Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Nationality: American
Birth Date: August 19, 1819
Place of Birth: New York City
Death Date: September 28, 1891
Place of Death: New York City

Herman Melville
wrote about the Indians in America unable to sell their beautiful art and other commodities of incredible beauty
'author' MOBY DICK

Imagine coming to the shore of North America and there isn’t such a thing, money, not in the way it is now.  The Indians in the land didn’t have a clue as to how to ‘earn a living’ when the Anglo-Saxon invaded.

In 2013, ‘money’, it’s an electronic digit which is readily available with a decent credit score and the score which is higher gets more digital credit-debt.  Of course there are the many programs which provide the stuff for the many immigrants brought into ‘America’ and given the digital technology for living so the labor can be extracted at a cheaper ‘pay’.

Imagine money as whatever people decide the value of this commodity is.

Imagine not being programmed to the so called US$ ... this hypnotic subliminal trigger brainwashing causing an auto-pilot reaction erased from the memory.

The saying ignorance is no excuse, and this is regarding the law and knowing what is the law to be in compliance with not breaking it, the ‘right’ law.

Ignorance is no excuse in not knowing the law, and this is especially true of the lawyer.  Except the lawyer goes to school in specialized learning so the general reality of knowledge isn’t a necessary tool?

MONEY is the tool which has been decided on in the global reality forever as the/ a commodity which is a different agreed upon ‘tool’ to trade and exchange the goods and other stuff which humans choose to manufacture and use for life in earth, globally.

At least money as a commodity of diversity was until World War II and then Vietnam - Nixon and the Petro Dollar born to enslave the earth and humanity.  The plan was a long to be hatched, one currency to enslave all of the human labor in earth and then of course the owners of the system this powerful tool owned were to be all powerful.

The problem is, the owners of totalitarianism aren’t wholly enlightened, no not by any stretch of an imagination.  These owners of a unholy imagination shared amongst them are Holy Terrors and commonly The Stink [See H.G. Wells, 1939, The Holy Terror].

The humans that faction like those that followed Hitler, Stalin and whatever supremacist can be sought to mass murder for the mass murdering lunatics.  THE STINKS.

They, them, those that were called by Freud’s nephew Bernays ‘Slobs’ and amongst the owners of fraudulent money the name is the Blob which is also known as the Federal Reserve System [Fed].

ZIONISTS are the faction which currently are destroying whatever idea the earth humans can think to be other than ghetto hell.

CREDIT got to be money in the United States of America as the monopoly of a chosen tool, credit, to provide to the so called ‘American’ expediency in-for the exchanging and trading of commodities, goods and whatever other stuff Americans wanted to have in life.

SOVEREIGNTY is defined as liberty.  Liberty is redefined as civilizations change in time.

Money sold as a ‘consumer commodity’, ‘credit contract’ ‘undisclosed perpetuity debt to never be actually repaid’ in reality - isn’t fair.  Not to be a fair reporting act possibility ever.

MONEY IS CONTRACT.  WHEN DID THE RECIPIENTS OF THE Fed's "DIGITAL DUST" agree to the compounding of the American's 'intellectual property/ies - IE credit score, social security number, signature, ET CETERA' for the Fed's unjust enrichment?

When money is a lawful tool agreed upon by all the traders and exchange merchants of money, as to be a transparent contract commodity, then the action and acts are fraud when non-transparent as the Fed conducts the business of selling Americans ‘money’.

It is CRIMINAL FRAUD to practice deceptive business and contract law in the U.S.A. is about the US Constitution, Civil Rights' and Consumer Protection Rights'.  To deceive contract law especially in the commodity which has been made into a monopoly to be the only tool that can 'purchase life', is CRIMINAL FRAUD.


        Head of Global Corporate Responsibility,
        Cardinal Place, 80 Victoria Street, 

        London, SW1E 5JL;
        Vice President, Public Education, North America Experian,
        701 Experian Parkway, Allen, Texas 75013; and,

         EQUIFAX INC.,
[1]    JOHN J. KELLEY III, Esq.
        Corporate Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, and
[2]    DEAN C. ARVIDSON, Esq.
        Senior Vice President, Deputy General Counsel and
        Corporate Secretary, 1550 Peachtree Street, N.W.
        Atlanta, Georgia 30309, (404) 885-8000; and,

         Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer; and,
        Chief Accounting Officer (Principal Accounting Officer),
        555 West Adams, Chicago, Illinois 60661, 312-985-2000;

         NOTICE:  PLEASE PRODUCE CREDIT REPORT CONTRACT in full transparency with the/a ‘lender/s’ whom allege to loan [me] credit and then have acted on the alleged claim that the ‘lender of credit’ has been harmed and suffered losses due to my alleged delinquencies and alleged derogatory/ies. continue>>


See:  oregonlive.com

Equifax must pay $18.6 million after failing to fix Oregon woman's credit report, Laura Gunderson, The Oregonian July 26, 2013

A jury Friday awarded an Oregon woman $18.6 million after she spent two years unsuccessfully trying to get Equifax Information Services to fix major mistakes on her credit report.

The judgement, likely to be appealed, appears to be one of the largest awarded to a consumer in a case against one of the nation's major credit bureaus.

Julie Miller of Marion County, who was awarded $18.4 million in punitive and $180,000 in compensatory damages, contacted Equifax eight times between 2009 and 2011 in an effort to correct inaccuracies, including erroneous accounts and collection attempts, as well as a wrong Social Security number and birthday. Yet over and over, the lawsuit alleged, the Atlanta-based company failed to correct its mistakes.

"There was damage to her reputation, a breach of her privacy and the lost opportunity to seek credit," said Justin Baxter, the Portland attorney who teamed on the case with his father and law partner, Michael Baxter. "She has a brother who is disabled and who can't get credit on his own and she wasn't able to help him."

Tim Klein, an Equifax spokesman, said Friday that he didn't have any details about the decision from the Oregon Federal District Court. He declined to comment about the specifics of the case.

A Federal Trade Commission study earlier this year of 1,001 consumers who reviewed 2,968 of their credit reports found 21 percent contained errors. The survey, which is required as part of a 2003 law, found that 5 percent of the errors represented issues that would lead consumers to be denied credit.

A 2012 investigation by the Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch newspaper reviewed nearly 30, 000 consumer complaints filed with the Federal Trade Commission and attorneys general in 24 states about unresolved errors made by the largest consumer credit agencies -- Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. The newspaper found that with complaints about errors, consumers reported it had taken many months to fix even the most basic mistakes.

Miller first discovered a problem when she was denied credit by a bank in early December 2009. She alerted Equifax and filled out multiple forms faxed by the credit agency seeking updated information.

In addition to requesting the changes, Miller had asked several times for copies of her credit report, the lawsuit alleged. Credit bureaus are required by law to provide reports to consumers for free annually and after that, for a small fee. On numerous occasions, Equifax failed to respond to Miller's requests.

Miller had found similar problems in her reports with other credit bureaus. However, Baxter said, those companies had corrected their mistakes.

The issue wasn't a result of identify theft, Baxter said. Instead, the information from another "Julie Miller" had simply been placed in the plaintiff's record by mistake. In at least one case, the lawsuit alleged, the plaintiff's private financial information was sent to companies inquiring about the other Julie Miller.

Since 2008, Oregon consumers have filed hundreds of complaints about credit bureaus with the state's Attorney General. Those complaints include 108 against Equifax, 113 against Experian and 70 against TransUnion.

Have a problem?  Consumers are eligible to receive a free copy of their credit report each year from each of the top three agencies.

Several agencies accept complaints about credit reports, including the attorneys general in Oregon (877-877-9392) and Washington (800-551-4636).

Or the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at 855-411-2372.
-- Laura Gunderson  © 2013 OregonLive.com. All rights reserved.

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