US: The indispensable (bombing) nation
By Pepe Escobar
Yes We Scan. Yes We Drone. And Yes We Bomb. The White House's propaganda
blitzkrieg to sell the Tomahawking of Syria to the US Congress is
already reaching pre-bombing maximum spin - gleefully reproduced by US
corporate media.
And yes, all parallels to Iraq 2.0 duly came to fruition when US
Secretary of State John Kerry pontificated that Bashar al-Assad "now
joins the list of Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein" as an evil monster.
Why is Cambodia's Pol Pot never mentioned? Oh yes, because the US
supported him.
Every single tumbleweed in the Nevada desert knows who's itching for war
on Syria; vast sectors of the industrial-military complex; Israel; the
House of Saud; the "socialist" Francois
Hollande in France, who has wet dreams with Sykes-Picot. Virtually nobody is lobbying Congress NOT to go to war.
And all the frantic war lobbying may even be superfluous; Nobel Peace
Prize winner and prospective bomber Barack Obama has already implied -
via hardcore hedging of the "I have decided that the United States
should take military action" kind - that he's bent on attacking Syria
no matter what Congress says.
Obama's self-inflicted "red line" is a mutant virus; from "a shot across
the bow" it morphed into a "slap on the wrist" and now seems to be "I'm
the Bomb Decider". Speculation about his real motives is idle. His Hail
Mary pass of resorting to an extremely unpopular Congress packed with
certified morons may be a cry for help (save me from my stupid "red
line"); or - considering the humanitarian imperialists of the Susan
Rice kind who surround him - he's hell bent on entering another war for
the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and the House of
Saud lobby under the cover of "moral high ground". Part of the spin is
that "Israel must be protected". But the fact is Israel is already
over-protected by an AIPAC remote-controlled United States Congress. [1]
What about the evidence?
The former "cheese-eating surrender monkeys" are doing their part,
enthusiastically supporting the White House "evidence" with a dodgy
report of their own, largely based on YouTube intel. [2]
Even Fox News admitted that the US electronic intel essentially came
from the 8200 unit of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) - their version
of the NSA. [3] Here, former UK ambassador Craig Murray convincingly debunks the Israeli intercepted intel scam.
The most startling counterpunch to the White House spin remains the Mint
Press News report by AP correspondent Dale Gavlak on the spot, in
Ghouta, Damascus, with anti-Assad residents stressing that "certain
rebels received chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief,
Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the gas
I had a jolt when I first read it - as I have been stressing the role
of Bandar Bush as the dark arts mastermind behind the new Syria war
strategy (See Bandar Bush, 'liberator' of Syria, Asia Times Online, August 13, 2013).
Then there's the fact that Syrian Army commandos, on August 24, raiding
"rebel" tunnels in the Damascus suburb of Jobar, seized a warehouse
crammed with chemicals required for mixing "kitchen sarin". The commando
was hit by some form of nerve agent and sent samples for analysis in
Russia. This evidence certainly is part of President Vladimir Putin's
assessment of the White House claims as totally unconvincing.
On August 27, Saleh Muslim, head of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party
(PYD), told Reuters the attack was "aimed at framing Assad''. And in
case the UN inspectors found the "rebels" did it, "everybody would
forget it". The clincher; "Are they are going to punish the Emir of
Qatar or the King of Saudi Arabia, or Mr Erdogan of Turkey?"
So, in a nutshell, no matter how it happened, the locals in Ghouta said Jabhat al-Nusra did it;
and Syrian Kurds believe this was a false flag to frame Damascus.
By now, any decent lawyer would be asking cui bono? What would be
Assad's motive - to cross the "red line" and launch a chemical weapons
attack on the day UN inspectors arrive in Damascus, just 15 kilometers
away from their hotel?
This is the same US government who sold the world the narrative of a
bunch of unskilled Arabs armed with box cutters hijacking passenger jets
and turning them into missiles smack in the middle of the most
protected airspace on the planet, on behalf of an evil transnational
So now this same evil organization is incapable of launching a
rudimentary chemical weapons attack with DIY rockets - a scenario I
first outlined even before Gavlak's report. [4] Here
is a good round-up of the "rebels" dabbling with chemical weapons.
Additionally, in late May, Turkish security forces had already found
sarin gas held by hardcore Jabhat al-Nusra jihadis.
So why not ask Bandar Bush?
We need to keep coming back over and over again to that fateful meeting
in Moscow barely four weeks ago between Putin and Bandar Bush. [5]
Bandar was brazen enough to tell Putin he would "protect" the 2014
Winter Olympics in Sochi. He was brazen enough to say he controls all
Chechens jihadis from the Caucasus to Syria. All they needed was a Saudi
green light to go crazy in Russia's underbelly.
He even telegraphed his next move; "There is no escape from the military
option, because it is the only currently available choice given that
the political settlement ended in stalemate. We believe that the Geneva
II Conference will be very difficult in light of this raging situation."
That's a monster understatement - because the Saudis never wanted
Geneva II in the first place. Under the House of Saud's ultra-sectarian
agenda of fomenting the Sunni-Shi'ite divide everywhere, the only thing
that matters is to break the alliance between Iran, Syria and Hezbollah
by all means necessary.
The House of Saud's spin du jour is that the world must "prevent
aggression against the Syrian people". But if "the Syrian people" agrees
to be bombed by the US, the House of Saud also agrees. [6]
Compared to this absurdity, Muqtada al-Sadr's reaction in Iraq stands as
the voice of reason. Muqtada supports the "rebels" in Syria - unlike
most Shi'ites in Iraq; in fact he supports the non-armed opposition,
stressing the best solution is free and fair elections. He rejects
sectarianism - as fomented by the House of Saud. And as he knows what
an American military occupation is all about, he also totally rejects
any US bombing.
The Bandar Bush-AIPAC strategic alliance will take no prisoners to get
its war. In Israel, Obama is predictably being scorned for his "betrayal
and cowardice" in the face of "evil". The Israeli PR avalanche on
congress centers on the threat of a unilateral strike on Iran if the US
government does not attack Syria. As a matter of fact congress would
gleefully vote for both. Their collective IQ may be sub-moronic, but
some may be led to conclude that the only way to "punish" the Assad
government is to have the US doing the heavy work as the Air Force for
the myriad "rebels" and of course jihadis - in the way the Northern
Alliance in Afghanistan, the Kurdish peshmerga in Iraq and the
anti-Gaddafi mercenaries in Libya duly profited.
So here, in a nutshell, we have the indispensable nation that drenched
North Vietnam with napalm and agent orange, showered Fallujah with white
phosphorus and large swathes of Iraq with depleted uranium getting
ready to unleash a "limited", "kinetic" whatever against a country that
has not attacked it, or any US allies, and everything based on extremely
dodgy evidence and taking the "moral high-ground".
Anyone who believes the White House spin that this will be just about a
few Tomahawks landing on some deserted military barracks should rent a
condo in Alice in Wonderland. The draft already circulating in Capitol
Hill is positively scary. [7]
And even if this turns out to be a "limited", "kinetic" whatever, it
will only perpetuate the chaos. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov
has referred to it as "controlled chaos". Not really; the Empire of
Chaos is now totally out of control.
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