were "sold down the river," by Mr. Straub ET AL.  Traded and exchanged in the portfolios of the retirement of "government."  A "government" that was being very carefully crafted in a shadow gulag of bio-metric credit.  AND the credit recipients were not other than an apartheid.

A RACKET began early on, in the United States.  In 1948, and earlier, the State of Israel began receiving funds from the U.S.  To this day the State of Israel is not experiencing AUSTERITY.  No, the apartheid Israel is prosperous.

The apartheid has been absolutely intentional.  For example, law schools.  There are students that graduated from law schools in the time of this late greatest Ponzi scheme "Housing Bubble," "Too Big To Fail" FRAUD, and although feeling "naive" getting that the "victim complex" is not going to fool them anymore into "Make Believe."  Law schools in the United States were and are, not teaching the actual U.S. Constitution's good law.  But, then, our public schools are also not doing a job of teaching our American children:  "Bill of Rights'."

An apartheid has been the racketeering tap root of the Federal Reserve [Fed] since the co-creating of the entity as a global creditor.  The Fed is a vile evil racket.

Christians and Jews who choose to worship the Fed and credit apartheid should have to pay very steep taxes, because religion does not include racketeering in the trading and exchanging of the people AND in the portfolios of the very large religions are retirements that include whatever umbrella the Fed chooses to hide ITS' apartheid:  EG FIDELITY and/or VANGUARD.

SEE LEGALSCHNAUZER for the best journalism in the southern U.S. of A.

Treasurer-Governor Straub contracted as an individual for the majority of Oregonians, to the foundations Ford and Rockefeller.  Mr. Straub then chose to provide sums of credit undisclosed to the majority of Oregonians, to a Jew minority.  This was an apartheid in the credit - a serious inequality and therefore a vitiation of the U.S. Constitution's Preamble.

It was a crime and must be cured.  The STATE of Oregon in this time proves the racket apartheid has not and never shall, function as the U.S. Constitution promises.

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