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Lorraine Day, M.D. >> The Coming “New World Order” Is There STILL Someone Who Doesn’t Believe it?
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“Like the legendary Vampire Dracula lays claim to his victims, the Globalist slowly drains the essence of life and liberty from our Land. While it may be surprising to some, we will begin this overview of the U.S. treason and debauchery with George Herbert Walker Bush, a long time and high-level proponent of world conquest.
“GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH, former president of the U.S., Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Director, Trilateralist, CIA Director. Bush, one moonlit night in 1948 at Yale University, crawled naked into a coffin. With 15 brother ‘Bonesmen’ (as they call one another) encircling him, he told personal tales of debauchery, took an occult oath, was raised from the coffin (what THEY call being ‘born-again’) as a MAN-GOD, jumped into a pile of mud, thus joining the occult, elitist Skull & Bones Society. He, indeed, is still a ‘Boner’ today.” Retired Police Officer Jack McLamb, Operation Vampire Killer 2000, p 9.
As Republican President, Bush spoke before Congress in 1990, delivering a speech which he entitled ‘Toward a New World Order”. The date in 1990 on which he delivered this speech, which was the first time a U.S. president had spoken publicly of the coming New World Order, was NO coincidence. It was September 11 - the infamous 9/11 - a date and event that would, eleven years later in 2001, be used by the New World Order – the Zionist Jewish elitists/Illuminati - to steal by fraud, Americans’ God-given and Constitutional rights.
“Addressing the subject of his Gulf War, he made his first public utterance of his, and his rich cronies’ plans for a world imperialism in stating that the war against Iraq was ‘…a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times…a New World Order can emerge.’” ibid.
In the same year, 1990, Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (D) from Delaware, addressed the U.S. Senate. His speech was entitled “On the Threshold of the New World Order.”
Because of his total commitment to his handlers in the New World Order, Biden was made Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations committee, a position that is only available to those who are willing to “sell their soul to the company store.”
This New World Order plan does not pit the Republicans against the Democrats. Not at all. The Republicans versus the Democrats is a sham performance to deceive the public into believing that THEY – the people - have a voice in their government. The truth is that both parties are owned by the same Globalist/elitist/Jewish/Illuminati crowd, and those Senators and Congressmen chosen to be part of the “in-group” – the ones who are willing to sell their country down the river for financial greed - are totally beholden to their masters. Their party affiliation makes NO difference, whatsoever. This Satanic Plan is truly Bi-Partisan!
Well over forty years ago, on January 10, 1963, the “Current Communist Goals” were read into the Congressional Record by then-Congressman A. S. Herlong, Jr. of Florida, to warn the public that the Communists were planning to take over our government silently and surreptitiously. They were working from behind the scenes in the shadows, taking over by stealth and infiltration to control the visible leaders of the U.S. government. This cabal is a deceptive, illegal, unelected INVISIBLE “government” that completely controls the VISIBLE elected government!
These “Current Communist Goals” - forty-five goals in all - were excerpted from a book entitled “The Naked Communist” written by Cleon Skousen, a former FBI agent who had infiltrated the Communist ranks and learned of their diabolic plans. Number 11 of these forty-five Goals is the following:
“11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a One World Government with its own independent armed forces.”That was almost FIFTY YEARS ago.
We can also go back Four Hundred Years, when John Dee, the original “007” on whom the James Bond movies are based, and who was the head of security for Queen Elizabeth I, convinced the Queen that the Jews (of which John Dee was one) and the British monarchy could together take over the world. Thus was born the Imperialism of Great Britain and the intermarriage of the Jews with the monarchies of Europe.
Freemasonry, the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O. = Order of Oriental Templars) the Illuminati, and virtually ALL other Secret Societies, of which there are many, are offspring of this Plan to rule the World that really began with Nimrod’s building of the Tower of Babel after the flood. Because Nimrod did not trust God’s “Rainbow” Promise that the world would never again be destroyed by water, he rallied his followers into building a tower that would ”reach to the heavens” so they could protect themselves – rather than depending on God for protection - if another world-wide flood occurred.
In reality, the rebellious Plan for a One World Government goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden when Satan, the serpent, tempted Eve saying, ”If you eat of this (forbidden) tree. . . your eyes shall be opened and YOU shall be as God, , ,” Genesis 3:1-5
The Plan has not changed since Satan successfully tempted Adam and Eve 6,000 years ago. It is man’s desire to run his OWN life – apart from God. It is man’s desire to BE his OWN god!
The CFR/Trilateral/New World Order Connection
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderbergers are just three working groups of the New World Order, each of which has a special job to accomplish – including control of the world’s trade by these elitists, control of the production of goods of the world, control of every country’s natural resources, control of the world’s population – namely by killing 5 1/2 BILLION people within a few decades. Their goal is to reduce the population of the world from its present 6 billion down to 500 million – to “preserve the planet” - - - - for THEIR TOTAL OWNERSHIP!
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