Saturday, September 14, 2013


John McCain to write for Pravda in response to Putin's Times op-ed >> HOWLIN COYOTE AT THE MOON O O O O OOOOOO >> Now this should be interesting alright.  We have the McCain MKULTRA which Putin must understand coming from Russia during the time when his father was a died in the wool Communist.  Can't say I agree at all with communism, can't say I agree with any totalitarian ideology in the minds of humans.

I don't choose to be a sacrificial lamb.  The ideologies of exceptional, or special, whatever label can be branded on the human to make an individual STINK into a slinking gross behaving narcissist or, any whom that chooses psychotic brand-labels to act Holly Wood coo coo, and all manufactured for the consumption of the consuming global population of human beings or homo-sapiens.
Stream of consciousness writing.  Like the energy of words is going to make the world into the reality we - those WHO aren't insane, criminally mass murdering maniacs - WE CAN SEE the/a true reflection of subtle-all-powerful-power to alchemy raw-war.
People pray and pretend to be atheists too.  Believing in atheism is a system of belief and supposedly atheists' don't believe - not in any belief or system of 'faith'.

WHAT exactly is a prey driven organism - driven inner system never stops 'til the prey preyed 
upon is controlled, fully over-powered.
Communism would be such a system prey driven.  Not allowing 'faith corporations', EG.
Faith corporations were labeled this via Lloyd Blankfein whom told Sister Nora Nash to get out of Goldman Sachs Corporate Board Meeting because the Sisters of St. Francis had already had a turn and so no more meet-ups with the faith corporations.  Of course Sister Nora Nash wanted to discuss Lloyd's statement about doing God's Work', and conscientious investing.  It's a rather a long and complicated story, but a great cosmic reality enema wake-up regarding how religion and faith are indeed corporate structures, both hand-in-glove in the shake-downs of donations for souls' saved?
Digital electronics are so called 'money' and these so called bankers sell us this stuff AS compounded debt.  Gets worse.  The debt, before compounded is of course traded and exchanged in some sophisticated mumbo-jumbo jargon, derivatives is what the word is that obfuscated the brain cell synapse common sense.
GAWD ALMIGHTY the true story is so evil, that the brain of a human thinking about what it is, criminal insanity, can't get this unless the line is crossed.
Lloyd and his ilk crossed the line.  Crossed many lines.  Cross the lines in a never ending transnational multi-crossing and worse, made up lines to cross and do so whenever the MKULTRA handlers decide.
This is a crossroads we're approaching and have, already, in reality.  But, for this period of time in the reporting of 'news' this is definitely the age of raw power via alchemy, definitely changing lead into gold -er, accepting digital dust isn't god.

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