Two US missiles were launched towards the Syrian coast, and both failed to reach their destination
World War III almost occurred as the banksters wished it.They have too many debts, including the unsustainable foreign debt of the US. If those Tomahawks had flown, the banksters could have claimed Force Majeure and disavow the debt. Millions of people would die, but billions of dollars would be safe in the vaults of JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs. In September, the world crossed this bifurcation point safely, as President Obama refused to take the fall for the banksters. Perhaps he deserved his Nobel peace prize, after all.
None of this could’ve been achieved without the support of China. The Asian giant considers Russia its “elder sister” and relies upon her ability to deal with the round-eyes. The Chinese, in their quiet and unassuming way, played along with Putin. They passed Snowden to Moscow. They vetoed anti-Syrian drafts in the UNSC, and sent their warships to the Med. That is why Putin stood the ground not only for Russia, but for the whole mass of Eurasia.
The acme of this confrontation was reached in the Obama-Putin exchange on exceptionalism. The two men were not buddies to start with. Putin was annoyed by what he perceived as Obama’s insincerity and hypocrisy. A man who climbed from the gutter to the very top, Putin cherishes his ability to talk frankly with people of all walks of life. His frank talk can be shockingly brutal. When he was heckled by a French journalist regarding treatment of Chechen separatists, he replied:
“the Muslim
extremists (takfiris) are enemies of Christians, of atheists, and even
of Muslims because they believe that traditional Islam is hostile to the
goals that they set themselves. And if you want to become an Islamic
radical and are ready to be circumcised, I invite you to Moscow. We are a
multi-faith country and we have experts who can do it. And I would
advise them to carry out that operation in such a way that nothing would
grow in that place again”.

“It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional. We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal.” This was not only an ideological, but theological contradistinction.
As I expounded at length elsewhere, the US is built on the Judaic theology of exceptionalism, of being Chosen. It is the country of Old Testament. This is the deeper reason for the US and Israel’s special relationship. Europe is going through a stage of apostasy and rejection of Christ, while Russia remains deeply Christian. Its churches are full, they bless one other with Christmas and Easter blessings, instead of neutral “seasons”. Russia is a New Testament country. And rejection of exceptionalism, of chosenness is the underlying tenet of Christianity.
For this reason, while organised US Jewry supported the war, condemned Assad and called for US intervention, the Jewish community of Russia, quite numerous, wealthy and influential one, did not support the Syrian rebels but rather stood by Putin’s effort to preserve peace in Syria. Ditto Iran, where the wealthy Jewish community supported the legitimate government in Syria. It appears that countries guided by a strong established church are immune from disruptive influence of lobbies; while countries without such a church – the US and/or France – give in to such influences and adopt illegal interventionism as a norm.
>> http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-war-on-syria-the-september-2013-military-stand-off-between-five-us-destroyers-and-the-russian-flotilla-in-the-eastern-mediterranean/5355644

[SIDEBAR: Zionist Congress USA & ITS' Jewry Political & THE SLOBS-BLOB that actually decided earth world was owned as GHETTO HELL by IT. When the HOAX gets fully transparent, then maybe the LAWYERS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW interested in getting the criminally insane that have done the coups on US Americans' via the so called 'money' vitiated sovereignty. Time to sue the credit electronic monsters. Is IT an amazing truth? No assassination squad via MOSSAD on their 'First Jewish Black Prez'?!
Mass Murderers sell the ideology of NO BOUNDARIES not to entertain the idea of freedom, no that isn't what criminally insane of our species are about.]
.. to be continued ...
Jewry Political USA gOt the DIGITAL 'ELECTRONIC UNITS' & commit the worst behavior of human beings in earth, supported via the Zionist Congress of Mass Murderer NATO CIA MOSSAD ET AL, & ITS' time to take away FOREVER, the nuclear holocaust from the criminally insane